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Noah’s ark, departing the Red Sea, Samson’s power, etc. or a few ancient story’s about earths higher power, the supreme source of all life, but is GOD, ALLAH?

By MIXHAELI MENTEPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

The answer is simple… there is three known religions that derived from Israel, each now religions throughout the world. Each professing to render worship to the supreme power of the universe, the one GOD. Some Jews of Judaism worship and call him YAHWEH (GOD), other Muslims worship and use the title ALLAH (GOD), and other Christians worship and use the same as Judaism YAHWEH (GOD), or a derived version that’s spoken of in their language (JEHOVAH, YAHUWA, IEOVA, EHOBA, etc.). The only difference between these three groups is their way of worship, within each of these 3 groups there are numerous groups who claim to practice some form of modernism or a method professed to be from the origin format 100’s of years ago. Over each group is religious leaders that direct the followers in our time. As for their GOD, yes, he is the same in all three religions. Christians are the most divided because they have over 100 independent groups that actually teach their own way of worshiping GOD as a Christian.

When referring to GOD, the word ALLAH is the Aramaic word for GOD and it is still used in Israel today! Unless the anti-religious secret intelligence poles from amongst foreign powers start persuading them to change. (Which I Hope Is Very unlikely!) YAHWEH (GOD) is the name of GOD, often referred to with the abbreviations of YHWH, and he is one of the first to become mankind’s most feared deity’s and very highly spoken of throughout history. Historical documents dating back over 2,000 years tell his stories and works, all have been preserved in scrolls and deemed sacred scripts, each scroll now featured in museums. His name in meaning is “He Who Causes To Become, or He Shall Prove To Be What He Shall Prove To Be”.

Retrieved Exert, “ALLAH is usually thought to mean “THE GOD” (al-ilah) in Arabic and is probably cognate with rather than derived from the Aramaic Alaha. All Muslims and most Christians acknowledge that they believe in the same GOD even though their understandings differ.” Apr 12, 2015, “Who Is ALLAH? Understanding GOD In Islam”,

By Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

His name was prohibited from use in some early AD or BC era, an using it was an act of treason or considered a revolt-like demonstration, the fear of him and of his presence became that strong. So the pronunciation was lost when translating it, so it has been said! The fear of him can be read in numerous books of the scared scripts, but one good story is 2 Samuel Chapter 6.

It was very common of men of old times dancing before his Altar, not to just worship or to celebrate his victory for them, but to show respect in hope of making him happy and to ease his anger when made upset! His anger is noted to have reaped havoc across Israel when not listening to his word and in surrounding lands when invasions or wayward lifestyles provoked Israel. Even today, many have tried to obtain this majestic power (such as finding the shroud of YESHUA, or the ALTAR of GOD since the record dated no ending as well as it’s whereabouts).

Many sketchy tactics of foreigners opposing Israel in order to seize its majestic nature is common. There have even been plans to steal and destroy the original sacred scripts (also known as the Dead Sea Scrolls), which originally tells his story’s throughout history. It even talks on the begging of time, and earths creation! However, such attempts to destroy or possess it were halted, these attempts was review by Italy forces at the Vatican, and Israel still today holds present all three religions and tracks all their manuscripts.

In the past, their used to be many gods revered by mankind and the sacred scripts recorded these times using a smaller value of GOD to identify it, such as in the case of his son YESHUA (Jesus). His son was the only directly source approved by YAHWEH (GOD) that was called a god, when acknowledged as being the word of GOD! (an under authority of him that speaks his commands). Although, these other non-approved gods was referenced to work against YAHWEH (GOD), (he dose not permit and accept worship outside of himself) these gods could of worked against him because they didn’t like the people YAHWEH (GOD) liked, or they may have felt they should be someone to him as well.

Either or, most cases in the text show they didn’t directly attempt to work against him without permission to do so from him, which shows all respected his authority! So we can imagine these was GOD’s other sons, those called the fallen. So why did he outcast his sons as the fallen? GOD disciplines those he loves, and is also the imperial ruler of divine justice, he discipline and issue a verdict to wrongs. The original lie itself was disobedience, “even if not told too it would still be considered disobedience if not asked for permission to”. This is like disobeying, because it was not directed too do so, or was permission granted by asking. This itself divided heaven, and this topic could take on a whole new article of question alone. So in conclusion, yes, ALLAH is GOD!

A future article, that will be written later, “Was The Word A GOD”? Commentary for review, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with GOD, and divine [of the category divinity] was the Logos.” —John 1. A Commentary on the Gospel of John Chapters 1-6, page 108, translated by Robert W. Funk.

Another translation script from the New Testament states, “In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was a god.” (John 1:1) Reading this many have how assumed the son, or the word (in this case the son) of GOD is GOD. As you can see in this translation GOD at the end of the verse above drops to a smaller case as if referring to others gods, gods in the book such Baal, Astarte, Asherah, Chemosh, Dagon, Moloch, and Tammuz to mention a few. We will look into this later for further review!


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