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Top 5 AI and Machine Learning Trends for 2023

Breakthroughs That Will Push the Boundaries of AI and ML

By Rahul JhaveriPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are smart software solutions intended to design cutting-edge technology with human-like attributes. AI is a branch of computer science that aims to mimic human faculties and perform tasks while justifying its actions based on facts. On the other hand, ML is a branch of AI that focuses on crafting software programs that emulate more ‘sentient’ decision-making capabilities for computers, essentially imitating the way by which humans learn.

The evolution of AI goes back to the early 1950s when the capabilities of computers were integrated into machines. The objective was to go beyond the existing use of computers and enable them to make ‘conscious’ decisions. For its part, machine learning was conceived in 1943 with the introduction of the first mathematical model of brain cell interaction. But it’s only in the 1980s when it became mainstream with the concept that an algorithm can process huge volumes of data and come up with a conclusion.

The rest is history as AI and ML advanced by leaps and bounds. AI continues to revolutionize society as businesses look to captivate consumers with experiences delivered seamlessly in real time on people’s smartphones, smart TVs, and a host of other smart devices. There is no turning back and experts predict that AI’s contribution to the global economy could hit $13 trillion by 2030.

Without further ado, here are the top 5 AI and machine learning trends to keep an eye on in the year ahead.

AI-aided Cybersecurity

AI-based cybersecurity, augmented by machine learning, is expected to be a potent tool in the near future. Much like in other industries, human input has been crucial and irreplaceable when it comes to security. At present, cybersecurity is still heavily reliant on human interaction, but our society is gradually witnessing technology become more adept at certain tasks than humans are.

The rise in cyberattacks is fueling growth for AI-based security measures. Acumen Research and Consulting issued a report in July last year, stating that the global market is projected to reach $134 billion by 2030. An increasing volume of attacks such as data breaches and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), is demanding more sophisticated IT solutions as affected parties have incurred huge financial losses.

Among the cybersecurity products that utilize AI are antivirus, fraud detection, data loss prevention, identity and access management (AIM), intrusion detection system, and risk and compliance management. In general, AI is being used to more accurately detect attacks and then prioritize responses based on the risk involved. More importantly, AI enables automated responses to attacks and provides more precise modelling to predict future occurrences.

Security experts are expecting more enterprises and organizations to proactively use AI to detect suspicious behavior and new attack patterns. Those that will fail to integrate the latest AI trends run the risk of lagging behind the security curve.

AI and MI will play a pivotal role in the future of cybersecurity

AI and ML to Trigger Healthcare Revolution

One of the biggest contributions of artificial intelligence in healthcare is its ability to provide data in real time. This empowers doctors to make faster diagnosis, which contributes greatly to the treatment plan and ultimately, to the recovery of patients. As for machine learning, it can be used to come up with better diagnostic tools to examine medical images. For instance, a ML algorithm can be used in X-rays, MRI scans, and other imaging techniques, using pattern recognition to search for patterns that point to a particular disease.

Today, the fusion of AI and ML has been phenomenal for the healthcare industry. The combination is transforming the health and wellness sector and has highlighted the innate connections of health and technology. AI and ML have helped in streamlining the process of mapping and tracking the spread of infections. In addition, healthcare providers can now use AI and ML-based technologies to determine treatment trajectories and prescribe the appropriate drug doses without worrying about potential human errors.

In a recent survey, it was shown that 90% of hospitals have considered using some AI initiatives in the near future. The figure represents a huge increase, up from just 50% in 2019. Moreover, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been widely chosen and appointed to access massive amounts of data that can be used to predict disease outbreaks. Just recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, advancements in AI were used to control the spread of the deadly virus.

Hyper Automation

Another looming AI and ML trend is hyper automation, which is a streamlined approach that increases the automation of business and IT processes such as work flows, production chains, marketing processes, among others. It is an efficient way to enhance customer service by speeding up various processes.

It is meant to automate and templatize certain tasks that previously involved human intervention. The integration of AI and machine learning trends amplifies the ability to automate work and eliminate human responsibility along the way.

Aside from improving customer service, hyper automation can also help in completing other essential tasks at a faster rate, such as improving worker productivity, system integration and organization. This process starts with robotic process automation and elevates it into an ever-improving, AI-powered process that feeds on data. This will lead to faster, more accurate and more efficient results.

Hyper automation negates the need for human intervention

Improved Language Modeling

ChatGPT has recently taken the world by storm and has shown a unique way of envisioning human interaction with artificial intelligence. It has been a roller-coaster ride for the OpenAI-created chatbot, with rave and excitement on one hand and backlash on the other involving a number of controversial issues.

Nonetheless, ChatGPT has proven that interactive experience based on artificial intelligence is possible for different use cases and niches like automated customer support, marketing, and providing improved user experience. This year, we are likely to see increased clamor for quality control aspects of enhanced AI language models.

Likewise, there has been significant fallout over erroneous results in coding. Soon, organizations will witness pushback on inappropriate product descriptions. In effect, this will drive interest in searching for better modes or demonstrating how and when such AI tools generate glitches.

Meanwhile, GPT-4 has been launched and OpenAI reported to have fine-tuned GPT-3 to answer open-ended questions more accurately with the use of a text-based web browser. This emulates how humans research answers to online queries. It submits search questions, follows links, and scrolls web pages. It’s also trained to indicate its sources, making it easier to provide feedback to improve data accuracy.

Sustainable AI and ML

Another key AI and ML trend in 2023 relates to sustainability. As companies, enterprises and organizations become more mindful of their responsibility to minimize their carbon footprint and attenuate the negative effects on the environment, the homogenization of technologies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning will become more common.

For example, a recent study revealed that using AI for ecological applications can infuse $5.2 trillion to the global economy by 2030. There is no denying that AI is an effective driver of sustainability in various industries. For instance, computer vision is has attained widespread use in conjunction with satellite imagery to pinpoint areas with pervasive deforestation, rampant water logging and salinization, among others.

On the whole, if the detrimental effects of AI to the environment can be reduced, and more enterprises start to integrate AI in their sustainability initiatives, the use of AI may be able to achieve a level that’s close to carbon neutrality. And in order to pave the way to a green digital revolution, we must start promoting research of computationally efficient algorithms and hardware that consume less energy.

Hoping for a 'green' digital revolution

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it, a summary of the top five AI and machine learning trends that are expected to go viral in 2023. As these trends suggest, AI and ML are rapidly evolving as technology matures and enterprising minds find innovative ways to incorporate AI into smart products and services. No company or organization will be immune to AI and ML’s transformative effects, and executives must start now to make sure they’re prepared to embrace the AI and ML-enabled future, while ensuring responsible use of these technologies.

artificial intelligence

About the Creator

Rahul Jhaveri

Rahul has been working in Australia's IT industry for more than 10 years. He is the director of JhavTech Studios, a Melbourne-based tech hub which offers top-notch and personalized services in the area of Web and Mobile Development.

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