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A Life Saving Change

Garrett Morgan

By Madison BishopPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Garrett Morgan

It's no surprise we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are today without black inventors and their inventions. Such as Mary Brown and her invention of the home security system, which as a study done by the Alarm Industry Research and Education Foundation found in a study 60% of burglars choose houses without a home security system to rob.

While hundreds of black inventions paved the way for Americans, one inventor has saved thousands of lives with a simple addition to an everyday invention. Garrett Morgan, born March 4th, 1877, created what we now use all over the world. The three-tier traffic light. Before 1923, a two-light system was used consisting of only the red and green light.

Garrett Morgan, living in Cleveland, Ohio became the first African American to own a car. This led to him seeing many accidents in his time driving due to the quick change of green to red in the traffic light. Garett Morgan, only possessing an elementary education, decided to be proactive, creating the 'yellow' light giving drivers a warning of the upcoming red-light.

Garrett didn't stop there with his life-saving inventions. In 1914, Garret Morgan patented a breathing device to allowing breathing in unsafe areas. Due to racial tension in the south at this time Morgan hired a white actor to pose as the inventor of the mask.

In 1916, a tunnel explosion in Cleveland caused workers to be trapped underground with toxic chemicals flooding the air. Morgan and his brother heroically put on their masks and venture into the tunnels saving two lives and recovering four bodies that would have otherwise been trapped.

Morgan later obtained a patent for his improvement of the sewing machine, which soon paved the way for him to be financially free. His wife, Mary Anne Hassek, an experienced seamstress, worked alongside him in his newly opened tailoring shop. During his time working he discovered a way to stop the woolen fabric from being scorched by the sewing needle. This invention, a chemical solution, caused the hairs of the cloth to be straighter.

Morgan's invention, which he tested on himself, worked to straighten hair as well. Morgan created the G.A Morgan Hair Refining Company, selling the mixture to African Americans. This business was a financial success and brought him financial security.

Alongside inventing, Morgan was a black rights activist, including being an active member of the National Security for the Advancement of Colored People, as well as the Cleveland Association for Colored Men. He also donated to black colleges and even opened an all-black country club. As well as launching the Cleveland Call, an African American newspaper.

While Garrett Morgan lived a busy life, his wife and he had three children together through their marriage. Sadly, in 1943 Garett developed Glaucoma, taking most of his sight in both eyes. In Cleveland Ohio, on July 27th, 1963 Garrett Morgan passed away.

Black inventors all over the world create products that pave the way for success in America. However, many of these inventors are not taught in history nor are they recognized for their contributions. Due to racial injustice in America, many Inventions by black creators were not bought simply because their inventor was a person of color.

The only way America will reach its full potential of success is to recognize all people. Including people of color who, like Garett Morgan and Mary Brown who have saved countless lives with their inventions.

Garrett Morgan was a man of hope. When being faced with a problem he found a way to fix it. While Morgan isn't talked about, he paved the way for success in several aspects including the three-tier traffic signal, the blueprint for the gas mask used in World War One, and a hair straitening device.


About the Creator

Madison Bishop

My name is Madison. I'm a 20 year old Forensics major. In my spare time I love to write. My favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I have a 1 1/2 eared fur baby named posey.

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