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Decoding 10 Common Nightmares

Unlocking the Secrets of 10 Frequently Encountered Nightmares: A Journey into the Depths of Dream Psychology

By JulygwynetPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Illustration: Alamy

According to psychologists, dreams are a part of reality that reflects into our sleep. Michael Schredl, head of the sleep laboratory at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim, Germany, suggests that every frightening dream holds significance, mirroring the current emotional state of the dreamer.

Generalizing nightmares proves challenging as science has not yet reached a consensus on why we dream. However, Schredl notes that there are basic patterns in nightmares that can help understand the emotions the brain is trying to express.

In their latest study, Schredl and colleagues analyzed over 1,200 nightmares, asking participants to recall their most recent disturbing dreams. Subsequently, they categorized these dreams into common themes:

Insect Infestation

Dreams featuring destructive insects or reptiles can make nightmares feel eerily real. Schredl notes that symbolically, destruction in dreams may represent fears related to illness, dirt, or something associated with rodents or insects. These dreams may also reflect the dreamer feeling unsafe in their own home.

Demons and Spirits

Many dream about ghosts, demons, or extraterrestrial beings. Demons are believed to symbolize negative energies, revealing psychological issues. Being pursued by demons also signifies a desire for assistance in overcoming current challenges.

According to Baland Jalal, a neuroscientist at Harvard University, dreaming about demons or characters from horror movies indicates the brain's use of familiar cultural symbols to portray fear at a specific time.


Nightmares featuring fires, floods, nuclear radiation, or apocalyptic themes are prevalent and often confused with end-of-the-world scenarios. Disaster dreams ranked 8th in the survey, accounting for 4.5% of participants. Schredl notes these dreams express general anxiety about the future, reflecting the dreamer's fear of an impending catastrophe.


The sensation of forgetting something important without knowing exactly what it is is a common theme in nightmares. Participants in Schredl's study felt a vague sense of unease, not being able to pinpoint specifics, making them more uncomfortable.

Conflict and Fighting

Interpersonal conflict is the 6th most common theme. In these scenarios, dreamers participate in or witness intense conflicts. Psychologically, these dreams may symbolize anxieties within personal relationships, reflecting concerns about necessary conversations or resolving past conflicts.

Illness and Death

Concerns about illness and death ranked 5th, comprising 11.6% of the survey. These dreams depict the dreamer or loved ones falling ill, facing diseases, or dying. Such dreams are complex, representing various personal experiences, from a generalized fear of sickness and death to a sense of losing control over one's health.

Being Pursued

Dreams of being chased by a person, a malevolent presence, or even something invisible create a sense of fear, as the pursuer seems to be closing in. Experiencing fear and running away from the cause is an avoidance behavior. Generally, dreams of being pursued indicate worries about something the dreamer might be trying to avoid.


This category includes falling, car accidents, or drowning, constituting 15% of surveyed dreams. These dreams represent fears related to heights, driving, or bodies of water. Schredl notes they can also symbolize feelings of loss of control, fear of death, or helplessness.

Being Attacked

In this scenario, the dreamer may be attacked or witness a violent confrontation. Such nightmares may reflect anxieties, literal fears of violence, or concerns about being vulnerable to criticism from others.

Failure and Helplessness

Topping the list is dreams of failure and helplessness, accounting for 18% of the study. This includes failing to achieve goals, being late, getting lost, losing or forgetting something, or making mistakes. Among these, failing an exam comprises 3% of reported nightmares. Schredl suggests that exam dreams may indicate feelings of insecurity about performance at work, at home, or recalling worrisome events.

Understanding these common nightmare themes can provide insights into the anxieties and fears that individuals may be grappling with during their dream state.


About the Creator


Inhale life, exhale narratives, poetry, prose, and fleeting and harmonious moments. A perfectionist who enjoys crafting and repurposing words. I write for the simple pleasure of forming patterns and words into images on a blank page.

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