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Scientists have finally solved the Bermuda triangle mystery!

Bermuda Triangle Mystery

By Ashmal SanikaPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Scientists have finally solved the Bermuda triangle mystery!
Photo by Milos Prelevic on Unsplash

The Bermuda Triangle, a region spanning from the Bermuda Islands in Florida to Puerto Rico, has been the site of many mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft over the past hundred years. Scientists are still trying to find the cause of these events, which have also occurred in other parts of the world. The area of the Bermuda Triangle covers approximately 805,000 square kilometers, making it larger than two Japans. It is also home to the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean, the Milwaukee Deep, which would fit almost one and a half Mount Kilimanjaros.

Despite efforts to find lost ships and aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle, what researchers have found hasn't made much sense. For example, in 1944, the US Navy discovered an American ship called the Rubicon near Florida that had lost all contact a month prior when it left Cuba for Havana. Relatives of the passengers were worried about their loved ones, but the military found the ship safe and sound with all of the passengers' belongings and food supplies still on board. However, there wasn't a human soul to be found, only a dog running around the deck. A similar situation occurred with the Friendship Rosalia in 1840 and the Mary Celeste in 1872, where the crew seemed to have vanished without a trace, leaving behind untouched treasures and a starving bird or cat.

The Bermuda Triangle is not just dangerous in the sea but also in the sky. In 1945, Flight 19, a squadron of five US Navy torpedo bombers, disappeared during a routine exercise. The theory of the simultaneous failure of all five aircraft seems impossible since they were thoroughly tested before departure. Similarly, on December 4th, 1970, a Beechcraft Bonanza plane pilot and two passengers flew from Andros Island in the Bahamas to Florida. They saw a cylindrical-shaped cloud that illuminated everything around them, but according to the pilot, it wasn't lightning. The plane broke out of the cloud tunnel, and they found themselves almost in Miami, although only 47 minutes had passed, and the plane had used much less fuel than usual.

The most inexplicable story in the Bermuda Triangle is the loss of Pan-American World Airways Flight 914 in 1955, which disappeared from all radars and was believed to have crashed, killing all 57 passengers. However, 37 years later, the Weekly World News published an article about the flight's mysterious reappearance in 1992 at the Krakas airport in Venezuela. The captain was shocked to learn that it was 1992 and not 1955 and hastily took off, disappearing from radar again.

Despite these mysterious events, scientists are continuing to explore the Bermuda Triangle in hopes of finding a scientific explanation for the disasters that occur there.The Bermuda Triangle has been a topic of mystery and fascination for many years. Some believe that the region is a hot spot for alien activity, while others believe that it is the location of the lost city of Atlantis. There are also those who think that the anomalies in the Triangle can be explained by natural phenomena, such as magnetic asteroids or underwater caverns. However, there is still no clear explanation for the strange occurrences that have taken place in this region.

One of the most famous incidents involving the Bermuda Triangle occurred during Christopher Columbus's sea voyage in 1492. Columbus reported seeing a flash in the sky and noted that the compass needles began to behave strangely. Some believe that this flash could have been a magnetic asteroid. However, if such an object had fallen into the ocean in the 15th century, records of this would have been preserved. Furthermore, Columbus himself, who was close to the crash site, would have perished in a giant tsunami if an asteroid had indeed fallen into the ocean.

Conspiracy theorists believe that the Bermuda Triangle is a hot spot for alien activity. They argue that extraterrestrial beings are abducting people to study them. According to some accounts, ships found in the Bermuda Triangle only had surviving animals, while the valuable cargo was untouched. One documented incident occurred in August 1995 when a merchant seaman and radio operator on the Polycarp's Bensas claimed to have encountered a large white unidentified flying object in the sky. The sailor claimed that the ship's equipment showed the usual speed, but the ship began to go through the waves incredibly fast. The crew then noticed that all the clocks on the boat had gone ahead by two hours. The sailor believed that he had encountered something extraterrestrial that day in the Bermuda Triangle that could manipulate time.

Despite the claims of conspiracy theorists, there is no concrete evidence to support their hypotheses. However, even official institutions have noticed something strange in the Bermuda Triangle. For example, in 2020, the US Air Force took a photo of an anomaly in the region. Writer Charles Berlets has his own theory about the Bermuda Triangle. He claims that an ancient, developed civilization once existed in the region, and their inventions could be the reason behind all the disasters in the area. Berlets suggests that the Atlanteans had developed a formula that allowed one to accumulate space energy in a crystal. With this technology, they were able to create solar and stellar rays similar to lasers. Although most scientists consider such theories to be fictional, some, like Berlets, do not doubt the existence of Atlantis.

Anomalies similar to those found in the Bermuda Triangle can also be found in other parts of the world's oceans. For example, the west coast of Australia is known as the capital of shipwrecks due to the high number of ships that have sunk in these waters. The coast of the continent, about 13,000 kilometers long, is full of the wreckage of about 1,600 sunken ships, and the remains of dead sailors are still being found. Mysterious events are also associated with the Devil's Triangle, which spans Pacific Waters near Tokyo. According to ancient legends, the ocean was once home to dragons that attacked sailors.

In conclusion, the Bermuda Triangle remains a mystery, and there is still no clear explanation for the strange occurrences that have taken place in this region. While some believe that the anomalies in the Triangle can be explained by natural phenomena or the existence of extraterrestrial beings or ancient civilizations, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims. However, the mystery and fascination surrounding the Bermuda Triangle continue to capture the imaginations of people around the world.


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