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The Importance Of Finding Rest

By JOHN U. ORDILLOPublished 11 months ago 4 min read


Greetings, brothers, and sisters! Amid a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, it is crucial for us, as believers, to seek rest and peace in Christ. The busyness, stress, and demands of our daily lives can easily consume us, leaving us feeling drained and anxious. However, God's Word provides us with the guidance and assurance we need to find solace in Him.

First and foremost, Jesus Himself invites us to find rest in Him. In Matthew 11:28-30, He says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." These words remind us that Christ is willing to carry our burdens and provide us with true rest for our weary souls.

Additionally, the psalmist David reminds us of the importance of finding rest in God. In Psalm 62:1, he declares, "Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him." David recognized that true rest can only be found in God, who is our source of salvation and strength. When we place our trust in Him and seek His presence, we can experience a deep and lasting peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Furthermore, the act of seeking rest in Christ involves surrendering our worries, fears, and anxieties to Him. In 1 Peter 5:7, we are encouraged to "cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." This verse reminds us that we don't have to bear the weight of our concerns alone. We can trust in God's love and care for us, allowing Him to carry our burdens and grant us peace that transcends our circumstances.

As we delve into God's Word, we discover numerous promises and assurances of His peace. In Isaiah 26:3, we read, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you." This verse highlights the importance of trusting God wholeheartedly, for it is through steadfast trust that we can experience His perfect peace.

In addition to seeking rest and peace in Christ through prayer and studying God's Word, it is important to cultivate habits that align with His teachings. Taking time for regular worship, participating in fellowship with other believers, and engaging in acts of service and compassion can contribute to a sense of peace and purpose in our lives. These practices help us to focus our hearts and minds on Christ, enabling us to experience His rest even amid a chaotic world.

The Restless World:

We live in a restless world, don't we? Everywhere we turn, there seems to be turmoil, anxiety, and pressure. The demands of work, family, and even our expectations can leave us weary and drained. But Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, offers us a different way.


The Invitation to Rest:

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus lovingly says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." These words are a beacon of hope, a lifeline extended to all who are weary and burdened. Jesus invites us to come to Him, to find rest in His presence.

The Source of True Rest:

True rest cannot be found in worldly pleasures or temporary distractions. It is only found in a deep and intimate relationship with Christ. When we surrender our burdens, worries, and anxieties to Him, He grants us peace that surpasses all understanding.

Casting Our Cares on Him:

1 Peter 5:7 encourages us to "cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." This verse reminds us that Jesus is not distant or indifferent to our struggles. He cares deeply for each one of us. When we give our burdens to Him, He carries them for us, allowing us to experience true rest.

Resting in His Promises:

Throughout the Bible, God has given us countless promises to hold onto. When we anchor our hearts and minds in His Word, we find assurance and peace. As Psalm 119:165 declares, "Great peace has those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble."

Abiding in His Presence:

Resting in Christ involves more than a one-time surrender; it requires a daily, intentional abiding in His presence. Through prayer, reading the Scriptures, and cultivating a vibrant relationship with Him, we experience His peace that sustains us amid life's challenges.


My friends, in a world that offers temporary solutions and fleeting pleasures, Jesus stands as our ultimate source of rest and peace. He invites us to come to Him, to cast our burdens upon Him, and to find solace in His presence. May we embrace this invitation wholeheartedly, knowing that in Christ, we can experience true rest for our souls. Let us surrender our cares to Him and allow His peace to reign in our lives. May the world see in us a reflection of His rest and peace, drawing others to find solace in the loving arms of our Savior? Amen.

By: Pastor John U. Ordillo


About the Creator


M.A. in Pastoral Administration Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries

Former Jr. Planner/Design Engineer Norconsult Telematics Saudi Arabia

Former Outside Plant Engineer Saudi Engineering Group International

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