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"Five Extinct Animals That Might Still Exist"

Are These Extinct Animals Really Extinct?

By Abdul Hannan SaifPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Did you like Jurassic Park? I mean, I watched it like eight times in theaters. No joke. Do people still do that anymore? I mean, if I really like a movie now, I'll probably watch it twice in theaters. I could never spend the money and watch something in theaters seven or eight times anymore. Maybe it's because movies cost so much more now. I don't know. I loved Jurassic Park because, hey, I love dinosaurs. Or I should say, I like anything interesting that I have never seen before. For example, when I hear the term "extinct animals," I automatically think about the dodo bird. I like dodo birds mainly because I think their name sounds really funny. I mean, "dodo." Now, what if I told you that some of the animals that are believed to be extinct might actually not be?

1. Thylacine:

In the latter part of 2013, a committed group of British naturalists set out on a formidable expedition into the remote and wild terrain of Tasmania, an area with scarce human population. Despite their unwavering dedication, the team faced challenges in capturing live footage of the elusive creature using their camera traps. Nevertheless, they remain optimistic, drawing strength from compelling firsthand witness accounts and the meticulous collection of potential animal feces samples for comprehensive DNA analysis.

2. The Passenger Pigeon:

Despite once being the most numerous bird on the planet, the passenger pigeon population declined rapidly due to extensive hunting and habitat loss. Current efforts to revive the species through cloning are in progress, but there are also unverified claims from some bird watchers suggesting that these pigeons may still exist in the wild.

3. The Japanese wolf:

The Japanese wolf was once a prominent species found on the islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu in Japan. It was known to be the world's smallest wolf species. Despite being officially declared extinct in 1905, there have been numerous reported sightings, photographs, and occasional discoveries of carcasses, leading to speculation that the Japanese wolf may still exist. These reports have sparked ongoing interest and debate among researchers and wildlife enthusiasts regarding the potential survival of this unique and elusive species. The possibility of the Japanese wolf's continued existence has captivated the imagination of many, leading to continued efforts to uncover the truth about this fascinating creature.

4. The Mokele-Mbembe:

In the remote and dense regions of the Congo River Basin in Central Africa, there are widespread rumors and legends surrounding a mythical creature known as the Mokele-Mbembe. Explorer William Gibbons, a distinguished Ph.D. holder in cultural anthropology, has fearlessly embarked on multiple expeditions deep into the heart of the Congo. During his extensive travels, he has had the privilege of interacting with local communities who have eagerly shared enthralling and captivating tales of alleged encounters with this elusive and enigmatic creature. What's even more astounding is that some locals have boldly claimed to have not only encountered but also slain one of these mysterious beings back in 1959.

5. The Woolly Mammoth:

The Woolly Mammoth coexisted with early humans approximately 200,000 years ago in both Eurasia and North America. Interestingly, isolated populations of these majestic creatures managed to survive on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean until about 4,000 years ago. This raises the tantalizing possibility that some Woolly Mammoths might have persisted in the unexplored remote regions of Siberia.

Is it possible that these creatures exist somewhere out there? It's a compelling thought. With approximately 40 percent of the world's jungles remaining unexplored by humans, the possibility is certainly intriguing. It's conceivable that these creatures are not merely products of our imagination, but rather actual remnants of a long-gone era.


About the Creator

Abdul Hannan Saif

Blogger | Writer | Explorer | wish to inspire, inform and help others to see fascinating discoveries and live a fulfilled life!

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