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What Now!

Will this life ever end

By Marty HenryPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 5 min read
What Now!
Photo by Gwendal Cottin on Unsplash

"Shit, Shit ,Shit! I cant believe I'm running for my life again, this is ridiculous". left or right? I think its left, well here I go again.

It has officially been 472 days since I found the necklace of the fairies, well I mean that's what everyone calls it anyways. It is year 3021 if I remember correctly, so that would be about 22 years since the Dumb apocalypse happened!

"Let me give you a quick run down on what happened for those of you just joining in"

Year 2099 is when the fairies appeared and its all because our ancestors wouldn't keep our planet clean. One day their was just a big flash of light (I mean that's what the history books say) and the ground opened up and they appeared.

It all began one late morning, first they started by taking out humans one by one in hopes of stopping this planet from getting worse. I mean its not like we could blame them or anything we pretty much did this to ourselves. But I who would of guessed it would have summoned fairies millions of decades later.

The few humans who could slip by went into hiding, truly the only thing you could do in this situation. The only ones who were truly spared were the children 12 and under, it had something to do with the fact that they still believed in something bigger than themselves also known as the in between and the unseen. Most would say that they never truly wanted to harm us but we had given them no other option besides war on humanity.

I know doesn't explain why I'm running for my life again but it does help at least explain a little on why I am here and running for my life.

"She's over their" the Monster shouted!

"Shit, this is what I get for stopping" as I turn around swiftly to gaze upon what could only be described as a mix between the most beautiful and terrifying thing you can see and feel all at once.

" Hey guys, long time no see what can I do for you today" slowly inching my way back.

"June, now why are you running again? we told you we would find you no matter what" the monster said. As he inched forward, I look at his beautiful black hair as it shapes around his pointed ears down the side of his neck. A smile so big you can see his fangs pucker around his lower lip that would make any girl clutch her pearls.

"And I told you that I cant give you what you want" as I clench my chest in fear hoping they would realize no matter what happened I would not give them the necklace.

Only the size of a quarter and yet it lays so heavenly upon my heart, with every breath I take it feels more like another piece of my soul has been transformed into another being. Ironic with it being heart shaped and as blue as the deep sea, sadly though as quickly as I was to find it somehow it had melted within my grasp and was lost forever. But load and behold I woke up in the middle of the day with a burning sensation deep within my chest. As it appears over my heart entwined with vines just barley sticking out just to the point that not even I could fully hide it.

"We know you have the Necklace of the fairies and we are not leaving until you give it to us" Said the monster and lets just say he might look like a teenage boy but they have the strength of 100 humans combined. They put a glamour over themselves when around us humans, I think in hopes of tricking us to be more forgiving for when they take us at the age of 30. (That's correct if you are thinking it, they eat humans. So hooray me of course, I mean I'm only 19 but still)

The difference is the monsters are pretty much the foot soldiers for the fairies, considering that after the beginning they pretty much went into the forest of fairies and let the monsters run things.

"Its your funeral if you come any closer you ugly beast" hopefully I can out smart the monster but sadly I've been running from them for so long I'm running out of ideas. Ever since they found out that it was stolen I've been on the run hoping I can get far enough to figure out what it truly is and why its inside me now.

"You should know by now that if you even lay a hand on me you will burst into blue flames" Ok I lied I know at least one small thing it can do, with some type of defense mechanism. At least a small perk from this thing being inside me, I know that if I even consider you a threat to my well being and you touch me you die.

"Well I guess I will take my chances then" as the monster charges full force towards me I get this over whelming pain in my chest with a burst of light I close my eyes and yep you are correct, POOF! He bursts into blue flames.

"Damn, I missed it again. But at least this time the ashes didn't fall all over me" once again I am chased down by monsters only for them to die and for me still not to fully understand why.

As I embark on my journey to the Forest of Fairies in hope to figure out why it chose me and why it is truly so important to the monsters. Or knowing my luck it was all by accident; but lets just say if I have to live in this world our ancestors caused, I at least would not like to be running for the rest of this tragic life.

science fiction

About the Creator

Marty Henry

I love writing and creating new stories out of nothing and everything. A passion as most of you would agree and in hopes of publishing a book one day.Thank you to all dear reader's of mine.

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