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Use the Force: The art of becoming good at things

From baby Yoda to Yoda the Jedi Master only with visualisation

By Marina T AlamanouPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Use the Force: The art of becoming good at things
Photo by Victor Serban on Unsplash

Yoda the master

Yoda, the famous, small, green humanoid alien with a tremendous power, was a Force-sensitive male belonging to an ancient and mysterious species.

While young he joined the Jedi Order and around the age of 100 he became a Master and served as the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, only to spend the next eight centuries of his life training and tutoring generations of Jedi. Having lived through nine centuries of galactic history, he played integral role in the rebirth of the Jedi through Luke Skywalker.

Small in stature but revered for his wisdom and power, among Yoda’s most famous quotes to young Luke Skywalker was:

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.”

The Force  —  this power or divine energy  —  Yoda is talking about it is the force that great athletes, saints, sages, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans, high achievers, dreamers, artists, healers, goal setters, businessmen, CEOs and strategists have known and used it for a long time now.

It is the creative Life Force Energy that has been envisioned as a goddess or as a sacred force or as empowerment or as mastery or as cosmic energy or as the divine feminine creative power also often associated as the Muses. It is the primordial Life Force Energy  —  that we all have it  — but we channel it in different ways.

This Force, or field of energy around us, is like a web of information or energy which connects all things and has unfathomable power.

Also Einstein realised that the empty space around us is not really empty, but a matrix or a web exists everywhere, that has been called the Higgs Field, the Primordial OM and a thousand other names throughout history. It is the one vibratory source that extends throughout all things like an invisible, massive universal-scale neural network (Youtube: Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds) .

“Luminous beings are we…not this crude matter”.  —  Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back).

Let’s see now what is the Force 🌀 (this metaphysical and ubiquitous power) according to the Emergence Theory.

Force or this Field of Energy

By Federico Beccari on Unsplash

Emergence Theory is a new physics model that blends together quantum mechanics, general and special relativity, the standard model and other mainstream physics theories into a complete, fundamental picture of a self-actualising universe. At the root of Emergence Theory’s formalism is the concept that all of reality (and the Force) is made of information. And this information is a group of symbols  —  a language or a code  —  that convey meaning.

According to this theory, our 3D reality is the result of a code (a geometric code) with the tetrahedron being the smallest, indivisible letter (or symbol) of this code, namely a 3D pixel of reality. This geometric code is the fundamental way in which meaning (namely information) is expressed.

Moreover, all of these 3D pixels or reality around us combine with one another according to specific, geometric rules, to populate all of space. To put it simply, reality according to these scientists is a code and the 3D tetrahedrons are just letters.

So, try for a moment to imagine yourself on a boat with Yoda in the middle of the sea and imagine trillions of 3D tetrahedrons everywhere around you.

Your boat isn’t moving, is motionless, but suddenly, Yoda makes your boat move with his mind, one length closer to the land where it stops.

"How is this even possible?" You ask yourself.

Well, according to the Emergence theory (The theory of everything) this new physics model currently developed by a Los Angeles based team of scientists (Quantum Gravity Research, Youtube, Facebook), the existence of this geometric code that provides information conveying symbolism everywhere, implies a “chooser” or some form of consciousness in order for the information (meaning) to be actualised.

In ther words, in this 3D tetrahedron model/reality "consciousness" is viewed as both emergent and fundamental. In its fundamental form consciousness exists inside every tetrahedron/pixel in the 3D quasicrystal reality in the form of something they call viewing vectors. Think of viewing vectors as micro-scale observers in the traditional quantum mechanical sense.

These observers actualise reality by making ultra-fast tiny scale choices about the binary states of all the pixels at every moment in time. This fundamental, primitive, yet highly sophisticated form of consciousness eventually expands into higher degrees of order such as nature and life as we know it, namely Yoda, you and the boat. You are the universe and the universe is you... that's why Yoda can move the boat with his mind.

To put it differently, according to the emergence theory life emerges (emergence occurs when an entity is observed to have properties its parts do not have on their own) from the apparent disorder of a multitude of “things” (interacting with each other) and is just the result of a code and an observer. This code (information) is geometric and the 3D tetrahedron is just a letter, where the observer/reader is “consciousness”. In other words, Yoda is not only part of the code but at the same time observes/reads the code, being not only part of consciousness itself but also influencing collective consciousness.

Moreover, also quantum theorist John Archibald Wheeler, the archetypal physics-for-poets physicist, realised that: "Reality is made of information which is created by observation. The observation must be made by something conscious". In particular, he proposed that reality might not be physical and that our cosmos must be a “participatory” phenomenon requiring the act of observation, thus consciousness itself.

So, is it all about observation (seeing and observing) and visualisation (my mind/consciousness involves an 'inner' seeing)?

“Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is”. — Yoda (Attack of the Clones).


By Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

Research has shown that there is a strong scientific basis for how and why visualisation works. It is a well-known fact that we stimulate the same brain regions when we visualise an action and when we actually perform that same action.

In actual fact, when you visualise moving your hands while swimming, it stimulates the same part of the brain that is activated when you actually move your hands while you swim 🏊🏻 (motor cortex). Or, when you visualise moving a boat ⛵ with your mind, it probably stimulates the same part of the brain that is activated when you actually move the boat with your hands...!

But, and there is a big BUT, in order for the visualisation to be perfect, you have to know what you really want in order to visualise it correctly. And most importantly you have to visualise ALL the details of your dream...namely the weather, the wind and the currents of the sea. Otherwise, the boat will not move.

But... “why visualisation works”?

The “why” visualisation works, it’s really about neuroscience and how your brain functions in three different areas:

  • the reticular activating system (RAS),
  • the release of dopamine and
  • your memory.

Located at the base of your brain where it connects with the spinal cord, there’s one of most important parts of the brain: the reticular activating system (RAS). This RAS influences cognition and is basically a filter for the million bits of information that (subconsciously) are flowing through your brain per second. In other words, it eliminates the noise.

The RAS system is like Google. There are millions of websites out there, but you filter out the ones you are not interested in, simply by typing a keyword. The same is doing RAS. For example, if you’re focused on learning how to swim then your RAS is going to filter in all the details when watching a video, such as the movement of every single muscle in the body of other swimmers.

This means that the more you keep your goal of learning to swim as a top priority, the more your subconscious mind will work to reach this goal, by filtering in any kind of relevant detail to freestyle swimming for example such as body movement, muscles, water and pool. But, while RAS can help you focus on your visualisation, the release of dopamine is what makes success feel so good.

When you succeed namely your visualisation becomes reality, your brain releases the chemical of reward, best known as the neurotransmitter dopamine and that produces the sensation of pleasure you have when you achieve your goals. Eventually, in order to repeat the dopamine loaded sensation of pleasure, a loop will be formed driving you to repeat the behaviours that create that rush of excitement and dopamine.

But, after you’ve experienced repeated success, the pleasure you initially had gets smaller and smaller, and this can only drive you to seek out ever-greater thrills by making “bigger and stronger” visualisations.

Neuroscientists have also determined that the way the brain retrieves memories can be an indicator of success of a good visualisation. For example, if you recall your good memories as bright and loud as possible, and you keep repeat how a particular experience made you feel, for five or 10 times, then you should feel on-top-of-the-world. And this can be a great practise to motivate you going forward and visualise more.

Let’s now summerise all the steps that will allow you to visualise your future, master your reality and help use the Force.

Know thyself!

You have to know what you really want in order to correctly and successfully visualise your future. But, since we all learn from our mistakes, unfortunately sometimes you would have to make mistakes in order to learn how to successfully visualise your path.

Describe your vision in detail!

Make a clear, definitive statement about your plan or goal as if it is already true and your subconscious mind will take over and will act in accordance with that belief. This will imprint these beliefs into new neural pathways. But don’t forget the details: for example don’t ask to move a boat with your mind without asking first for a weather forecast and...also for someone to celebrate your achievements with.

Create the emotions!

While imagination will drive your visualisation, your feelings and emotions are the fuel of the visualisation process, by being energy in motion. So, let your emotions feel real and then infuse your mental images with positive feelings during your visualisation process (power of your thoughts).

Rome was not built in a day!

Make a plan and work with it every day! Be patient.

Finally, keep fit and remember you are what you eat!

Exercise, meditate, sleep well and consume a diet rich in omega-3 and healthy fats, that can help you keep dopamine levels in your brain active, as well as increase cerebral circulation.

Believe in all the above steps and if you don’t believe be prepared to:

“That is why you fail”. — Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

Thank you for reading 👓💙

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#science #life and #consciousness


About the Creator

Marina T Alamanou

Life Science Consultant #metaphysicalcells






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