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Timeless Elegance

What I Yearn For

By SJ CoveyPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Timeless Elegance
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Who else said the words, "I was born in the wrong era?" Before realising modern advancements in science, technology and medicine were not available to us in those romanticised times. Also, the likelihood of being part of the landed gentry in those times is slim. You will have been just as likely to be in the workhouse dressed in rags and begging for scraps of food. "Please sir can I have some more?" I'm picturing Oliver Twist.

In my mind, I'd be in a beautiful Georgian town house with a country estate we escaped to in the summer. Think Pride and Prejudice, being Mr Darcy's sister, with him buying me a piano on a whim.

By Dan Smedley on Unsplash

This question of nostalgia is an interesting one as I am mostly nostalgic about a time when I wasn't around. Which made me wonder if this is the same for everyone, so obviously I did extensive research into this. You can read this as I tweeted a question, didn't even do a poll!

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I got no responses as Twitter can be a fickle beast, however four people liked the tweet. I therefore did what every 21st century being does. Conversing extensively with Mister G, more commonly referred to as Google.

By Kai Wenzel on Unsplash

Sadly Mister G was as confused as me telling me the best times to live are as follows Renaissance -- extremely laid back until you found your head on the block of a guillotine. Next he recommends Ancient Greece / Rome -- gladiators and wars lots of them.

By Craig Zdanowicz on Unsplash

The next suggested the Middle Ages -- Inquisition, and as an opinionated woman that would certainly only end one way, also I can swim so also means they'd hang me after failing to drown me. I'll give this era a miss thank you very much.

By Kayla Maurais on Unsplash

Ancient Egypt followed the Middle Ages, I do have a fascination of all things Egyptian history, and find everything about their culture intriguing. I would not want to have lived in this time. There are far too many examples of crazy diseases for my liking. For example when an outbreak of Cholera was linked to wrapping food in paper which had been made from mummy bandages. I’m all for recycling but -- yuck.

By Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash

The roaring 20's -- Prohibition and murder. Next was the Age of Discovery, which sounds romantic however, we must not forget the huge death tolls suffered by native populations as a result of wars and transplanted European diseases.

By Bruno Martins on Unsplash

The finally offering from this foray into Google was the Byzantine Empire -- where the ancient hooligans, who were the diehard fans of chariot racing, had their Nina riots.

By Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

I was merely starting this quest on the hunt for glamour and style, and look at the journey this has taken me on. I have quickly established the practicalities of the fluffy dresses wouldn't work for me, and they were probably massively uncomfortable.

So what is style and glamour, what am I yearning for?

I have an old photograph of my grandparents, who are sadly no longer with us. This is my favourite picture of all time, I even had a tiny copy of the photo made and attached to my wedding bouquet in a tiny frame, so they were with me on my wedding day. I gave the frame and picture to my mum, which coincidentally the picture of me giving it to my mum is my favourite picture of us.

In the old photograph of my grandparents, they are walking down the street in North Wales where they lived. My Grandma dressed in a skirt suit and my Taidie; (this is Welsh for Grandfather. Technically the word is Taid, however we always called him Taidie, pronounced Tide-y.) He was wearing a trouser suit, with a trench coat wrapped casually over his arm.

The picture is black and white, automatically adding class and sophistication. They look amazing, so smart and well turned out, like Hollywood film stars of a bygone era.

As with any incredible photo, there is a back story, which my mum explained to me. They had a steaming row which was happening as the photo was taken. My Grandma, who I inherited a fiery temper from, and the outspokenness which would have seen me accused of witchcraft back in the day, was hopping mad.

They lived in a seaside town, therefore it was not uncommon for photographers to jump out on unsuspecting passers-by and snap them. This is what happened on this day, what I don't understand is why they bought the picture of them rowing. They wouldn't have seen how amazing the shot is until a long time after, when they collected it or it came through the post to them.

I'm glad they did, as it sits in pride of place on my dressing table, always has, and always will. I imagine they laughed when they got the picture through and remembered how silly the row was, but the image still turned out well. On the back of the photograph in my mum's handwriting are the words. Nan and Taidie 1946.

Would I have liked to be around in those times? Yes the fashion was stunning, so elegant. Everyone so poised and well put together. No baggy tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Yes they are comfortable, but I miss men putting a shirt and tie on, or a suit to go to the pub for a drink.

By Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

Jeans were for cowboys and working on the farm not for going to a fancy restaurant with your husband or wife on your anniversary. I may sound like a hypocrite, as I sit working from home in the clothes I did a Pilates session to when I got up. I am not by any means saying I dress in this way, I am saying I'd love this style and smartness to come back.

However, what I am most nostalgic about, and look back on with the most fondness. Is actually something which is from my own era, I remember this oh so well. No, not my awesome blue and yellow roller boots. The ones me and my friend wore to make up Torvill and Dean dances. Nor those horrific skates they replaced, the ones which fell apart as you hurtled down the scary hill that every town had as a kid.

By Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

I am most nostalgic about my Nokia 3310 and the snake game, oh the hours I spent trying to not collide with my snakes tail. If, you never had one you will never understand. Tweet it, perhaps do a poll and learn from my mistake. Or have a chat with Mister G.

By Isaac Smith on Unsplash


About the Creator

SJ Covey

FamiLIES, SJ's debut NA book was released 20th Sept 2023.

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    SJ CoveyWritten by SJ Covey

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