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Why have humans not discovered aliens?

Recall the history of human exploration of the universe, can reveal the answer

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Have you ever thought about such a question, as to why we humans have explored the universe so far and experienced more than a hundred years but have not yet found the existence of alien life?

Since most people believe that this universe is not the only intelligent life on Earth, why they have not appeared in our sight?

We have to go back to the human race two thousand years ago.

When humans first looked up at the stars, humans stubbornly believed that the Earth is the center of the universe.

Everything and any celestial body in the universe was revolving around the Earth.

They had no way to prove their statements but were convinced of their speculations.

Until one day 500 years ago, the Polish astronomer Copernicus appeared, completely overturning everyone's traditional perception, Copernicus formally proposed the theory of heliocentrism.

With the continuous development of science and technology, the universe has become more and more accurate as human exploration.

Many scientists have gradually confirmed Copernicus' heliocentric theory after observation, and since then the theory of geocentrism has been formally pushed down to the altar.

So since the entire universe does not revolve around the Earth, does that mean that the Earth is just the most ordinary planet in the universe? There is no research value.

If we think so, then we are very wrong.

Other galaxies were first observed by the Hubble telescope in 1929. This discovery seemed to make our planet Earth appear even smaller in the universe.

The human concept of life in the universe is also gradually changing.

Many scientists believe that there may be life everywhere in the universe. Most planets have life on them that is suitable for their planet.

And higher intelligent life like us humans have been crowded in the universe for a long time.

This was the view of life when humans first explored the universe.

It was not until 1951 that Fermi, the Nobel Prize winner in physics, came up with his view. Fermi thought that since the universe was full of life, where the hell was they? Why can't we see them? This is the famous Fermi paradox.

Since then, mankind's curiosity about extraterrestrial life has intensified.

Especially in the 1960s and 1970s, UFO sightings were constantly occurring around the world.

As for the truth, we can only laugh here, until now there is no definite answer, and not a single definite sighting can prove that aliens exist.

As a result, with the continuous exploration of the universe by mankind, such an unwritten rule has been formed in the scientific community.

The Earth is one of the most unique planets in the universe, and it is a cosmic coincidence that the Earth can give birth to live. The Earth is simply amazing, so amazing that it looks like a planet designed by a higher civilization.

Many scientists have expressed such a view, and the famous physicist Professor Chen Ning Yang has expressed his view on the Creator in an exclusive interview, he believes that the whole universe is infinite and not naturally formed.

Let's take a mechanical watch as an example. The parts of a mechanical watch should be considered relatively complex machines.

The probability of forming life on earth is like taking apart all the parts of a mechanical watch and throwing it into a river to put it back together again by relying on the current.

As you can imagine, the probability of such a comparison is almost as small as zero.

A mechanical watch needs to be made by human beings, let alone such a complex life form and such a complex environment of the earth.

Therefore, Professor Yang believes that there must be a creator in the whole universe, but this creator is not a creature that can be imagined in the shape of a human being, such as a god or a ghost, as we traditionally think.

He must appear in the universe in another form that we humans cannot perceive and control everything in the universe.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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