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The Vegaa Star Saga Pt. III

"They were accompanied by the giant snake monster Salazar had transformed into previously."

By LUiS Wrote THiS StoryPublished 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago 2 min read
Written by: LUi$ Thompson

"With Maul taken care of, the oppression of the Sith was lifted for the time being, allowing a new era of Force-sensitive children to carry on the legacy of the Jedi." Focusing on the great wave of force surrounding him, Obi-Wan Kenobi bent reality to his will and transformed through time and space, transporting himself into what became known as the Force speed to the Jedi. Obi-Wan had to use the ability to travel through the Force speed itself for the first time to warn the remaining Jedi Order of the Sith's defeat while using this technique to arrive in the Jedi home-world of Coruscant faster. Obi-Wan continued his journey into the unknown, and it appeared to him that he had traveled through the universe's hyper-speed of time. Obi-Wan was startled by a flash of thunder and lightning that erupted all around the Force speed.

A few grotesque octopus-like tentacles began attaching to the Jedi, knocking him out of his spiritual transition home. Obi-Wan's sensation was strangely familiar; perhaps a Sith ghost had followed the Jedi after the Force-speed monster attacked him. Before Obi-Wan could even ask the meaning, Qui-Gon Jinn handed Obi Wan Kenobi a mystic talisman. Time seemed to slow down as the talisman began to liquefy in the Jedi Master's hand.

Creatures began to fall from the sky around Obi-Wan Kenobi. Time began to slow as everything around Obi-Wan began to resemble a white-winged beast with red eyes flying all over the island. They were accompanied by the giant snake monster Salazar had previously transformed into. Salazar and Obi-Wan locked gazes at that point. As the talisman began to teleport Obi- Wan Kenobi from one realm to the next, as if Obi-Wan Kenobi had fallen into a black hole of complete black darkness.

Obi-Wan Kenobi let out a loud cry as the sensation of gravity escaping his feet gave weight. Obi-Wan Kenobi could only hear vengeful voices and exotic whispers as he was transported deeper and deeper into the darkness. Once upon a time, before the people of Earth discovered how to create a utopia for their children, the entire planet faced annihilation. Back in 1494 and as recently as 2009, sorcerers, monsters, robots, mutants, and mask ninjas arrived on Earth to battle the world's deadliest fighters. Enter the city that never sleeps; it's like a living creature.

The city is constantly expanding, both upwards and outwards. The residents of this city are survivors. Within their deep slumber, these citizens had the potential to see their forefathers' pain and suffering that occurred before the city was even created. A charcoal wolf with harsh scars covering its body began transforming into a Native American-looking man while standing on a hilltop overlooking the city. The Native American turned to face the city and sang several monotone songs into the air in his native tongue.

When a flashing vision of a beastly tribe that mated with the dinosaurs long ago appeared in the Native American's eyes, lightning and rain began to rumble. This vision causes the Native American to have a profound epiphany. The notion that this mating of taboo nature caused the Gods to shun man and leave him under the Earth for all eternity. But the evil known as "Legion" would rise again and try to reclaim what had been damned.

Copyright © 2019 LUiS Thompson

star wars

About the Creator

LUiS Wrote THiS Story

When he's not designing or laying down brutalities in Mortal Kombat, LUiS Thompson is establishing a foundation the writing communities.

Link: https://6351bedfab123.site123.me/

Email: [email protected]

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