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Mysterious 'Dragon' FIREBALLS Rise From River EVERY Year: The Naga Fireballs

The Naga Fireballs: A Supernatural or Man-Made Phenomenon?

By Peter ChironPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

The Naga Fireballs: A Supernatural or Man-Made Phenomenon?

The Naga Fireballs are a mysterious phenomenon that has been reported in Thailand for centuries. These fireballs appear in the Mekong River every year during the Phayanak Festival, which celebrates the end of the Buddhist Lent. The fireballs are said to be the exhaled breath of a giant sea serpent that lives in the riverbed.

The first recorded sighting of the Naga Fireballs was in the 16th century. Since then, there have been many reports of these fireballs, both from locals and from tourists. The fireballs are said to be of various sizes, from small sparks to basketballs. They can also vary in color, from red to orange to yellow.

The Naga Fireballs are most often seen on the night of Wan Ok Phansa, which is the last night of the Phayanak Festival. This is the night when the Naga is said to rise from the river and breathe fire. The fireballs are said to be a sign of good luck, and many people come to the Mekong River to see them.

There are several theories about what causes the Naga Fireballs. One theory is that they are caused by methane gas that is produced by the decomposition of organic matter in the riverbed. When the methane gas comes into contact with oxygen, it ignites and produces a fireball. Another theory is that the fireballs are caused by phosphine gas, which is a flammable gas that is produced by the decay of organic matter.

However, there is also evidence that the Naga Fireballs may be a man-made phenomenon. In 2002, a documentary team from the ITV television network investigated the Naga Fireballs and found that they were actually being caused by flare guns that were being fired from the Laotian side of the Mekong River. The flare guns were being fired into the sky during the Phayanak Festival, and the fireballs were being mistaken for the exhaled breath of the Naga.

So, what is the truth about the Naga Fireballs? Are they a supernatural phenomenon or a man-made hoax? There is no definitive answer to this question. However, the evidence suggests that the Naga Fireballs may be a combination of both natural and man-made factors. The methane gas and phosphine gas that are produced in the riverbed may create the perfect conditions for the fireballs to ignite. However, it is also possible that people are deliberately firing flare guns into the sky during the Phayanak Festival to create the illusion of the Naga Fireballs.

Ultimately, the truth about the Naga Fireballs may never be known. However, the mystery surrounding these fireballs only adds to their allure. Whether they are a natural phenomenon, a man-made hoax, or a combination of both, the Naga Fireballs are a fascinating mystery that continues to capture the imagination of people around the world.

Additional Information

  • The Naga Fireballs are also known as "phaya nak lights" or "ghost lights."
  • The fireballs have been reported over a 250-kilometer (160-mile) stretch of the Mekong River.
  • The fireballs are most often seen at night, but they have also been reported during the day.
  • The fireballs have been seen by people of all ages, from children to adults.
  • The fireballs have been seen by both locals and tourists.
  • The fireballs have been the subject of many scientific studies, but the cause of the fireballs has not yet been definitively determined.


The Naga Fireballs are a mysterious phenomenon that has been the subject of much debate. There is evidence to support both the supernatural and man-made explanations for the fireballs. Ultimately, the truth about the Naga Fireballs may never be known. However, the mystery surrounding these fireballs only adds to their allure. Whether they are a natural phenomenon, a man-made hoax, or a combination of both, the Naga Fireballs are a fascinating mystery that continues to capture the imagination of people around the world.


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