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Gemini Living

By Kyra LopezPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Being born in late May, I am a Gemini. Upon reciting this line to a stranger, I get a long groan in response or an eye roll that drifts into the back of their skull. Basically, the astrology community has come to a verdict that I am either very good at talking or very good at lying. Gossip and slander is the main staple of Gemini interests. Like the air, I am drifting around in life with my playful and expressive mannerisms ready to strike at any moment. It is a local consensus that I am the snake of all signs.

For a long time, this information scared me and made me concerned about even the basic aspects of my morality.

How was I treating people? Was I a bad person?

Maybe the sins of my existence could be blamed on my sign, but I still didnt feel connected to the rambunctious traits of a cookie cutter fun-loving Gemini.

I hate to break the trend here, but I am a blob. On most occassions, I am kept to myself and awkward in social settings. Every time I would read a generalization of the infamous gemini, it seemed like a version of myself I could never be. These bullet point reads were only surface level depictions of gemini behavior. However, once I learned that I was a Capricorn rising and Sagittarius moon, the way I started to view my sign completely shifted.

Now considering that I am also carrying the rules of Capricorn and Sagittarius, these signs tone down the Gemini. They are said to make me more serious, organized, and enthusiastic. Both rising and moon signs are believed to reflect my outward personality and how I handle emotions. For this reason, it made a lot more sense that I was introverted, observant, and less vocal in group settings. Sagittarius are said to use their emotions to connect with others, so this also resonated with me.

Yet..... the sun encompasses me. Gemini is my sun sign. With that knowledge, my mind circles back to all of its most well-know traits: "sociable, outgoing, fun, and too-faced". Amidst this constant process of discovering myself, I realized that there was a loophole in the Gemini contract: the meaning of the twins and their utter misconception.

Here is my thesis: Gemini is one of the most versatile signs.

Why? They can adapt and mirror almost any other sign and their traits.

I started to notice myself being able to mold and mesh with my aquarius friends, and adapt very easily to their emotional blocking. I noticed that there wasnt too many bumps in the road when it came to agreeing and coexisting with the Pisces group, Taurus folks, and so forth. Within each sign, there was something that could be mirrored right back at them in order to create a strong friendship.

Could this be a bad thing for geminis? Absolutely.

There is the possibility that negative intentions could be at play for someone who isnt very sympathetic to the cause. If its easy to mimic people, its easy to turn into that "two-faced" figure everyone growns about. Some gemini are the social butterflies because of this, while others do it more discreetly.

In my case, I do not try to be in the limelight because it is sometimes frightening. I certainly dont always represent Gemini as the best sign nor is it better than any other sign. Overall, the most interesting trait about this sign is the ability to be free. It is an air sign, as I said before. Geminis can adhere to multiple situations and personalities because there isnt just one definition of the sign.

For me, I feel that this can be such a positive and encouraging part of the Gemini identity. We have the opportunity to harbor so many possibilities for the development of personality and connection. In no way is this a means to toot my own horn, but a good counterpoint to think about. Even if some can take this into the wrong direction when interacting with people, not everyone who is a Gemini will be the same.

My conclusion: Way more love towards Geminis in the future!


About the Creator

Kyra Lopez

Writer from the 773

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