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Paranormal things that couldn't be explained


By Yam CkPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

Today, we're looking at some mysterious things caught on camera. 

Our first clip of the day has been going viral this past couple of weeks.

It's origins are unknown, but this version was uploaded to TikTok by user wti07. The clip, which was captured in late 2021, is an excerpt from a CCTV security feed overlooking a back street. We see two men walking along the dark road when something truly strange happens, take a look.

Watching that again zoomed in, a third figure appears from nowhere and starts to intervene. It throws the standing man back, making im stumble to the other side of the road, giving the man on the ground time to get to his feet. As he stands, the figure seems to merge with him once again, leaving only two people standing on the road. Naturally, all kinds of theories have been thrown around the internet to try and explain this bizarre footage. Some say it's some kind of supernatural protection like a gin or a genie. Others say it had to be a guardian angel. Then there are those who say it's nothing more than a clever piece of CGI. So where do you land on this viral clip, paranormal protector or something else entirely? Share your theories with one another in the comments down below.

It's common knowledge that frogs start their lives out as worm-like tadpoles that swim through the water. But have you ever seen this transformation happen in reverse? In this video from Instagram frogsfam, what appears to be some sort of reverse evolution has been messing with viewers' minds. The video begins with the camera and pointed at a sidewalk. There's a small frog hopping across just ahead, watch as his short clip takes a turn for the very strange. - [Camera Operator] Oh my god, what the (bleeps)? What (bleeps) just happened? There's a worm now. - [Kallen] The frog lands on the sidewalk and stops moving, it appears to shrink. The camera operator moves closer, giving us a close up view of the creature. Miraculously, what lies on the sidewalk isn't a frog at all, rather it appears to be an ordinary earthworm wriggling on the pavement.

 - [Camera Operator] What the (bleeps) just happened? There's a worm now. - [Kallen] The creature that lept across the sidewalk definitely looked like a frog, so what happened here? 

The puzzling sighting has made this clip go viral around the internet with thousands of people struggling to make heads or tails in the bizarre transformation. Some viewers think it could just be a trick of the eye, perhaps the frog was carrying a worm in its mouth then in a quick split second movement it hops away, leaving just the worm wriggling on the pavement. Some jokingly said it was a baby Demogorgon from "Stranger Things."

Others have declared a glitch in the matrix, an error in the simulation that switched out the animal's avatar by mistake. So which of these theories do you subscribe to, or do you have your own idea that might explain this curious piece of footage?

- [Camera Operator] What the (bleeps) just happened? There's a worm now.

- [Kallen] A couple on vacation have captured some footage of something moving in the waters of Loch Ness, leading some to speculate that it's proof of the existence of the infamous Loch Ness monster. The husband and wife, who wished to remain anonymous, were on vacation in Scotland when they spotted something moving in the famed waters of Loch Ness. Nessie experts say it's some of the best footage to be captured in years, take a look.  It shows something large clearly moving through the water. It's hums breaking the surface. According to the couple who filmed it, the creature looked to be 20 to 30 feet long and had a fin that it used to propel itself.

The Loch Ness monster or Nessie is said to live in Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. She's a massive aquatic creature with a long neck. Many depictions resemble a plesiosaur leading some to believe that Nessie could be an ancient animal that's been inhabiting Earth's waters since at least prehistoric times. Others believe that Nessie sightings are nothing but bunk, claiming that pictures purported to be of Nessie are actually ordinary aquatic animals, or even debris in the water, with some just being outright hoaxes.

Experts say that because of how clear the footage is, this is some of the best evidence to come out of Loch Ness in the last few decades. The couple who captured the video told news outlets that they have no strong views on Nessie either way, and that they simply enjoyed the mythologies surrounding the Loch. They uploaded their footage, hoping that experts can analyze it and come to a solid conclusion. However, so far no one's been able to definitively say what's causing the large wake in the waters of Loch Ness.

Home security cameras are a great way to keep an eye on things around your house. There are also apparently a great way to capture unexplained phenomena like this video from our viewer, Noelia Diaz. The video shows the street outside of their home. At the start of the video everything appears to be perfectly normal. There are several cars parked on the street, but there are no other people to be seen. That's about to change, however, when a strange red light flashes across the camera. Watching that again, after the light dissipates several people appear on the sidewalk across the street.

They appear suddenly from behind a telephone pole about a third of the way into the frame, so it's not possible that they simply wandered into the camera's range. So then where did they come from? One possibility is that the red flash indicates some sort of camera glitch, and that there's footage missing in which the people walked into the frame. However, the timestamps on the video don't seem to indicate any time missing. So could this be a glitch in reality, a worm hole to another dimension, teleportation? Or is there a much more mundane answer to this clip? Let us know down below.

In this TikTok from wti07, we see something that seems to transcend ordinary human ability, take a look. Somehow the man manages to lift the dump truck up and move it to the side, allowing another vehicle to pass. He doesn't even appear to break a sweat while performing this amazing feat.

The average dump truck weighs between 20 and 32 tons. However, the world record for the most weight ever lifted by a human is just over three tons, a record set by Paul Anderson in 1957. That means the man in the video would've needed to casually lift at least six times the world record weight with a casual flick of his arms. This hardly seems likely, especially for the thin-looking man we see in the clip. There have been some recorded cases of hysterical strength in which people are able to perform great feats of strength in times of stress. However, even in this situation lifting 20 tons would likely do serious damage to the human body. So are we seeing some sort of superhuman, or is it all just CGI?

Before we take a look at a bizarre clip that appears to show a man flying, remember to hit that subscribe button, and then tickle that little bow like on there and turn on all channel notifications. That way you'll be in the loop every time we drop our scary and mysterious videos.  From super strength to levitation, let's look at a clip that seems to show another human with super abilities. It was uploaded to YouTube by Lebugang Ron Mashego. The video shows what appears to be some sort of ceremony. There's music and singing, and a crowd is gathered to watch the man at the center of the ceremony. Doesn't take long to see why, the man appears to be hovering several feet above the ground. At first, he's lying in a supine position as if he's been lifted off the ground while lying flat. Then he begins to spin around appearing to stand upright in the air, then flipping on his head. 

The ceremony takes place outside in the middle of the day, the sun is shining brightly, and the bright light doesn't illuminate any hidden strings that could be helping to levitate the man. Also, there doesn't appear to be any trees or structures nearby that he could be suspended from, making it difficult to imagine how this amazing feat could be fake. There are some belief systems that claim that people can achieve amazing things that go beyond ordinary human ability, by using practices such as m a group of people walking in the forest at night. What's so strange about this footage is that it appears to be taken from two different camera angles simultaneously, one from the front and one from behind. This isn't something you see everyday and could indicate some sort of supernatural event occurring. The video is also missing any sound, making it hard to determine what might have been going on. Could these editation. So could this man have achieved this amazing power of levitation in a similar way? Watch the video again and decide for yourself.

The internet is full of unexplained phenomena that just can’t seem to be explained. From mysterious creatures caught on camera, to people claiming to have witnessed first-hand paranormal activity. But one of the most fascinating things found on the web are videos that seem to defy common sense and scientific explanations.


About the Creator

Yam Ck

"An introvert with keen observation and boundless compassion. I delve into the depths, unveiling hidden stories. Join me on a journey of insight and empathy. #IntrovertObserver #CompassionUnveiled"

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    Please visit my youtube channel on motivations, ancient quotes, quotes for life thanks a lot

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