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Why do the experts always want to blow up the moon?

See what they found?

By Mao Jiao LiPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Since ancient times, the moon has been of great importance to mankind, both from a scientific and cultural point of view. Out of curiosity about the moon, people began to fantasize about the universe, and ancient Chinese mythology came about as a result of the fantasy about the universe, and as a result, mankind began to develop technology step by step and explore the universe little by little.

The moon is the only satellite of the earth, it has accompanied the earth for billions of years, bringing brightness to the surface at night, and blocking several asteroid impacts on the earth during that time.

However, not everyone is full of fantasies about the moon, previously, the United States experts have proposed a very bold and crazy idea, that is, to use nuclear bombs to blow up the moon, this is why? Today we will answer this question.

The cause of the incident

During the Cold War in the last century, the U.S. and the Soviet Union began to fight each other in various aspects, and also began to compete silently in space technology.

In 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the world's first artificial satellite, Voyager, and in 1961, the Soviet Union launched the world's first manned spacecraft.

Seeing the speed of the Soviet Union, the United States also became anxious, to be able to catch up and surpass the Soviet Union, so the Apollo manned lunar landing program was developed.

In 1969, two U.S. astronauts went to the moon on Apollo 11, and mankind's exploration of space came to a step closer. In the three years that followed, NASA launched six manned spacecraft to the moon, and each time two astronauts, except for the failed Apollo 13, all successfully landed on the moon.

Why blow up the moon?

However, the United States seems to think that this is not shocking enough to shock the world, so it came up with a new plan, that is, to blow up the moon with nuclear bombs, so that the world on Earth can also see the shocking effect of the destruction of the moon, this plan was the top secret at the time, later declassified and found its name as the A118 plan.

The plan was top secret at the time and was later declassified and named A118. Dr. Leonard Eiffel, who participated in the program, said that the main purpose of the program was to destroy the moon with a nuclear bomb.

At that time, the United States' idea was: night time, the nuclear bomb placed on the moon, until the nuclear bomb on the dark side of the moon at the right time, and then detonate the nuclear bomb, the effect of the explosion will appear a huge mushroom cloud, the earth will be able to see the moon was blown up intact, not only can let the United States get the world's attention, but also can boost the morale of the American people.


But in fact, not only the United States had such an idea, but decades later, Russia also appeared with such a plan.

At this time, the Soviet Union had already disintegrated, so the purpose of this plan is not to gain attention, but to protect the Earth. They believed that the reason for the reaction of the ocean tides on Earth, as well as the tilt of the Earth by about 23 degrees, was because of the Moon.

If there is no moon, then there will be no more seasonal changes on the earth, people will not be troubled by the heat as well as the cold, and once the seasons are eliminated, there will be no more floods, tsunamis, rainstorms and other natural disasters on the earth. So, can humans blow up the moon that easily?

Is it possible to blow up the moon?

If we consider the moon as a positive sphere with uniform density, then when blowing up the moon, we must prepare several explosives that can exceed the gravitational binding energy of the moon.

Judging from the data, the radius of the moon is 1738 km, while the density is 3350 kg/m3, and its equivalent TNT is 4200 Joules/g, which means that its gravitational binding energy is 1.24*10*29 Joules.

And is the human bomb powerful enough? Take the largest ever nuclear bomb "Thar Bomb", which is equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT.

In other words, to successfully blow up the moon, humans need 600 billion "Thar Bomb" transported to the moon, not to mention how to transport up, even if humans have so many bombs are a big problem, not to mention the calculation of the moon is only an estimate.

Moreover, the power of the nuclear bomb is clear to everyone, such a large number of nuclear bombs, if something goes wrong during the delivery, nuclear bombs fall back to Earth, or into space after failing to hit the moon and turn back again, then the Earth's personnel and the natural environment, will suffer great harm, the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, this plan was put on hold.

The importance of the moon to mankind

As mentioned earlier, the moon has an indispensable position for mankind, both technologically and culturally, and as the only satellite of the earth, the importance of the moon is self-evident, so if the moon is blown up, what will happen to the earth? Let's find out.

Some of the natural disasters on Earth are indeed triggered by the moon's gravity, but this is only part of what we see, you know, the moon is much more beneficial than harmful to the Earth.

Let's start with the tidal movement, the sun as well as the moon will have an impact on the tides of the earth's oceans, but the moon's influence is greater than that of the sun, and tidal changes cannot be separated from its gravitational effect.

So if the moon is gone, the earth's ocean tides will no longer change, for the sea creatures will have a very big impact, in addition, the laws of the ocean will also be turbulent, making the sea level rise, coastal cities will be greatly threatened, with the onslaught of seawater, coastal cities may be submerged, seriously affecting the normal life of mankind.

Besides, the moon makes the tilt of the earth's axis, it is because of the moon, the earth's tilt degree is so stable, think, if the moon is gone, then the earth will become wobbly, now the earth's four seasons change will no longer exist, by then the earth will appear many uncontrolled geological disasters, seriously affect human life.

As a satellite of the Earth, the Moon can protect the Earth from asteroid impacts. If the Moon ceases to exist, asteroids will be attracted to the Earth, and the Earth will be in danger of being hit by asteroids at any time. It may not be long before humans will disappear overnight like the dinosaurs.

Therefore, the Moon is very important to the Earth, and its beneficial effects should not be ignored because of some one-sided views.


About the Creator

Mao Jiao Li

When you think, act like a wise man; but when you speak, act like a common man.

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