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Wildwing the Protector

By Heather Manheim

By Heather Mitchell ManheimPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

I glide through the still, dark night, surveying my domain. The cool air rushes by, slightly ruffling my face feathers. The wispy clouds are lacy and white, tinged with gray. They are floating doilies, and they whisper in my ears the secrets from the day. The tranquil full moon backlights me and creates my shadow, a majestic silhouette that glides over the foliage and flora. The small critters of the night scatter as they see it, and I give out a triumphant screech as I soar, then swoop and dive, so I can move closer to inspect the ground.

The little ones disperse and hide only out of instinct, not because I am hunting. My name is Wildwing; I'm a barn owl that protects and patrols this forest, the Frosty Grove Forest, and its inhabitants. The Frosty Grove Forest is filled with fairies and innocent creatures. With the exception of myself, all of those who live here are delicate and need protection. From the tiny green frogs that leap about our cool pond to the mice who collect grains and fruit for all to eat, we live in united harmony. If you're wondering why they need protecting, it is because that in addition to their peaceful nature, the Frosty Grove Forest is where wishes are sent to. Everything from the wish you make when you blow out your birthday candles to your secret hopes as you toss a penny into a well comes to us.

The fairies, laying in their verdant, dew-laden cupped leaves, see the wish bubbles as they float from the sky. Bright golden orbs lightly bounce on the soft wind as they drift down to the waiting fairies. After the fairies catch one of the spheres, they listen to it. Holding the globes to their ears, they listen to the faint whispers of the wishes sent by a human someplace out in the world. They then set about a way to grant the wish. It is important to note that not all wishes come true. Sometimes they are set aside to be granted at a later time. Sometimes the fairies must say, "no," and sometimes, they must say, "not right now." But they love it best when they can say, "yes."

As I am a large and mighty owl, I am the sole flying creature and safeguard of our realm. I am needed because as hard as it may be to believe, some want us to fail. Our biggest foe are called Nightwalkers. They are tall animals that are lean and dark. Their bodies are like twisted tree trunks with long and spindly fingers. Evil vines flow from the top of their head, creating a tangled web of hair covering their vacant eyes. The Nightwalkers would love to make a meal out of the tiny deer and foxes that play in our glen. They hunt the nocturnal animals as well as the diurnal, not having any qualms of plucking a peaceful, sleeping creature from its den. They would also not be above trying to catch a wee mouse or snatching a fairy from their leaf. The Nightwalkers have incredibly sensitive ears. They listen for everything from a whimper of a child's nightmare to the murmurs that herald the beginnings of war. They feed off of hate, fear, and lies. In return, I feed off of them. My primary weapon is my long, harsh screech; the Nightwalkers can't tolerate the sound of my piercing howl. It stuns them into a stupor, and then I can make short work of them with my razor-sharp talons and beak.

I have never lost a creature under my protection, for which I am very proud. The fairies and other animals have an essential job, because yes, wishes are imperative. They give people a chance to hope and dream. To bestow kindness on one another. A pure wish is fueled by love and is among the world's most valuable resources. People don't always know the power of the wishes they make. They don't realize a simple wish can grow into a fantastic thing. The wish might be for a single parent to find a good job or a young child to have a puppy. Either one and everything in between can have repercussions of love and friendship. The chain reactions that grow from those seemingly simple wishes ripple through the world, like kind waves upon desperate shores.

After my nocturnal defense flight, I preen my white, brown, tawny, and tan feathers in the first light of the morning. The early morning rays of the sun slightly warm my back until it lulls me to sleep. I dream that once again tonight, I will preserve the sanctity of the forest. I rest until it is my time to soar the night skies again, protecting those who need it most. I am Wildwing, and it is my duty and honor to be of service to the Frosty Grove Forest and to all the people who make wishes.


About the Creator

Heather Mitchell Manheim

Heather studied Creative Writing and Journalisim in school, and has been writing and reading since she was a child. When she isn't writing, she loves to travel, bake/cook, watch classic movies and photography.

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