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LOVE at first sight

keep working right up until the moment you fall in love.

By Winnie MusyokiPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
LOVE at first sight
Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should you restart this video until you find me attractive?

Hey, loves, Julian here for DNews.

We all know that couple that can't stop gushing about how they just met and BOOM, they found eternal joy and happiness. No one likes that couple. If you don't know them, well, you might be them. The idea of love at first sight might seem implausible, considering there are 7 billion people out there, and you just caught a glimpse of someone and thought, "Yep, that's the one forever?"

But guess what, love happens faster than you think. Let's talk about love for a moment. What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. (Apologies, couldn't resist.) In essence, love can be boiled down to chemicals in your brain. Feelings of desire, emotional connection, and bonding are facilitated by neurotransmitters and hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin.

So, how long does it take for this brain cocktail to start brewing? A 2010 study by Dr. Stephanie Ortigue, an assistant professor of psychology and neurology at the University of Syracuse, sheds some light on the matter. She conducted a meta-analysis of love research, and the findings were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Ortigue and her colleagues observed participants in fMRI machines and discovered that within just 0.2 seconds of laying eyes on someone, 12 areas of the brain start lighting up and releasing chemicals. Now, the cynic in you might ask, "Isn't that just lust, not love?" It's a valid point, but neurologically speaking, what's the difference?

Ortigue's study attempted to answer both questions. Interestingly, similar brain areas lit up for people who had fallen in love compared to those who had experienced lust. The distinction came down to whether they craved some immediate reward or if they thought about it more long term and abstractly.

People in love showed increased brain activity in areas associated with reward, like the ventral striatum, and regions related to emotion, such as the amygdala, hypothalamus, and inferior parietal lobule. Ortigue interpreted this to mean that love can grow out of lust, as the brain adds complexity to a foundation built around achieving simple physical satisfaction.

So, if you experienced lust at first sight but now want to gush to your friends about how you knew it was true love, you were already close enough. You might even be adding some new information into your memories, as suggested by Dr. Donna Jo Bridge of Northwestern University.

Love may or may not begin with a glance, but what's undeniable is that every kiss begins with Kay. Look at the spelling; it's right there. Kay Jewelers, one of our sponsors at Discovery Digital, helps keep the lights on and the episodes coming. So, if you want to thank them and score some bonus points with that special someone, check out Kay's line of jewelry.

The brain is truly an amazing organ. It starts firing in regular wave patterns just 25 weeks after you're conceived and keeps working right up until the moment you fall in love.

As we explore the fascinating world of love and its mysterious beginnings, it's important to remember that while love at first sight may spark curiosity, the depth and complexity of love go beyond initial glances. Love is a journey, an evolving experience that unfolds over time as two individuals connect on deeper emotional and intellectual levels.

While the initial attraction is like a spark that ignites the flame, true love is nurtured through shared experiences, meaningful conversations, and a genuine understanding of each other's hopes and dreams. It's a beautiful dance of emotions, growing and intertwining with each passing day.

The brain's role in this journey is undeniable. It orchestrates the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that influence our emotions and feelings. But the true magic of love lies in how it shapes our hearts, our souls, and our lives.

Love is not confined to mere chemical reactions; it's an art that requires patience, care, and dedication. It's the small gestures, the laughter shared, the tears wiped away, and the support offered during both triumphs and tribulations that strengthen the bond between two people.

As we navigate the intricacies of love, it's essential to remain open to the possibilities and embrace the beauty of vulnerability. Love can be an unpredictable journey, and while it may begin with a spark, its evolution is a testament to the human capacity for connection and compassion.

So, whether you believe in love at first sight or prefer to take your time to discover the depths of love, cherish each moment, and savor the experience. Love is a precious gift that enriches our lives, providing us with the courage to face challenges, the strength to grow, and the joy of shared happiness.

And as we continue on this adventure of love, let's remember to be kind to ourselves and our partners, allowing the magic of love to unfold naturally and authentically. Because, in the end, the most meaningful love stories are not scripted; they are written with the ink of genuine emotions and bound by the threads of shared memories.

As Julian for DNews would say, love may or may not begin with a glance, but it's the journey of a lifetime, full of twists and turns, that makes it an unforgettable and cherished experience for us all. So, embrace love, cherish it, and let it guide you through the beautiful symphony of life.


About the Creator

Winnie Musyoki

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