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Five Lesser-Known Monsters That May Still Exist Today

Uncovering the World of Cryptids

By Abdul Hannan SaifPublished about a month ago 3 min read

When speaking of monsters, we all have heard of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and Mothman. But these are not the only creatures that may lurk in the wild. Here are five monsters that you may have never heard of that still may exist somewhere in the world.

1. Bururu:

Local tribes in Northern Assam, India, claim to have seen this large crocodile-like monster many times over the years. They describe it as measuring between 11 and 13 feet long with a long snout, four limbs, and a 5-foot-long tail. Unlike a crocodile, however, it does not have scales but rather is smooth with blue and white coloration. Natives say that it would occasionally lift its head out of the water and let out a bellow that could be heard over great distances. After many run-ins with the creature, the natives deliberately set out to destroy the creature by draining its swamp habitat. The last one may have died sometime in the early 1940s, although some natives believe it only retreated underground.

2. Dingonek:

Dingoneks are wars-like creatures believed to exist in the heart of Africa. John Alfred Jordan, an explorer who actually shot at this creature in a river in Kenya in 1907, described this creature as scaled, covered, 18 feet long, with reptilian claws, a spotted back, a long tail, and a big head out of which grew large walrus-like tusks. Natives of the area further described it as having a scorpion-like tail and reported that it would even kill predatory animals such as hippos or crocodiles that dared wander into its territory. Interestingly, at the BR Fountain Ridge in South Africa, there is a cave painting of an unknown creature that fits the description of the dingonek right down to its warus-like tusks.

3. The Emeici:

Emeici, literally meaning "elephant killer," was appropriately named by the natives of the Republic of Congo who have seen this swamp-dwelling monster attack and disembowel elephants that cross its path. The instrument of this disembowelment is a large ivory or bone horn on the animal's head, leading to speculation that the Emeici might be a surviving relative of the Triceratops. Emeicis are described as nasty, vicious creatures by the natives, who further describe them as having a reddish-brown color, massive legs, and the ability to hide totally submerged beneath the water. Interestingly, their attack on elephants seems only to be defensive or territorial since the monsters don't eat the elephants; they seem to be vegetarians.

4. Kongamato:

The Kongamato, meaning "overbearer of boats," is a pterodactyl-like flying monster said to have been sighted in modern-day southwestern United States. Although not as large as pterodactyls known from fossils, the Kongamato resembles the prehistoric creature in virtually every other aspect: a long, tapered jaw filled with sharp teeth, batlike wings, and an overall lizard-like appearance. Some researchers think the Kongamato could in fact be a large species of bats. However, in 1923, explorer Frank Melland heard of this creature while traveling through Zambia. Intrigued, he showed illustrations of a pterodactyl to the locals, and every native present immediately and without hesitation picked out and identified it as a Kongamato.

5. Minhocão:

The Minhocão is probably the scariest of the bunch. Witnesses in Uruguay and Southern Brazil describe the creature as looking like a gigantic armor-plated slug. Imagine a black slug as big as 14 feet long with a snout like a pig and two tentacles poking out of its head. Some reports have it as long as 75 feet. Normally living underground, the Minhocão occasionally surfaces, leaving deep trenches in its wake.

For some, the existence of these creatures may sound like a fantasy, but for others, it raises questions about the mysteries that still exist in the world. The possibility of these creatures and many more lurking in unexplored jungles, caverns, and oceans is a topic that continues to intrigue and captivate the imagination.


About the Creator

Abdul Hannan Saif

Blogger | Writer | Explorer | wish to inspire, inform and help others to see fascinating discoveries and live a fulfilled life!

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