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Why It is More Important to Quiet Quit Now Than Ever

With technology and globalization, the tools for full-time employees to become entrepreneurs are now more available than ever.

By Exotique MenPublished about a month ago 2 min read
Why It is More Important to Quiet Quit Now Than Ever
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Currently in corporate America, there are more Baby Boomers in upper management than ever before. They fall under the belief that by working long and hard that one can become successful in today’s corporate environment. However, I would like to pitch why it is more important than ever to quiet quit your day job and to start building a side business.

The idea of working at the same company for a long period of time is only ideal for a handful of people who may have found their dream career path. But for many others, their career path may have hit a dead end, be riddled with bureaucracy or progressing too slowly.

My name is Andrew and I have been an engineer for 8 years and I have been working on Wall Street for the last 9 years. My fear of failure had always prevented me from taking risks but during Covid I took the leap and began quiet quitting my day job as a Vice President for a major bank while building my own male revue – Exotique Men.

The reason why it is so important to quiet quit now and to start your own business is because:

1) Companies have a duty to care about their bottom line and with increased globalization and advancing technologies, it is becoming cheaper to replace American labor with foreign labor.

2) At the same time, technology has allowed Americans to start and build a small business easier than ever.

3) You do not have control of your future when working for someone else.

4) It is important to take control of your own future and the best way by doing so is by owning income producing physical assets (real estate, laundromats, car washes) and income producing virtual assets (small business website, social media platform, etc).

My plan is to talk about the steps I took to minimize my risk, how I was able to make the most of my time, and the lessons I learned along the way.

I know the topic sounds ridiculous, going from Wall Street to male stripping, but I am hoping that by showing others how crazy my journey is that it will inspire others to take control of their own lives. Many people are afraid that their own dreams are too crazy so they stay in their comfort zone but hopefully they can see that their dreams are actually closer to reality than they know.

The steps to starting your own side business starts with an idea. First, it's important to identify a field or industry in which you want to make money from. It could be entertainment, food, technology - basically anything that is legal and ethical.

Secondly, the only two levers you can control in business are the revenue and the expenses. Once you figure out how to make $1 in the field of your choice, the rest of it just comes down to increasing revenue and decreasing expenses and doing it repetitively. It is easy now to learn how to build websites simply by watching YouTube videos and to go out and test different business ideas.

At the end of the day, the only thing that contrains us is time. It is up to each and everyone of us to maximize our time to live a full and meaningful life.


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