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10 Dangerous Empires of all time

Ruthless era part 2

By Zayn Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Veer Bhogya Vasundhara

'Veer Bhogya Vasundhara', that is, the vast area, land and natural resources of this earth are consumed by the one who has conquered it by the strength of valor and power. Be it Genghis Khan or the British rule, which claims that the sun of its empire never sets, the history of the establishment of the world's vast and grand empire is an introduction to bravery, indomitable courage and willpower. Let us tell you 10 such huge empires of the world whose expansion was in a way on a large part of the whole earth and most of the entire population of the world remained under the rule of such empires.

Maya Civilization or Empire

Maya Civilization or Empire: It was one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and its empire is believed to be 3000 years old. The rise of this ancient imperial civilization of America took place 1500 years before Christ. This civilization reached the peak of progress during 300 to 900 BC. Important centers of this old civilization were spread in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Today we can see the remains of this civilization only in dilapidated buildings in the form of pyramids.

Mughal Empire

It was an Islamic Turko-Mongol empire, whose administrative center was mostly the Indian subcontinent. This kingdom started in 1526. The empire extended from present-day Bangladesh in the east to Baluchistan in the west and from Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri Valley in the south. It is believed that at that time the population of this empire spread over an area of ​​40 lakh km was estimated between 11 and 13 crores. The empire was able to maintain its supremacy in the Indian subcontinent during the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

khahamani dynasty or ajmid empire

It is also called Achaemenid, Ajmid Empire in English and Greek. It was a ruling dynasty of ancient Persia, now Iran, from 550 BC to 330 BC. This empire extended from Greece in the west to the Indus River in the east and from the Caspian Sea in the north to the Arabian Sea in the south. This empire was huge. The downfall of this dynasty happened in 330 BC due to the invasion of Alexander.

The Qing dynasty

The Qing Empire was the last empire of China. After this empire, China became a republic. The Qing dynasty was founded by the Manchu clan Esin Gioro in what is today known as Manchuria. It was one of the largest empires in the world on the basis of area expansion.

Ottoman Empire

It is also called the Ottoman Empire or Osmani Empire. It was an Ottoman Empire. It was one of the longest and oldest empires in history. Its expansion is believed to be in South Eastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa.

French empire

The French Empire was one of the largest empires in the world. It is believed that it was occupied by 10 percent of the population of the entire earth. This was the reason that at one time French was one of the most spoken languages ​​in the whole world and we see samples of French artwork, carvings and workmanship everywhere in the world. This empire of France had conquered many countries of Africa, America and Asia. After the French Revolution in the 17th century, Napoleon Bonaparte became the Emperor of France and during his reign, the French Empire expanded greatly. His armies also conquered most of Europe.

kingdom of spain

The Spanish Empire was one of the earliest and largest empires in the world. Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania regions came under it. The expansion of this empire also had an impact on the culture of many countries of the world, that is why even today we see the influence of Spanish language in the world and even today about 500 million people speak Spanish language.

British empire

It was the largest empire in the world. Its borders were spread from all over Europe to America and Asia. In a way it was a global power. About one-fourth of the total population of the whole world was under it, that is, in total 500 million people were its subjects. This British Empire kept India a slave for 200 years. But as soon as India got independence from this empire in 1947, this empire started to decline.

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire (from 27 BC to 476 (West) to 1453 (East)) was centered in the city of Rome in Europe. The empire was so vast that it included the whole of Southern Europe as well as regions of North Africa and Anatolia. One of the largest empires in the world, this empire declined by the end of the fifth century. This empire was an important part of the history and culture of Europe.


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