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Creating headings for your Sims show worksheets

Documenting your work

By Aisha Charmalique BowensPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Creating headings for your Sims show worksheets
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Now, that you got your workbook set up, let's fill it up with worksheets. The worksheets like blueprints filled with details that give you Sims shows life. The questionnaires and of assignments on paper will generate information about the plots, scenarios, backgrounds, scenes and characters. Every worksheet has headings. It is important to document them so you can separate different worksheets from each other regarding the subjects, dates, days, genre, time and show's title. Some worksheets can be about 2 or 3 years years older than the current ones you're working on. That's okay. The more research and vast information you put in, more unique and intriguing each of your sims shows will stand out on their own. As I said before, detail and originality are key.

This is how you write the heading

Date: Genre:

Day: Time:



On the upper left side of the paper, write down Date, move half way to the right and write Genre, move one line down on the left, underneath Date, write Day, then move half way to the right, under Genre, write Time. Skip a line down, write Title and skip another line down and write Subject. That's how you begin your new worksheet. After setting up your headings, you will name the title of the shows you will work on (if you don't have the title, leave it blank for now), write the subject you will work on. There are many different subjects to choose from: character bio and info, scenarios, situations, plot development, local descriptions, various different scenes, outlines, narratives and scripts for example. We will be going over each of them very soon. For now, I want you to familiarize yourself with the heading as we proceed.

For those who use computers, you can create Word documents to set up the headings inside each of the five subject folders of the Sims Shows folder to use as templates. When you do come up with a title for you Sims show, you can add the title in front of the subject by renaming the folder. For example, if you are working on the subject of characters and your title is Quiet Storm, you would rename the title of the folder like this:

From Characters Folder to Quiet Storm – Characters Folder

Or you can do this method by creating a new folder, naming it with your show title. Open it up to create another folder, naming the show's genre (such as movie, mini series, sitcom, soap operas, commercial, music video, etc.), open that folder and you are going to copy the five subject folders from the Sims shows folder and paste them inside the show genre folder (saves you time and energy). Along with those folders, you will create documents like outlines, narrative and scripts for your show.

If you prefer to use Google Docs online, you can do so by going to the Google website, click on the apps on the upper right corner of the site, click on Docs, and the click on Blank page to start a new document and follow the same procedures I have shown you and when done, save your work by clicking on Save As and name your document.

In the next few articles, we will go over different special documents on creating character bio, story to set up outlines to name a few that will help put the the story together. And then we'll discuss about questionnaires that will enhance the story more efficiently. In other words, what I had taught you so far on gathering supplies, setting up your workbook and worksheets are like serving cocktails, filling out questionnaires and assignments and writing your show are like serving appetizers, and doing scenes on the Sims game, recording voice overs, creating characters in Sims body shop, and video editing will be the main course of the process. So, let's get ready. We're about to go in deep.

how to

About the Creator

Aisha Charmalique Bowens

This native New Yorker, born and raised in Harlem has a passion for arts and crafts, music travel, and writing fiction. I also have interests in holistic health and wellness, metaphysical studies, and the study of the law of attraction.

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