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Efficiency Afloat: The Symphony Of The Seas

Behind the Scenes of the World's Largest Cruise Ship

By Anu Preethi Danila DPublished 9 months ago 6 min read
Explore the meticulous operations that keep Royal Caribbean's Symphony Of The Seas smoothly sailing as we delve into the inner workings of this maritime marvel.

In the world of cruising, Royal Caribbean's Symphony Of The Seas stands as a true titan. A colossal floating city that accommodates over 6,000 passengers each week, it operates at a staggering cost of over a million dollars a day. To maintain profitability, the cruise line and its dedicated crew must run an exceedingly efficient ship. A workforce of 2,400 tirelessly keeps things running, managing everything from day and night productions to the intricate supply chain that keeps this maritime metropolis afloat.

The Ship that Defies Convention

Symphony Of The Seas held the title of the world's largest ship for four consecutive years until 2022, when it was surpassed by the Wonder of the Seas, a sibling ship with a slightly heftier build. In late 2019, we embarked on a week-long journey aboard Symphony Of The Seas, offering us an exclusive glimpse into the ship's inner workings. Our voyage commenced on a bustling Saturday, a day known in the industry as "turnaround day," where passengers disembark to make way for new ones. Unlike the gradual turnover of a hotel, cruise ships execute this transition all at once, an impressive feat that involves cleaning and preparing a staggering 2,759 rooms in a matter of hours.

At the Port of Miami, the busiest cruising port globally, a fleet of trucks delivers more than 600,000 pounds of provisions, including over 500 pallets of food and beverages for a single seven-day cruise. This logistical symphony must be executed within a tight nine-hour window, ensuring that any delay could disrupt the ship's scheduled departure.

Navigating the High Seas

As the clock approaches 4:30 PM, Symphony Of The Seas stands ready to embark on its next voyage. The art of maneuvering the ship falls under the combined expertise of the bridge and the engine control room. While the bridge handles navigation and steering, Captain Sullivan emphasizes that only a fraction of his responsibilities involve being on the bridge. The majority of his role centers around managing the ship's massive operation. Propelled by six colossal engines, six bow thrusters facilitate lateral movement, while three electric azipod propellers offer 360-degree maneuverability. This propulsion system enables the ship to be pulled, rather than pushed, through the water, optimizing stability and safety.

Navigational Intricacies and International Flags

Symphony Of The Seas, like many cruise ships, sails under the flag of the Bahamas due to the Passenger Services Act of 1886. This regulation forbids foreign-flagged ships from transporting passengers between two U.S. ports, imposing a fine of $200 per passenger. To circumvent this, cruise lines must include at least one foreign port of call in their itinerary when leaving the U.S. For our cruise, this meant stops in St. Martin and the Bahamas on the way to Puerto Rico from Miami.

Onboard, passengers find accommodations to suit every budget, from Ocean View Cabins starting at $1,000 per person for the week to the opulent Ultimate Family Suite, which commands a price tag of $85,000. Managing this diverse offering falls to Hotel Manager Fernando Jorge, who must ensure passengers enjoy their vacation at their chosen price point.

The Profitable Art of Keeping Passengers Moving

Cruise lines rely on a captive audience during a week at sea to bolster their profits. Passengers partake in onboard purchases such as alcohol, casino games, and specialty dining, all contributing to the cruise line's bottom line. Fernando's role revolves around orchestrating the flow of passengers through the ship, preventing overcrowding in any one area. By designing the ship with seven distinct neighborhoods, each with its own theme and activities, Symphony Of The Seas can disperse passengers effectively, preventing congestion.

The ship's layout is not just about passenger convenience but also safety, enabling efficient isolation in case of an emergency or health concern like COVID-19. Passengers testing positive for the virus can be promptly quarantined on Deck 3, minimizing the risk to others on board.

Feeding the Multitudes

The heart of Symphony Of The Seas lies within its 36 kitchens, each manned 24/7 by a culinary team exceeding a thousand members. These chefs whip up over 30,000 meals daily, offering a staggering variety of dishes to satisfy the ship's international and diverse passenger base. Menus are meticulously planned at Royal Caribbean's Miami headquarters, and chefs adhere to a weekly rotation.

This massive culinary operation serves the ship's specialty restaurants, the main dining room, and countless other venues. Specialized galleys handle dishes ranging from fresh pasta to over 2,000 oysters shucked per cruise. At the center of it all, the main dining room spans three decks, catering to up to 6,000 diners each night. Every aspect of this culinary ballet must be executed flawlessly to satisfy the voracious appetites of cruise-goers.

The Art of Food Procurement

Behind the scenes, Jared oversees the ordering of food for the ship's 23 different restaurants. His weekly shopping budget exceeds one million dollars. Precise planning is essential as Symphony Of The Seas embarks on a seven-day cruise with no option to resupply at sea. Any miscalculation could disrupt the entire voyage.

Every bit of food must traverse the ship's secret highway, I-95, located on Deck 2. This intricate network includes 20 different storage rooms, from freezers to walk-in fridges, ensuring that seafood, meat, vegetables, and fruit are stored separately. The ship's dry goods, including spices and chocolates, are stored below on Deck 1.

Waste Management at Sea

With no garbage trucks at sea, waste management is a unique challenge for cruise ships. Symphony Of The Seas has implemented advanced technology to deal with waste efficiently, striving to be a zero landfill ship. All waste streams, from glass and cardboard to plastic and metal, are processed onboard.

The ship recycles millions of pounds of waste each year, with rebates from these recycling efforts contributing to the employee retirement fund. Crew members play their part by bringing recyclables from their cabins to designated collection points.

From Water Purification to Power Generation

One of Symphony Of The Seas' standout features is its advanced water treatment system. Crew members ensure that no water bottle goes unaccounted for. The ship's purification system transforms seawater into drinkable water at an impressive rate of 150,000 liters per hour. Additionally, excess heat generated by the ship's six engines is harnessed to warm potable water, heat pools, and ensure fuel tank functionality.

Speaking of fuel, while exact figures remain undisclosed, the ship is more fuel-efficient than older vessels. Air bubbles are released beneath the hull to reduce drag and fuel consumption. Symphony Of The Seas exemplifies Royal Caribbean's commitment to environmental responsibility by significantly reducing waste, weight, and operational expenses.

Performing at Sea: The Crew Beyond the Kitchen

Cruises offer more than culinary delights and efficiency marvels; they also feature world-class entertainment. Symphony Of The Seas boasts a diverse array of performers, from professional slackliners to Olympic-level divers. These talented artists deliver nightly shows, including ice performances, Broadway-style plays, and aqua shows, each demanding precision and choreography.

The onboard theater hosts renowned productions like "Hairspray" and "Flight," which feature high-flying acrobatics and breathtaking special effects. Managing the entertainment team falls to Cruise Director Abe Hughes, who orchestrates everything from auditions to rehearsals. His dedication ensures passengers enjoy top-tier performances throughout their voyage.

The Symphony Never Stops

Our voyage aboard Symphony Of The Seas unveiled a meticulously coordinated operation of epic proportions. With an unwavering commitment to passenger experience, environmental responsibility, and logistical excellence, Royal Caribbean's Symphony Of The Seas continues to redefine the possibilities of modern cruising.

As we disembarked from our incredible journey, the sheer scale of this maritime marvel left us with a profound appreciation for the dedication and expertise of the ship's crew and the intricate operations that keep this floating city afloat. Symphony Of The Seas serves as a testament to human ingenuity, demonstrating that even the largest of dreams can be realized on the high seas.


About the Creator

Anu Preethi Danila D

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    Anu Preethi Danila DWritten by Anu Preethi Danila D

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