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Tsavorite: Interesting Facts about One of the Rarest Gemstones

Rarest Gemstones

By Gemos GemsPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Tsavorite is one of the World's rarest and most sought after gemstones. Its mystical forest green color is what makes it popular within just a few years of its discovery. In addition to its amazing beauty, Tsavorite is linked to the majestic and unique green regions of East Africa through its history and symbolism. Tsavorite is technically a rare form of garnet named Green Grossularia. The reason behind its rich color is the presence of vanadium and sometimes chromium in its chemical composition, which makes it similar to the Emerald. The higher the concentration of Vanadium the darker and stronger its green color, and therefore the rarer, natural and desirable is the stone. It has a fantastic luster thanks to its high refractoriness.

Among the various Tsavorite garnet features, its exceptional hardness stands out; while lacking behind in comparison to diamonds or sapphires. This beautiful stone is hard enough to place well in a variety of settings, resulting in highly attractive and long-lasting jewelry. Tsavorite is classified as a category II gemstone by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). It can have inclusions, however they are rare compared to other gemstones. Tsavorite of high-quality is usually clean to the sight, and its flaws are not visible without magnification. This feature makes its extraction more appealing.

Some Interesting Facts about Tsavorite Garnet:

● Rarity:

Tsavorite is 200 times rarer than emerald, In addition, it has greater transparency and brilliance than emerald in terms of how much light is reflected from its interior. Tsavorite is so rare that stones larger than 5 carats are nearly unheard of, and gemologists predict it will go extinct in the near future. Due to its high refractive index, Tsavorites are substantially harder than an emerald, but it is also significantly less expensive. Also, nearly 99.9% of emeralds on the market today have been treated in some form - while the Tsavorite Garnets are not! When it comes to the Tsavorite, what you see is exactly what you get. Ovals and round are the most popular cuts for Tsavorite, but "teardrop" or pear-shaped cuts, squares, and even hearts are also available.

● Story Behind Name:

Tsavorite carries an interesting story behind its name. Discovered for the first time in 1967 by Campbell R Bridges, Tsavorite wasn't given an official name until 1974. Modern mineralogical nomenclature demanded the naming of gemstones to be ended in "ite." Henry Platt, the former president of Tiffany & Co, who accompanied the diamonds' rise to prominence, suggested the name Tsavorite to honor the Tsavo National Game Park and the Tsavo River that runs through this area. Tzavolith is sometimes pronounced instead of Tsavorite; however they both refer to the same stone. The word "lith" is derived from the Greek word "stone."

● Birthstone for January-Born:

Garnet suits those who were born in the month of January. The word ‘Garnet’ derived from the fourteenth century "Gernet", which means a dark red tone. Moreover, it is derived from a Latin word ‘granatum’, which means seed of a pomegranate. Garnet is normally a dark red stone that goes perfect with any kind of setting. It is really a group of minerals rather than most other stones. Garnet can be found in transformative, volcanic, or sedimentary rocks and can be of different grades. Low grade Garnets are regularly utilized in rough water jets that work to eliminate coatings or rust. On the other hand, Tsavorite is one of the rarest garnets and probably the world's oldest gemstone too, having formed 60 million years ago... What a lovely gem to have as a birthstone!

● Spiritual Importance:

Tsavorite is considered as a gemstone of kindness, strength, wealth, energy, and self-assurance. It is considered to guide wearers to their destiny by assisting them in discovering their inner beauty. As a result, it acts as a stress reliever, improving perceptual clarity, loving knowledge, and understanding for your mate. Above all, they are very stunning!

Talking about its spiritual importance, Tsavorite is believed to help wearers with emotional trauma or sickness recovery, as well as helps in regeneration of cells and growth in the body. The stone is said to bring wealth and alleviate financial worries to those who wear it. Meditation with Tsavorite is said to improve psychic awareness and intuition by facilitating communication with higher spiritual realms.

● Natural & Modern Gemstone:

In comparison to other precious stones, Tsavorite is relatively a new gemstone. These beautiful stones do not have the same old history as other precious stones like diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, which have been known to mankind for hundreds of years. However, this doesn’t affect its charm and value.

On the other hand, Tsavorite has never been synthesized in a laboratory unlike other precious stones. As far as we know, all of the stones you see are mined naturally, with the only enhancement being the cut quality. This increases the value of tsavorite because you know you're getting the genuine deal. Tsavorite is also not known to exist in a synthetic (also known as lab-created or man-made) form.

● Durable Gemstone:

The gorgeous tsavorite can be considered relatively durable and safe for everyday wear, with a Mohs scale rating of 7 to 7.5. However, keep in mind that most stones include surface defects or inclusions, which can be gaseous, liquid, or solid in nature. Meanwhile, other stronger/tougher gems, such as diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, can scratch more delicate gems, such as tsavorite. Store the pieces separately and safely in a fabric-lined jewelry box or a soft pouch to avoid this.

● Emerge as Great Investment Potential:

Today, Tsavorite has emerged as a great investment option with good returns in the future. According to experts, this extraordinary gemstone is anticipated to be extinct in the near future. Meanwhile, its value has been on a steady upward trajectory for decades now, with significant price increases in the last decade in particular, which not only makes it a good choice for your collection but also a perfect investment.


About the Creator

Gemos Gems is one of the leading providers of loose gemstones and colored gemstone jewelry. We aim to provide high quality, handmade gemstone jewelry.

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