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Different Types of Cyber Security Threats for businesses

Cyber security threats can be a huge problem for businesses

By John RamePublished 12 months ago 5 min read

As a business owner, you are probably well aware of the importance of cyber security and enterprise security solutions offered by firewall providers in Sri Lanka. With so much at stake, it is essential to take all necessary precautions to protect your data and your customers' information. By being aware of these threats, you can take steps to protect yourself and your company from becoming a victim.

Ransomware - a type of malware that encrypts files on a computer or network and demands a ransom payment to unlock them

According to reputed IT solutions providers in Sri Lanka, ransomware has been a big problem for businesses in recent years. This type of malware can encrypt files on your computer or network, making them inaccessible. The attacker will then demand a ransom payment to unlock the files. This can be a costly and time-consuming process for businesses, so it is important to have a good cyber security plan in place to protect against this threat.

There are two main types of ransomware; encrypting and non-encrypting. Encrypting ransomware is the more dangerous of the two, as it can render data completely unusable. Non-encrypting types simply lock access to systems or files and demand a ransom payment to unlock them. While this type of ransomware is not as damaging as encrypting ransomware, it can still be costly and time-consuming for businesses to deal with.

Another type of cyber security threat that businesses need to be aware of is phishing attacks. Phishing attacks are designed to trick users into giving up sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. These attacks can come in the form of emails, websites, or even text messages. They often look like they are from a trusted source, such as a bank or a company you do business with. However, when you click on the link or enter your information, you are actually sending it to the attacker.

Phishing attacks - fraudulent emails or websites that attempt to steal personal information from users

Phishing attacks are a type of social engineering, which is where an attacker uses manipulation to trick someone into doing something that they normally wouldn’t do, like clicking on a malicious link or opening an attachment.

Phishing attacks usually come in the form of an email, although they can also come in the form of a text message or even a phone call. The email will often look like it is from a trusted source, such as your bank or a company you do business with. It might even look like it is from someone you know.

The email will typically contain a link that takes you to a website that looks legitimate but is actually controlled by the attacker. This website will ask you for personal information, such as your credit card number or your bank account login information.

If you enter this information, the attacker will now have access to your accounts and can use your money without you even knowing it is happening. This is why it is so important to be careful about what emails you open and what links you click on. If something looks suspicious, do not click on it!

Social engineering - tricks used to manipulate people into revealing confidential information

Social engineering is a type of cyber security threat that relies on human interaction to trick people into revealing confidential information. The attacker will use various methods to try to get the victim to divulge sensitive data, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

One common social engineering tactic is known as phishing. Phishing involves sending emails that look like they are from a legitimate company or organisation, but are actually from an attacker. These emails often contain links that lead to fake websites designed to steal your information.

Another social engineering tactic is called tailgating. This is when an attacker follows someone into a secure building or facility without having proper authorization. Once they are inside, the attacker can access sensitive data or commit other crimes.

DDoS attacks - attempts to overwhelm a website with traffic until it crashes

A DDoS attack is a type of cyber-attack that attempts to overload a website with so much traffic that it crashes. DDoS attacks are often used as a tool for political or ideological warfare. For example, in 2012, pro-Palestinian hackers launched a DDoS attack against the Israeli national stock exchange.

DDoS attacks can be very costly for businesses. In addition to the cost of repairing any damage done to the website, lost revenue from downtime can quickly add up. If customer data is compromised, the business may also be on the hook for expensive legal fees and damages.

There are several steps businesses can take to protect themselves from DDoS attacks, including keeping their software and systems up to date, using firewalls, and working with a reputable cyber security firm.

Malvertising - malicious ads that can install malware on your computer when you click on them

Malvertising is a type of online advertising that uses malicious code to infect your computer when you click on an ad. The code can be used to install viruses, Trojans, and other types of malware. Malvertising can also be used to redirect you to a phishing website or a website that hosts malicious software.

Malvertising is a growing problem because it is difficult to detect and avoid. Many times, the ads look like normal ads from well-known companies. Even if you are using an ad blocker, you may still be vulnerable if the ad network or publisher has been compromised.

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from malvertising, including only clicking on ads from trusted sources, keeping your anti-virus and anti-malware software up-to-date, and being cautious when clicking on any links in an email or online.

Spyware and adware - programs that track your internet activity and display ads based on your browsing history

Spyware is used to track and collect information about your internet activity without your knowledge. This information is then used to display targeted ads. Adware is a type of spyware that specifically targets advertisements.

Spyware and adware can be installed on your computer in a few different ways. Sometimes, it is bundled with other software that you download from the internet. Other times, it comes from clicking on malicious links or attachments in emails.

These programs can be difficult to remove once they are installed on your computer. They can slow down your computer and cause it to crash. To protect yourself from spyware and adware, only download software from trusted sources, do not click on links or attachments in emails unless you are sure they are safe, and use a reputable antivirus program.

Businesses need to be aware of these different types of cyber security threats and have a plan in place to protect themselves. Cyber security is an important part of any business plan and should not be ignored. By taking steps to protect your business, you can help reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a cyber-attack.

There are many different types of cyber security threats that businesses need to be aware of. These include viruses, spyware, adware, phishing scams, and more. By understanding these threats and taking steps to protect your business, you can help reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a cyber-attack. Cyber security is an important part of any business plan and should not be ignored.


About the Creator

John Rame

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