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The REAL Story of Atlantis and How It CHANGED The World

The Mystery of Atlantis

By Peter ChironPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

The Mystery of Atlantis

The story of Atlantis has been told for centuries, but is it real? Or is it just a myth?

The first mention of Atlantis comes from the writings of Plato, who lived in ancient Greece. Plato tells the story of a powerful island civilization that was destroyed by a natural disaster. He describes Atlantis as a technologically advanced society with a highly stratified social structure.

There is no archaeological evidence to support Plato's story, but that hasn't stopped people from searching for Atlantis. Over the years, many people have claimed to have found the lost city, but none of these claims have been substantiated.

Despite the lack of evidence, many people believe that Atlantis was real. They point to the fact that there are many legends of sunken cities around the world. They also argue that the geological record shows that there was a major flood event in the Mediterranean Sea around the time that Plato said Atlantis was destroyed.

So, is Atlantis real? Or is it just a myth? The truth is, we don't know. But the mystery of Atlantis continues to fascinate people all over the world.

The Evidence for Atlantis

There is no definitive proof that Atlantis existed, but there is some evidence that suggests it may have been real.

Plato's writings: Plato's account of Atlantis is the most famous source of information about the lost city. In his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, Plato describes Atlantis as a large island located in the Atlantic Ocean. He says that Atlantis was a highly advanced civilization with a sophisticated culture.

Geological evidence: There is some geological evidence that suggests that a major flood event occurred in the Mediterranean Sea around the time that Plato said Atlantis was destroyed. This evidence includes submerged ruins of ancient cities and evidence of a tsunami.

Cultural evidence: There are many legends of sunken cities around the world. These legends often describe cities that were destroyed by floods or earthquakes. Some people believe that these legends may be based on the real-life destruction of Atlantis.

The Search for Atlantis

The search for Atlantis has been going on for centuries. Many people have claimed to have found the lost city, but none of these claims have been substantiated.

Some of the most famous searches for Atlantis have been conducted by:

Ignatius Donnelly: In the 19th century, Ignatius Donnelly wrote a book called Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. In this book, Donnelly argued that Atlantis was the mother civilization of all other civilizations. He also claimed to have found evidence of Atlantis in the Bahamas.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau: In the 1960s, Jacques-Yves Cousteau led an expedition to the Azores Islands in search of Atlantis. Cousteau found some underwater ruins, but he was unable to prove that they were the remains of Atlantis.

Robert Sarmast: In the 1980s, Robert Sarmast claimed to have found the ruins of Atlantis in the Bimini Islands. Sarmast's claims were controversial, and there is no consensus on whether or not he actually found Atlantis.

The Future of Atlantis Research

The search for Atlantis is ongoing. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the lost city. This is due in part to the development of new technologies, such as sonar and underwater drones, which can be used to explore the ocean floor.

It is possible that Atlantis will never be found. However, the search for the lost city continues to fascinate people all over the world. Who knows, one day we may finally find the real Atlantis.


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