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Epic battle between emos vs. darketos in mexico city 15 years ago

On March 16, 15 years ago, Mexico City experienced a countercultural episode that left its mark forever in the collective memory of the chilangos: the emos vs. punks fight.

By diego michelPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

Mexico City, known for its rich cultural history and diversity, has also witnessed various subcultural movements that have left an indelible mark on its social landscape. One of the most notable episodes in this regard was the "Battle of Emos and Punks," an event that captured the attention of public opinion and became a symbol of the tensions and contrasts within the urban society of the Mexican capital.

Over the decades, the punk and emo movements have emerged as expressions of discontent, rebellion and a search for identity among young people. With their respective aesthetics, ideologies and values, these two groups found a place to express themselves in Mexico City, using music, fashion and attitude as tools to manifest their unique emotions and perspectives.

However, as these movements grew in popularity, rivalries and conflicts also arose. The "Battle of Emos and Punks" became a flashpoint of these tensions, in which they clashed physically and symbolically on the city streets. This confrontation, widely covered by the media, brought to light deeper issues related to intolerance, identity and coexistence in a diverse urban environment.

"Emos" and "punks" are subcultures related to music and lifestyle that have emerged at different times and historical contexts. Here I provide you with a brief description of each:

who the fuck are emos and punks?


The "emo" subculture originated in the 1980s as a subgenre of hardcore punk in Washington D.C., USA. The word "emo" comes from "emotional" or "emotions". Emos are characterized by their focus on emotional expression, introspection and connection to emotive music and lyrics. Emos often dress in tight-fitting clothing, in dark or bright colors, and may wear distinctive hairstyles, such as bangs that cover part of the face. Emo fashion has evolved over time, but emotional authenticity and connection to the music remain key aspects of the subculture.


The punk subculture originated in the 1970s in the United Kingdom and the United States as a cultural and musical response to the establishment and mainstream commercial music. Punks are noted for their anti-authoritarian attitude, their rejection of social norms and their focus on authenticity and individuality. Punk music is known for its simplicity and raw energy. Punks often dress flamboyantly, with ripped clothing, leather jackets, T-shirts with logos and distinctive elements, such as piercings and tattoos. In addition, Mohican-style hair is an iconic feature of the subculture.

the battle

The day it happened it was taken as something serious, and even a police operation was unleashed to try to calm things down in the place. It was on Sunday, March 16, 2008, when the event occurred at the Glorieta de los Insurgentes, which served as the scene of the brawl between the Emos and Punks urban tribes. What could have been a peaceful protest, turned into a harsh confrontation marked by intolerance and discrimination.

The call was made through the first social networks, predecessors of Facebook, Instagram and TikTok: Hi, Metroflog, Messenger and MySpace, where a call was made to protest against the aggressions of intolerance and threats of lynching by the Punks.

The appointment was at 3:00 p.m. that Sunday, and while some arrived on time, others began to arrive a little later. Many of them, most of them, were seen arriving by the Sistema de Transporte Colectivo (STC) Metro, and began to group together. However, hours later a group of Punks began to arrive. It was at that moment when the aggressions began, first verbally, but little by little they evolved into physical aggressions.

The Punks argued that the Emos were copying their styles and had no identity, besides not transmitting any other message beyond emotions.

The first blows began with the Emos hitting the Punks with bolt belts, the latter began to run around their opponents, the police were present and began to disperse them to group them together and prevent further aggressions. However, this was only for a couple of hours, as the youths continued shouting and hurling offenses at each other, and a group of Darketos arrived to help the Punks.

The grenadiers arrived to move the Emos away, while the auxiliary police did the same with the Darketos and Punks. More than 100 elements were required to try to control the youths, but it was not enough. To everyone's surprise, a group of Hare Krishna arrived to the place, playing and singing which attracted the attention of all present, inviting everyone to join them and although it was not the case, both tribes dispersed, leaving the place.

The balance was white, despite the fact that it was a large concentration and with the police presence, no serious injuries or vulnerable situations were reported. Shortly after, the statements of the people who had been present during the confrontation were published in various media. Through social networks, testimonies were given arguing that they had attacked just for fun.

However, these were not the only aggressions, as clashes were also reported in other cities in the country such as Querétaro, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Puebla.

HistoricalPop Culture

About the Creator

diego michel

I am a writer and I love writing

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