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Rastafarianism and the Importance of Elders and Ancestors

Bridging Generations and Cultures through Spiritual Wisdom and Cultural Heritage

By Brian KaPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Rastafarianism is a spiritual movement that originated in Jamaica in the 1930s. It is based on a belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie I, the former emperor of Ethiopia, and emphasizes spirituality, social justice, and African heritage. The movement gained widespread recognition through the music of Bob Marley, who was a Rastafarian himself.

One of the core values of Rastafarianism is the importance of elders and ancestors. Elders are highly respected and honored for their wisdom and guidance, and ancestors are revered and celebrated for their contributions to Rastafarian culture and heritage. In Rastafarian culture, elders and ancestors are seen as a source of spiritual and cultural wisdom, and are believed to offer guidance and protection to the community.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of elders and ancestors in Rastafarianism. We will discuss the roles that elders and ancestors play in guiding the community, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting social justice. We will also provide examples of influential Rastafarian elders and discuss the ways in which ancestor veneration is practiced in Rastafarian culture. By understanding the importance of elders and ancestors in Rastafarianism, we can gain a deeper appreciation for this spiritual movement and its values.

Elders in Rastafarianism

In Rastafarianism, elders hold a special place in the community. They are seen as the guardians of traditional knowledge, spiritual leaders, and guides who offer wisdom and guidance to the younger generation. Elders are respected and honored in Rastafarian culture, and their opinions are highly valued in matters of community importance.

The role of elders in Rastafarianism is to serve as guides and advisors for the community. They are responsible for preserving and passing down traditional knowledge, values, and practices to future generations. They provide spiritual leadership, offer advice, and mediate conflicts within the community. Elders are also responsible for interpreting and teaching the teachings of the Bible and other Rastafarian texts.

In Rastafarian culture, elders are highly respected and honored. They are often referred to as "dadas" or "ancients" and are treated with great reverence. Younger members of the community are expected to show deference and respect to elders, and they are taught to listen carefully to their guidance and wisdom.

Many influential Rastafarian elders have played important roles in the development and spread of Rastafarianism. One such figure is Mortimo Planno, who was a close associate of Bob Marley and played a key role in spreading Rastafarianism through his teachings and music. Bongo Jerry is another influential Rastafarian elder who helped to promote Rastafarian values and culture through his music and writings.

Ancestors in Rastafarianism

In Rastafarianism, ancestors hold a significant place of importance. Ancestors are revered and celebrated for their contributions to Rastafarian culture and heritage. Rastafarians believe that their ancestors are still present and can offer guidance and protection to the community.

Rastafarianism teaches that ancestors are not simply a part of the past, but are still present and active in the world. They are believed to be a source of spiritual and cultural wisdom, and their presence is seen as a form of protection for the community. Rastafarians believe that by honoring and celebrating their ancestors, they can connect with their cultural and spiritual roots and gain a deeper understanding of their place in the world.

Ancestor veneration is an important aspect of Rastafarian culture. It is practiced through rituals and ceremonies, such as the lighting of candles, burning of incense, and offering of food and drink. These offerings are believed to appease and honor the spirits of ancestors, who are seen as powerful and influential beings.

Music is also an important aspect of ancestor veneration in Rastafarian culture. Rastafarian music often includes lyrics that pay tribute to ancestors and celebrate their contributions to Rastafarianism. For example, Bob Marley's song "Coming in from the Cold" contains the lyrics "Tell the children the truth / Tell the children the truth / Who the cap fit, let them wear it / I throw me corn, me no call no fowl / I saying, "Cook-cook-cook, tek your book / And leave I the corner stone / 'Cause the wicked man he can't reign / And the righteous man he can't wrong."

The Importance of Honoring Elders and Ancestors

Honoring elders and ancestors is a central value in Rastafarianism, and it plays an important role in preserving the community's cultural heritage and values. Elders and ancestors are respected and revered for their contributions to Rastafarian culture and their role in passing down knowledge to future generations.

Elders serve as spiritual guides and leaders in Rastafarianism. They are responsible for preserving and passing down traditional knowledge, values, and practices to future generations. They provide spiritual leadership, offer advice, and mediate conflicts within the community. By honoring elders, Rastafarians show respect for their wisdom and guidance, and ensure that their cultural heritage is preserved for future generations.

Ancestors are also highly regarded in Rastafarian culture. They are believed to be present and active in the world, and are seen as a source of spiritual and cultural wisdom. Honoring ancestors involves showing respect and reverence for their contributions to Rastafarianism, and seeking their guidance and protection.

By honoring elders and ancestors, Rastafarians strengthen community bonds and promote social justice. Elders and ancestors provide a sense of continuity and tradition that connects the community across generations. They serve as a source of wisdom and guidance that can help guide the community towards social justice and equality.


Elders and ancestors play a crucial role in Rastafarianism, serving as guides and sources of wisdom that help preserve the community's spiritual and cultural heritage. Through honoring and respecting these figures, Rastafarians strengthen community bonds and promote social justice, ensuring that their cultural heritage is preserved and passed down to future generations.

As readers, we can learn a great deal from Rastafarian culture and its values, including the importance of respecting elders and ancestors. By understanding and embracing these values, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the wisdom and guidance that can be found in the past, and use it to help create a better future for ourselves and our communities.

So, let us take the time to learn more about Rastafarianism, and the important role that elders and ancestors play in its traditions and practices. By doing so, we can broaden our understanding of the world around us and develop a greater appreciation for the diverse cultures and values that enrich our lives.

Final Note

If you’re interested in exploring who is Jah and Rastafarian culture further, we invite you to check out Fifth Degree’s collection of Rastafarian clothing. Our clothing is designed to reflect the spirit and teachings of Rastafarianism, with bold colors, empowering messages, and a commitment to sustainability and ethical production. We believe that what you wear can be a powerful expression of your values and beliefs, and we’re proud to offer a range of high-quality, stylish, and socially conscious clothing for individuals who are seeking to live in harmony with nature and the divine. Visit our website today to learn more about our collection and find the perfect Rastafarian clothes for woman for you.


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Brian Ka

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    Brian KaWritten by Brian Ka

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