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3 Reasons a ZOMBIE Apocalypse Would Just FAIL

A zombie apocalypse is about to break out.

By TestPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

Our nightmares are made out of rotting flesh and they love brains more than Andrew Zimmern Zombies have recently been the obsession of almost every aspect of pop culture from television, movies, and graphic literature. Who could argue against our morbid fascination with walking corpses who come in droves, ready to tear civilization apart with their insatiable hunger? We have all imagined how inevitably close the Zombie Apocalypse could be with all the terrifying diseases and pathogens that are being discovered and ones that are being engineered in underground laboratories somewhere around the globe. But for all the fantasy and imagination that we put and invest in our grisly end at the rotting hand of a zombie, we may be overestimating the chances of a Zombie Apocalypse actually happening in real life. There are, after all, multiple factors to consider to find out just how much of a chance we stand against a wave of the attacking undead.


Decomposition Let's start with the blatantly obvious. Zombies are walking corpses and what corpses do best is decay over time. Let's assume that a zombie apocalypse did happen and we are all thrown into mass hysteria and panic. Our deceased loved ones would crawl up from the dirt and start knocking on our doors to eat our brains and infect us with the same unknown pathogen that compelled them to come back to life as mindless automatons. However, despite the initial wave of horror humanity has to go through for a few days, the problem will pretty much take care of itself. Realistically, it takes three full years for a dead body to be reduced to skeletal remains. However, it only takes a few months for decay and putrefaction to take over a dead body - even if it's supernaturally moving - and render it immobile as limbs would fall one after the other. Humanity could pretty much go on with daily life with little nuisance from these flesh-eating monsters if we don't mind the smell. Running away from them won't even be as necessary as the movies would lead us to believe because, certainly, motor function is going to be the first thing out the window after a few weeks of rotting.


Disease Control We have to give medical institutions around the world some credit for doing their jobs in making sure that deadly diseases are contained in the best way possible. Over the course of human history, diseases, and illnesses spread like wildfire from one nation to the other up until the advancement of the medical sciences. From the invention of vaccines to the discovery of new treatments for otherwise incurable viruses, medicine and science have saved humanity from being wiped out off the face of the earth. Also, in this age of information, we are pretty much knowledgeable in how diseases spread. Whether they're airborne, bacteria found on suspicious surfaces or transmission from a person with a disease, we are well aware of the necessary steps to prevent ourselves from being contaminated. And how does one get infected by the Zombie virus? Through a bite. We would have to be pretty dull to allow ourselves direct contact with a zombie and get ourselves bitten since we are a generation that has managed to push smallpox to extinction and has eradicated rabies in developed countries. The only way of being turned into a zombie is if we allow ourselves to be bitten without a second thought. Also, institutions and organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization have safeguards that prevent pandemics from spreading such as quarantines that contain infected communities. If we can manage not to catch the flu, we can manage not to turn into zombies.


Military Might Let's be real here. If a zombie apocalypse does happen, it will be over in a matter of days. We have to give credit to our troops and their training as well as the advancements that the military sciences have had over the years. Technology is very much on their side when it comes to defense systems and special weaponry. They do not even have to fear the dreaded zombie bite since military gear is so sophisticated that it can shield a soldier from high-caliber rounds. Imagine what layers upon layers of Kevlar and specialized armor could do to the rotting teeth of a zombie. Do you think a zombie can chew through a tank if we are really paranoid just send some drones and drop some bombs on these zombies

HumanityScienceMysterySci FiPsychologicalHorrorHistoricalFantasyAdventure

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