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The Fascinating Reason Identical Twins Have Different Blood Types

Identical twins

By FarhatPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
The Fascinating Reason Identical Twins Have Different Blood Types
Photo by Marlon Alves on Unsplash


Identical twins can be the same in appearance, but there’s one big difference between them – their blood types are different. How does this happen? Are their blood types determined at birth or something else? This article explores the phenomenon of identical twins with different blood types and the science behind it.

Why Are Some People Lactose Intolerant?

Lactose intolerance is one of those things that often goes unexplained. Lactose, a form of sugar found in milk and other dairy products, becomes difficult to digest when your body doesn’t make enough lactase, an enzyme produced by cells lining your small intestine. Since lactose intolerance is fairly common—around 65 percent of all adults in some regions have some form of it—scientists suspect that something else might be at play. The most likely candidate? Your genes. Studies suggest there are several gene variants associated with lactose intolerance, so if you find yourself gassy after downing a pint of ice cream (or know someone who always leaves half their pizza for later), it could very well be genetic. But don’t assume you need to cut out dairy just yet; these variants aren’t necessarily absolute.

Why Are Menstrual Cycles So Unpredictable?

Hormones are responsible for regulating our menstrual cycles, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about how those hormones work and interact with each other. Studies have found that up to 80 percent of women experience some irregularity in their cycle, which can affect their chances of getting pregnant. So why does it happen? There are multiple factors involved—and one in particular has to do with our genes. A recent study shows that around 40 percent of differences in our menstrual cycle is attributed to genetic influences, leading researchers to discover what might be behind these DNA-based variations. The answer might surprise you! While most people think blood type dictates an individual’s genetic makeup (i.e., O negative is always O negative), there’s actually more than one gene that affects your blood type: There are two main types – ABO and RhD – and they vary slightly depending on your ethnic group.

Why Can't You See Distant Objects Better When You Squint?

Your eye relies on two lenses to give you a clear image. When you squint, your eye uses one of those lenses in a different way, allowing it to focus on distant objects better. But how do they separate images so that one eye doesn't see both? A new study gives us a closer look at how our eyes allow us to distinguish overlapping images so we can see clearly. It all has to do with a part of each eye called...the pupil. Now, imagine putting an orange on a turntable and spinning it around (like seen above). You’ll notice that from side-to-side there are still slices where light and dark parts remain even as they move into view and out again: Light travels faster than orange segments (or any object), which means that as we spin something around us, light and dark spots keep passing over until everything reaches our line of sight again.

Why Do Our Tears Taste Salty?

For one, our tears have a different pH level than seawater. Seawater has a pH of about 8, whereas our tears run around 7.4. So it’s not just salt—it’s also likely that there are some other chemical factors (like proteins) contributing to what we perceive as saltiness as well. Beyond that, researchers have found that when people cry more often or for longer periods of time over their lifetimes, they actually build up a tolerance to tear-induced saltiness and learn to enjoy salty foods even more. What? That might be because after an initial flood of tears at an intense moment in a movie or when someone cuts onions nearby, you begin producing fewer tears later on during those same situations.

What Causes People To Stutter Or Speak Slowly, And What Helps Them Overcome It?

As human beings, communication is one of our most important skills. However, sometimes we run into problems communicating with others due to various reasons. For some people, they might have a hard time getting their point across because they stutter, or because they speak too quickly. Others may find that it’s incredibly difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who has an accent or speaks English as a second language. All in all, it can be extremely frustrating for both parties. To learn more about why some people struggle to talk easily and what helps them overcome it, read on below!

How Did Being Fat In Childhood Lead To A Shorter Life In Later Years?

In a study published in Obesity, researchers looked at two large groups of Swedish children. They found that girls who were overweight during their early years tended to have shorter life spans later on compared to normal-weight girls. The same was true for boys who had been overweight or obese when they were young. However, being fat as an adult wasn’t connected with longevity. Researchers think these results can be explained by behavioral differences in adulthood. Obese people tend to make unhealthy choices—like eating more and exercising less—which leads to higher rates of cardiovascular disease and premature death down the road. To avoid shortened lifespans as adults, it’s important not to put on extra pounds during your childhood and adolescence.

Is There Any Truth To The Claim That Women Live Longer Than Men Because They Get Married Later In Life?

While it’s true that women outlive men, it’s unclear whether or not they do so because they get married later in life. Some studies have shown no significant increase in lifespan among those who get married later, while others have found that women who marry after 30 tend to live longer than those who wed earlier. The jury is still out on whether there’s any truth to these claims; while some might be convincing, there is a lack of solid evidence connecting the dots between marriage and longevity. In other words, delaying your nuptials might just delay your own death—and we all die eventually, regardless of marital status. There are plenty of healthier ways to add years to your life—living stress-free and staying fit are two good ways to go about it! If you want to preserve your health and well-being for as long as possible, consider putting down those wedding planning magazines (at least for now!) and instead focus on maintaining your health habits by eating right and staying active.

Why Do We Stutter, And Is There Anything We Can Do About It?

Stuttering is a speech disorder that’s usually acquired in childhood. It can occur suddenly, or appear gradually over a period of months or years. The severity of symptoms and their frequency can vary over time, too. Sometimes called stammering, it affects approximately three million Americans—and many more around the world—according to statistics from Stuttering Foundation and other advocacy groups. But science has yet to come up with answers for how, why, when and why some people recover from stuttering and others don’t. A new longitudinal study published online June 19 in PLOS ONE by researchers at University College London takes an intriguing step toward answering these questions by suggesting there may be something genetic going on in those who recover spontaneously after experiencing what we call stutter-free phases during childhood.


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