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Tis the Season - But what's the Reason?

Anything that brings you pleasin'

By Pam ReederPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Tis the Season - But what's the Reason?
Photo by Guneet Jassal on Unsplash

It's that time of year again. We're in the final month of Merry Hallowthanksmas. The "mas" part of that is intended to be for Christmas, of which there is both the secular and religious versions. I'm secular all the way. But if you thought that big ticket item was the only thing December was about, you need to think again. Let me share the bounty of December with you.

December is quite the month to remember.

December is chock full of everything about anything and nothing. There is no end to how to do this wintry year end month.

Let's take a look at the offerings of December. This year, it started on a Wednesday, has 4 Saturdays, and the traditional big holidays. But there is more to December, much, much more.

For a detailed compilation of all the days and ways you can celebrate pretty much any thing imaginable in December, check out this article.

Here are a few celebrations from that list that I found amusing:

Dec. 3 - National Green Bean Casserole Day - Green Bean Casseroles unite I guess. But I can't have it because of the bacon. Hmmm would it be the same without bacon... nah, I'll just pass.

Dec. 5 - Bathtub Party Day - now I do wonder about this one? Is it a party of one? Or .... well, maybe I just don't want to go there.

Dec. 6 - Put on Your Own Shoes Day - I guess this is something we do after we put our big pants on? I wonder if there is a day we do that? Put our big pants on, I mean...

Dec. 8 - Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day - Oh what fun this could be. I mean as a writer, I could create myself as my own character. Oh, wait, I actually have done that. I was Lady Dalyndra, Celtic Queen of Dal Riada while serving as a Living History Performer for a King Arthur Faire. I had to travel back in time to the time period that Arthur pulled the Sword from the stone escalating him to be King. I really enjoyed those days. Perhaps I could use Dec. 8th as a reason to dress up like Lady Dalyndra again and roam around town pretending I traveled to the future from Medieval times. We do have a Renaissance Faire here so I could probably pull it off..

Author photo: Living History Performer as Lady Dalyndra, Celtic Queen of Dal Riada

Dec. 12 - National Ding-A-Ling Day - Now here is something. I'm not really sure what that something is, but it has a whole day in December dedicated to celebrating that something. Does anyone besides me remember that song "My Ding-a-Ling".... just me? Well, let me share it with you then.

And if you like My Ding-A-Ling, you might like My Toot Toot, also.

And because this is so hilarious and blends with the December theme, I give you this song, Stretchy Pants. As a side note, I didn't know any other kind of pants existed besides stretchy pants... just saying. They are oh so very convenient aren't they? What? Too convenient? Well, yes that too, but your point is? I said b-u-t, not b-u-t-t. Stop, just stop. Wait- I'm talking to myself now, and answering myself, using a keyboard. Aggggh.

I better stop now before I get to far down the rabbit hole on silly songs.


Circling back to the point on this article, I think you're getting the gist of this December celebration thing. There is honest to goodness something for everyone. But what if Writer's added to it?.... Now there's a novel idea -- did you see what I did there?

Writer's December Calendar

All these December celebrations got me to thinking, what would a writer's December calendar look like? Well, let's see - in no particular order, we could have things like:

  • National Write Dirt on Your Coworkers Day - you know you've heard plenty to knock out a short story or two. You might as well write it down and get paid for the reads, right?
  • Sort Your Novel Notes Day - Organization can help you get far. Or it can just keep you busy for a bit. Afterall, NaNoWriMo just ended and if you're like a lot of us, you didn't quite wrap things up so this could truly be relevant. Ok, well, maybe it was just me then that didn't finish NaNoWriMo but there has to be somebody out there that would celebrate this day with me.
  • Eavesdrop in the Coffee Shop Day - so you have fodder for your next story. I mean really, if people are going to dish dirt in public, it deserves to be overhead and repurposed in that next big story of yours, wouldn't you agree?
  • The Pen is Mightier than the Sword Day - strike down opponents with the sharpness of the written word so they get set on the straight and narrow. There is so much that could be done with this one, it would probably need to be dedicated to the whole month.
  • Merry Murder Plot Day - Oh what fun it is to plan knocking off your victims in those who-dun-it stories. Just remember to wipe your internet search history and change all the names to protect your innocence. Maybe add a disclaimer to your work such as "Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental" might be appropriate in case your fantasies against an ex spontaneously come true.
  • Everything in Life is a Story Day - if you hear it or see it, it's fair game for a writer. Take a little of that and mix it with a little of this and you have the perfect story.


Well, those are just a few ideas that I would sprinkle into the fray of the December Celebration Melee to cover the writing world. I would surely love to hear what your favorite celebration was from the big list as well as what writing themed celebrations you would add to the December offerings. Post your thoughts or stories on any appropriate Vocal related social media groups using #DecembertoRemember so we can all catch up.

Cheers to however you choose to spend your December.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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About the Creator

Pam Reeder

Stifled wordsmith re-embracing my creativity. I like to write stories that tap into raw human emotions.

Author of "Bristow Spirits on Route 66", magazine articles, four books under a pen name, technical writing, stories for my grandkids.

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