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The Zodiac Wager

Stars Collide

By Amelia LavalleePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

What's your horoscope?

It is the common, slightly annoying wheeze of a bad flirt and a mass of assumptions. Redundant and vastly open, the question pulls us into the construct of traits and personality, strengths and weaknesses. A baseline for the souls we encounter in the day to day, a median to which there is no mean.

We've all done it, compared our possible relationships with the stars and our houses and signs. It is a massive global cult we so easily enter, it’s circus tent doors flung wide for the crowd. A controlled but volatile categorization of blanket statements and roles. We are all very different inside, our crooks and crannies and nooks all unique. How is it possible to group such unique individuals into respective categories solely by time and date? Is that even possible? It is such a large question that seems forever unanswered.

The Zodiacs were born centuries ago, seen the ravage and ruin of time and change, yet still exist today. Unrevised, they never concede, falter, fail or change. The Zodiacs have always had the same traits and tricks throughout history, and there is a truth there. Some truth at least. That our celestial bodies encompass such broad strokes of character and flaw. As a Sagittarian I find it difficult to say that I am an anomaly, no matter how much I really wish to be one. I wish there was nobody like me, that I am the only one with my disposition and personality. Having read up on my zodiac immensely over the years, I am well versed in my traits and those of others in comparison to our astrological character outlines. I am not an anomaly, I am not entirely new and different to this world. There have been me’s before and there will be me’s again. I embody the outspoken, free spirited, impulsive nature that is Sagittarius. It's written that we are lively and bold, to a fault. Even though I speak as a possible skeptic, this is entirely true. No apologies.

Sagittarius is the get in your face, don't give a ferrying forest about your feelings, kind of sign. Some people are capable of handling my ferocity and unfiltered words, such as Aries and other fire signs. Some people cannot. More often than not I find my Sagittarian behaviour gets me in more trouble than good graces. As much as I believe in the chaos theory, I must admit that the generalism is true. No matter who you are or what you believe in, for some great and grand reason we do hold to the base specifics of our astrological signs.

I wish I could sit on the fence awhile longer, instead I find myself jumping into the zodiacs yard. In some respects it is nice to be able to form an idea of someone based on their sign. However, I think those limitations have been stretched. Too often I've seen the negative effects of basing one's opinion of another on date and time, rather than first encounter. There is an extreme here that must be balanced with the human experience. Writing someone off simply because they are a Gemini, a Virgo or any other sign is a harsh and destructive social behavior. It can cause possible successes to fail, possible friendships to die. It inconspicuously changes our fates.

We are conditioned to accept these celestial constructs, just as our ancestors had 2000 years ago. Mankind may have changed, but our reliance on stars, planets and dates have not. I suppose this is for good reason, as long as those reasons do not get out of hand. Although we all share the basic commonalities of our zodiac, we are much more complicated than all that. I may be a Sagittarius, but I am a unique human being too, as are you. . While it is nice to have an idea of who someone is, it is also nice to get to know them before passing judgment based on the stars.


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  • Chrishabout a year ago

    The recent [Full Moon/New Moon] in [Zodiac Sign] has charged your intuition and unlocked your hidden gifts. But you need to learn how to use this to your advantage… and what crucial steps to take next. >> This wonderful complimentary Moon Reading will help guide you. The reading is 100% personalized to you and uses your birthdate to determine the zodiac sign and phase of the Moon on the day you were born. You will discover the Moon’s powerful influence on your life, personality and potential. This reading will light the way to your true path forward, even when it feels like you are unsure of your next steps. >> Get your free personalized video Moon Reading here: https://bit.ly/3w7fPut

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