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The Harvest of Rattan: Nature's Versatile Gift from Borneo

Exploring the Arduous Journey and Value of Rattan

By Anu Preethi Danila DPublished 9 months ago 2 min read
Venture into the heart of Borneo's rainforests and discover the world of rattan, where challenges and rewards intertwine.

In the lush rainforests of Borneo, Sarimanto embarks on a demanding quest, harvesting rattan—a climbing palm vine with unparalleled versatility. This unassuming vine holds immense value, yet its collection comes with risks and toil. Journey with us to uncover why rattan is both challenging to harvest and highly prized.

The Essence of Rattan

Often confused with wicker, rattan is a climbing palm vine that thrives in the tropical climate of Indonesia. Unlike wicker, a style of weaving, rattan possesses unique properties, allowing it to be shaped and bent with ease, making it a favored material for artisans.

Harvesting in the Wilds of Borneo

Sarimanto's day begins early, amidst the pristine beauty of Borneo's rainforests. Armed with determination, he sets out by boat, prepared for the rigors that lie ahead. His journey takes him to a family-owned plot, a treasure trove of rattan.

The Art of Rattan Selection

Amidst the forest's bounty, Sarimanto must discern which rattan vines are ready for harvest. Patience is essential; harvesting too soon affects both quality and profit. The vine must turn green and shed its outer bark to be truly ripe.

Facing Nature's Thorns and Dangers

The process is grueling; wild rattan vines are armed with thorns akin to rose stems. Harvesters like Sarimanto must navigate these thorns with care, ensuring their safety and preserving the rattan's sellable condition. Yet, the challenges extend beyond thorns.

Wild Encounters

Amidst the rainforest's enchantment, the greatest threats to harvesters are wild animals. Vigilance is paramount as Sarimanto plies his trade, at one with the unforgiving wilderness.

Preparing Rattan for Market

Once Sarimanto completes his harvest, he returns home to prepare the rattan for sale. Soaking the rattan for at least three days softens its skin, making it easier to peel during processing—a vital step in ensuring quality.

The Journey Continues

The rattan's journey does not end here. Sarimanto sells his bounty to producers like Rusniati, who oversee further processing. While the purchase rate may seem favorable, it's just the beginning of the rattan's transformation.

Processing Challenges

Processing rattan involves numerous steps, from smoking it with sulfur to boiling thicker rattan in oil. This meticulous process takes time and requires a dedicated workforce. Challenges persist during transportation, especially in the rainy season, prolonging the journey.

An Industry of High Demand

Rattan, a multi-billion dollar industry, continues to flourish. The rattan furniture market alone is projected to grow by five percent by 2027. Despite fluctuations in popularity, rattan's timeless appeal persists.

Evolving Trade Laws and Harsh Realities

However, the evolving landscape of rattan trade laws presents challenges. A 2011 Indonesian law prohibited the export of raw or semi-processed rattan, aiming to protect domestic producers and limit overharvesting. This shift in trade laws impacted harvesters like Sarimanto, leading to diminished profits.

Harvesters' Plea

Harvesters, facing economic hardships, hope for changes in trade laws to ease their burdens and restore balance to the rattan industry. Their voices echo through the rainforests, a reminder of the delicate dance between nature and human endeavor.

In the rainforests of Borneo, rattan tells a tale of resilience and the enduring connection between people and the resources provided by the wild. As we glimpse into the life of harvesters like Sarimanto, we are reminded that every rattan pole carries with it not just value, but a story of courage and determination in the heart of the jungle.


About the Creator

Anu Preethi Danila D

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