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Creepy Stuff That We Found In The Woods

Jellico Tennessee

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The weather has been just beautiful here in Jellico. Myself and a few friends decided that we wanted to go exploring in the surrounding mountains. To be perfectly honest, I didn't expect to write about it. As our journey unfolded I knew that this was something that I had to document and share. We just kept finding some of the most strange and unusual things. We also found some down right creepy things.

It makes me wonder how these things ended up deep in the mountains where so few people venture. I'm sure that some of these things are pranks left behind by past hunters and explorers. It's still fun and sometimes unnerving to find these creepy items, especially in the mountains surrounding our little town of Jellico.

Creepy Old Doll Head

Just above the old KFC building in Jellico is where we began our mountain journey. My buddy brought along his hunting dog named Dash. We walked about twenty minutes straight up the mountains side.

It was refreshing to see new life starting to emerge. We seen numerous squirrels and even a young doe taking advantage of the weather. Ol' Dash pointed us to a large tree and just beneath it we found this creepy, severed doll head. What made this find a little strange was that the head was sitting in the middle of a pile of burned twigs.

Questions started popping up as we wondered how this head ended up so deep in the mountain. I suppose it's not completely uncommon, but why was it sitting on a pile of burned twigs? Who was up in this mountain setting fire to a doll head? Maybe a hunter had found it and decided to use it to build a warming fire. Maybe it was Witchcraft or some form of Psychotherapy (only half joking). We may never know, but it was still a creepy thing to come upon.

Dismembered Solider

We continued walking through the mountain side taking in the fresh air and nature. We found ourselves high above the old Jellico Motel. The view from here is just amazing. My buddy spotted another oddity hidden in the mountains. A dismembered solider toy. "What kind of children have been up in these mountains?" We joked to one another. "What kind of games have they been playing?" It's odd to think about a child being this far into the mountains even with adults present. This is some rugged terrain and a lot of hard walking.

We decided to end the day and head back home. We all agreed to meet up the next morning and explore the Black Oak Mountains. We was rather curious of what other unexplainable treasures that we might find. This is when I decided to document what we found and create a article about it. It was becoming interesting to me to see what all strange items people left behind in our mountains.

One Lost Boot

Are you like me and wondering why there is only one lone boot left laying deep in the Black Oak Mountains? Did someone actually walk out of here with only one shoe on? If so, why? It doesn't look like any kind of hunting gear. In fact tracking through the mountains in a pair of fancy cowboy boots would be rather uncomfortable. I guess this is just another mystery that we will never know the answer to.

A Warning Painted In The Mud

When we came across this spray painted message in the mud, things started to make more sense. Maybe whoever lost their boot was in fact taking heed to this message and ran right out of their shoes. Again, we're left wondering why anyone would spray paint the word RUN on a muddy mountain side. It was obviously fresh and recent, otherwise it would have washed away. Our next question was "What are we running from?" Should we wait around to find out or take the advice and just move on.? We decided to just move on.

This Thing

A mile or so later into our walk we come across this. As old as I am, I just cannot pinpoint what this item is. Some type of old stove possibly? We spent a while looking at it and trying to imagine what it might have been. We finally came to the conclusion that it was a very old, antique heat stove. My friend decided to lug this treasure out of the mountain and try to restore it. We'll mark this one down as a really nice find. It took two grown adults to drag it back to the truck sitting about a mile away.

By now we were completely exhausted and decided to head to the Indian Mountains in the morning.

Jason Voorhees

It didn't take long for us to find our first creepy item in the Indian Mountains. I wonder who was up in here wearing a Jason mask? Talk about a really creepy encounter, walking up on this guy deep in the mountains. But this was not the creepiest thing that we found.

Tree Limb Crafting

Allow me to be perfectly honest with you, this really creeped me out. Someone had spent a whole lot of time and effort to construct these tree limbs into some type of strange creation. It had a Blair Witch feel to it. Notice right in the center there's a large figure made from sticks. The figure is surrounded by a well designed circle. We just did not even know what to make of this. This is truly the creepiest thing that I have ever seen in the mountains or anywhere else for that matter. Why would anyone walk deep into the mountain and spend so much effort to build such a thing?

Saving The Best For Last

A garden gnome well hidden inside of a huge tree. This little guy brought a big smile to all of us. I'm not sure how we didn't miss this. Maybe he's here to protect the woods from evil or maybe he's the one who constructed that Blair Witch project that we just found. Either way he looked right at home tucked away safely in his tree trunk.

One thing is for certain, even in the small, peaceful town of Jellico you just never know what's hiding in the mountains around us.


About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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