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Top 10 Alien Species In The 'Star Wars' Universe

Are Any Of These On Your List?

By Culture SlatePublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Do you have a favorite alien species in the Star Wars universe? My wife’s answer was very clear, “Whatever Hondo is!” was her response. I try to think about what it must have been like to see the Cantina sequence in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope for people who were able to see it in theaters. The possibilities of the universe would have felt unbounded. I likely would have tried to draw the wildest aliens I could imagine fitting somewhere in the corners of the galaxy.

I think George Lucas’ greatest gift was the Star Wars galaxy itself. In it, we can imagine almost any type of being existing. Its lore is (thankfully) still growing. With each new television series, comic book, novel, or film, we learn about new alien species. That is our topic today! Come with us as we count down our top ten favorite alien species from the Star Wars universe!

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10. Ewok

Kicking off our list is the Ewok. We see this pint-sized, furry species occupy the forest moon of Endor in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. They have awe-inspiring homes built high in the trees. They also have an affection for “Goldenrod” (C-3PO). Depending on your experience with Legends material, you could have very different opinions on them. To someone only familiar with the current canon, they are fearsome freedom fighters attempting to banish the Empire from their land. To those familiar with older comic books, we have seen extraordinary examples of creative violence from Ewoks. They are known to leverage their cuteness to get an advantage over their foes. Very clever.

9. Rodian

The following species on our list is the Rodian. The most striking feature of this species, besides the green skin, is their amazing eyes. They appear to encapsulate the Star Wars universe itself. The best example of this is in the series Star Wars: The Clone Wars with the character Onaconda Farr. We have seen Rodians display Force-sensitivity and be recruited by the Jedi Order (Star Wars: The Clone Wars). Perhaps, the most famous (or infamous) Rodian is Greedo, the bounty hunter dispatched by Han Solo in A New Hope.

8. Weequay

The next alien species on our list is the Weequay. If you’re only familiar with live-action canon, the most familiar Weequay is Taanti, the barkeep from Freetown in The Mandalorian, or one of the background characters dispatched by Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi during the Sarlaac sequence. However, if you have watched The Clone Wars and/or Star Wars: Rebels, you have been exposed to many more members of this species. They look rugged and mean, which is appropriate because a good portion of them are pirates from what we know of them. They seem to have to gamble every day on scores for their livelihoods. This includes one who led them, one of the most charismatic characters in the universe: Hondo Ohnaka. Again, if you are not familiar, Hondo is reason enough to explore the cartoons. He is, in essence, the Jack Sparrow of Star Wars.

7. Wookiee

The following species is the Wookiee. Hailing from the planet Kashyyyk, Wookiees have been a fixture in the Star Wars universe from its inception. Inspired by George Lucas’ Alaskan Malamute named Indiana, Chewbacca has made a permanent home in the hearts of Star Wars fans around the world. The species is covered in fur, somewhat akin to the American cryptid known as the Sasquatch. We have seen more of the species in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and their unique arms and armor. In The Clone Wars television series, we also learned that there are Wookiees with Force sensitivity.

6. Trandoshans

The design of Trandoshans can bring to mind different things for different people. They can bring to your head the dinosaur-like aliens in the films Zathura and Land of the Lost. They can also make you think of The Lizard, the infamous Spider-Man rogue’s gallery member, or Killer Croc, the adversary to Batman. Their design is a love letter to creatures that echo in the history of cinema. Bossk deserves recognition for introducing the species as a member of the original mantle of bounty hunters summoned to Darth Vader during the events of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. This species gets a little more depth in The Clone Wars television series, and I hope we get more Trandoshans in the future.

5. Jawas

Jawas are one of the great mysteries of the Star Wars universe. Many Star Wars fans have wondered, “What do they look like under there?” Evidently, the makers of this incredible universe are well aware of our thoughts as they plant teases. In an episode of The Book of Boba Fett centered mainly around the character Din Djarin we learn they are furry and romantic! Which is spectacular. As we learned in Obi-Wan Kenobi, these wonderful thieves will steal parts of machinery and sell them back to their owners. I think these wonderful beings stick around to scam the characters we love for a long, long time.

4. Tusken Raiders

The Book of Boba Fett has given context to a species that greatly needed it. Tusken Raiders have a complex culture with ceremonies, hierarchies, rituals, checks and balances, and supernatural elements. From both the perspectives of Boba Fett and Din Djarin, we have come to learn a bit about these incredible beings. They were the original settlers of the Dune Sea. An area that was once the ocean that is now an arid desert. They are “brutal,” as Din puts it because their world has forced them to be. They seem to face new challenges nearly every day. I hope we continue to learn more about them in the future.

3. Twi'lek

The next species on our list is the Twi’lek. From the wise warriors Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto to the fierce Syndulla family, Star Wars has given us a myriad of Twi’leks to connect with. The design of their species is simple; there is an emphasis on the face as it is framed between two “lekku” (appendages protruding from the head). They appear to come in many different colors, from the blue and green in Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto, respectively, to the orange and yellows we see in The Clone Wars. The colors can extend further to grey, red, purple, and even pink or black. They are famous for their abilities as dancers, but this is something they derive joy from and is essential to them as a species. So, we have seen occasions when they have been degraded (like in Return of the Jedi in Jabba’s Palace) by being forced to do so. They are also known for being “beautiful” and frequently serve in the entertainment industry (as seen in The Book of Boba Fett).

2. Zabrak

The following species is the Zabrak. The first Zabrak we get to spend time with within canon is the menacing Darth Maul. Speaking very few words in his actual film, his presence carried his character with ease throughout the film’s runtime. The species gets further fleshed out in The Clone Wars and the fans’ love spurred the character’s life throughout the series and into Rebels. Their design is brilliant, intricate, and mesmerizing. The initial reveal of Darth Maul is clever because it leverages a prejudice a lot of people would have when they see the colors red and black combined with horns (demon/evil). A wonderful design and a fantastic alien species.

Honorable Mentions

Before we arrive at our final alien species, we have a few honorable mentions that just missed out on the list. Kaminoans play a significant role in the progression of Lord Sidious’s grand plan of the Clone Wars. They have a unique design, especially with their elongated necks; however, they just missed out on the list. Duros, as a species, are carried in canon primarily by the sinister, driven bounty hunter Cad Bane. They are a deep blue with piercing red eyes. They were first revealed to us briefly in the Cantina sequence in A New Hope. Unfortunately, unlike Darth Maul, the design does not compensate for the lack of characters to engage with that species in live-action canon.

The Chiss have blue skin and red eyes but, unlike the Duros, are very human in appearance. They have only recently got their iconic character represented in a television series: Grand Admiral Thrawn. People who kept up with Legends material were familiar with this character beforehand, but his appearance, voice, and accompanying musical theme are absolute magic. Pau’ans and Gamorreans have amusing designs (in different ways) but just missed out on the list.

1. Togruta

Coming out on top are the Togruta. Over the years, we have become familiar with primarily two members of this species: Ahsoka Tano and Shaak-Ti. Both served as Jedi in the Galactic Republic, Shaak-Ti until her life was taken during the beginning of Order 66 or the hunting of Jedi that followed (she has been killed many times in Legends), and Ahsoka until she left the Order after being falsely accused of criminal acts. Their design is truly unique. First, what may catch your eye are their colors, orange-red and white. They have what can be described as head cones, or “montrals,” and tail-like appendages (“lekku”) extending downward from their heads that grow in age. Their markings can change throughout their lifetime as well. Absolutely amazing design from the creative minds behind Star Wars.

Thank you for coming on this journey through some of our favorite alien species in Star Wars! Do you think we missed any of your favorite alien species on our list? Until next time, may the Force be with you!

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Written by Ash Aranda

Source(s): MTV, StarWars, Wallpaper Safari, Wookieepedia

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