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1978, the Australian pilot disappeared strangely

Is it alien related?

By VenusPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

01. Strange flight

Time coordinates: October 21, 1978

Location Coordinates: Over Bass Strait, Australia

It was just a busy working day for Fred, a pilot who had just turned 20 years old.

Because, he would fly a commercial Cessna-182L light aircraft

taking off from Memorabilia Airport near Melbourne, Australia. He will be flying a commercial Cessna-182L light aircraft from Moroccan Airport near Melbourne, Australia, to Kinda Island, 200 kilometres away, to haul the day's catch of lobster back to port.

The plane took off at 6:19 p.m. The voyage was not too far, reaching its destination at around 7 p.m.

It was a good day at sea, with no wind or waves, and Fred was in a good mood and kept in close contact with the tower via radio.

However, at 7:06 pm, Fred suddenly asked the tower a strange question!

"Excuse me, is there any other aircraft 150 meters below my aircraft at this time?" Fred sounded a little off!

"No, I checked the range log ......" replied Steve, the tower staff.

By this time, Fred's plane was flying at 5,000 meters, and Steve couldn't understand why he would ask this strange question ......

What followed was a seven-minute long call in which Pilot Fred seemed to be in an "accident" in the air. The tower crew heard conversations that he couldn't understand ......

"Oh my God, is this thing following me?"

"Something is under my plane ...... No! Now it's flying above my plane again ......"

The tower sensed the fear in Fred's tone and tried to ask him what exactly he saw.

"It's long and greenish in shape, and the fuselage appears to be metal, with a shiny exterior," Fred's urgent voice broke off.

During this time, the tower tried to talk to Fred. But Fred was "trapped" by something and had no time to talk to the tower!

At 7:12, Fred's scream came out, then his voice disappeared ......

For the next 17 seconds. tower worker Steve heard a creepy "creaking ......" noise. It was the most frightening 17 seconds of his life. He had no idea what was happening to Fred, who was flying far out at sea. All he could do was listen to 17 seconds of eerie sounds and shiver!

After that, Fred and his plane disappeared from the radar. Everything is silent again ......

02. Mysterious disappearance

Fred and his plane, disappeared at 7:12:48. At this point, his position would have been right over his destination, Kinda Island.

At first, people thought it might be a plane crash, so the Australian side quickly sent a rescue force to reach the accident sea search and rescue.

However, four whole days passed and There was no trace of the plane wreckage on the sea, and of course, Fred was nowhere to be seen!

This situation is very suspicious.

After four days of search and rescue, officials declared it a tragic plane accident.

Pilot Fred has no chance of survival ......

However, the calm was soon broken.

After the tower recording was released, more and more people believed that this could not be a mere flight accident!

More and more UFO enthusiasts are convinced that Fred was followed by a "UFO" at sea and eventually taken captive!

And the 7-minute long tower call is the most "powerful" evidence!

03、More suspicions

The people investigating the mysterious disappearance also found additional evidence, there are even people when Fred's plane met with an accident, and took "suspicious" photos!

A photographer named Roy was shooting the sunset on the coast.

And his camera just captured the "weird" scene in the air!

Roy recalled that the thing in the sky was like a giant moth, a black mass.

Roy also confirmed that he had seen Fred's plane flying over ...... at that very moment.

Soon, the "spooky" photo was handed over to a civil society organization in Arizona, the U.S. "Flying Saucer Ground Watch Center.

After a fine technical analysis, the "UFO Ground Observation Center" concluded that the black object was a solid object made of unknown material!

As to whether it is a flying saucer or not? We don't know. ......

Of course, there were other sightings of this mysterious object, and Silent was one of them.

The story goes that Silent and his friends were playing tennis when someone exclaimed that there was something in mid-air. They then stared at the "thing" together for a few minutes ......

As for the shape of the object, and the pilot Fred described very similar - It was elongated, with two small and large ends and a thin middle. The whole body is metallic, reflecting a blindingly bright light!

04. The weird 17 seconds

Of course, this mysterious disappearance, the most suspicious and the most unexplained

The last 17 seconds of Fred's call with the tower.

A bit of ear-splitting "creaking ......" sound.

Some expert analysis suggests that this sound is very much like the sound of friction between objects.

And if the "alien spacecraft hijacked the plane" event happened. Then, this sound is undoubtedly Fred's plane was "inhaled" when the UFO collision sound!

However, it is clear that the official investigation deliberately ignored these details.

And the investigation also gave a judgment on the recording, the pilot mentioned the "object" in the end what is.

Officials believe that Fred saw the reflection of his plane on the sea and made a wrong judgment when he lost the coordinate reference.

This "strange conclusion", where did it come from?

Officials believe: Fred was operating the aircraft in error, forming a "flip flight" state, such a flight state, resulting in Fred losing their sense of direction in the air, the reflection of the sea as a "UFO", and thus crashing into the sea! ......

05、More speculation

Of course, in almost every flight accident, the pilot's psychological state is the key to the investigation, and this time is no exception.

Some people are sure that Fred was carrying out the flight with the idea of "suicide", and at the last moment, he directed himself to play a bizarre 7-minute call ......

However, this claim has strongly displeased Fred's family.

In their opinion, the cheerful and only 20-year-old Fred could not have committed suicide!

He had a girlfriend whom he loved, a family with whom he had an amicable relationship, and no depressive condition ever appeared ......

The most unexplained thing is that if Fred drove the plane into the sea, why no wreckage or items were recovered?

Fred's family is convinced that he is not dead, just hijacked by an alien spacecraft ......

To this day, more than 40 years have passed since Fred's mysterious disappearance.

Australian air crash investigators, still the cause of Fred's disappearance as "undetermined"!

The incident is shrouded in mystery because of the bizarre 17-second recording, where exactly did Fred go? Is he still alive? So far no one knows ......


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