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Written by LUiS Thompson

By LUiS Wrote THiS UNiVERSEPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Written by LUiS Thompson

“This tale begins with our Tragic Hero, who shall remain unnamed for now. Renowned chopper pilot of the 1960’s Vietnam War.”

The birth of Room #607 is Reborn inside Earth's New World.

After receiving tragic news that the Hero's wife had perished in a car crash, our Hero checks into a Hotel Room contemplating suicide through alcohol poisoning. What has been dormant in Room #607 is now finally awaken somehow. Deep inside the room a portal to another world awaited. A place where water was air and transmutation was a weapon. And thus a new saga begins."

"From the moment our Hero was able to escape Room #607’s watery abyss he knew things had changed. The smell of bitter pine cones rapidly filled his nostrils. Having left what seemed like his sanity in Earth now. Room #607 transported everyone to a place where your Achilles Heel which mirrored tragedy."

Battles are waged behind that door.

"As our Hero begins walking towards what seemed like a dense jungle all of a sudden a thunderstorm approached. Without rain nor thunder, lightning began bouncing through the skyline. As our hero looked around, he began seeing footprints of some animal he had never seen in Vietnam before. Broken tree branches and mud could be seen everywhere. It was some type of ape that was in battle with the physical form of it's shadow. Our hero was beginning to understand this dimension,, this portal to a new world had a rich mythology present."

"The apes spoke to our Hero about the dreaded Legendary Warlord, for many centuries was a ruler of Sector "54_B". This sector of the planet was once inhabited by what seemed to be every ape and Homosapien. Creatures of many different worlds also. With the flowers of every continent and giant trees that overshadow modern day skyscrapers."

Relived Memoires are stored in the room.

"This being had blue skin and resembled an old medic friend from nam. It looked very feminine. She used her water powers to incase me in a sphere of liquid. I passed out, having hallucinations and nightmares of the things I saw in the war." - Room #607

"While asleep the dimension I was in had changed. Now in a concrete society the metal trees and bright lights distracted me. The noise made my head shake, as my jaw started to lock I couldn't help but notice nothing in this realm, in this area resembled Sector 54_B."

Pulled in deep within the room itself, you may find yourself lost.

"Now that the moon has risen, a familiar creature enters the vibrations. This planet, this sector; has been experiencing problems with a being, which has black fur and yellow eyes and can turn into a human at will." - Room #607

"Finally awake, I truly realized the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Waking up from the water sphere and the terrible nightmares put me in a spiritual focus. The woman said her name was Vay'Rah. And although she came out from the ocean, Vay'Rah was only meditating and concentrating her new found elemental powers. Slowly gathering a team to find this yellow eye wolf, our next destination was the ancient Gorilla City of Gor'Raah.“

The future is every moment after this.

"Now even stronger, the apes and primates of 54_B taught me so much. While living in their kingdom I was truly able to become a member of their society. I couldn't turn my back on them. For some reason my Red Eye Panther form was unreachable. Yet, I still maintained skills from that realm. I knew, that my destiny had not ended with that encounter with that blue creature. And somehow, I needed to wake up from this dream."

"Someone came through the same door I entered, in Room #607. And sadly in a way; birthed a new evil. And with it came a new enemy. That one day, may actually cause a lot of pointless chaos in the days to come."

I find myself missing you beyond that door.

"Now present in the Kingdom known as the Ancient Gorilla City of Gor'Raah I was able to witness a view of this world from behind the castle. Never before have I seen a valley so divine. As my eyes began to shed teardrops I knew what god looked like. She truly created everything and all within it." - Room #607

Copyright © 2016-2023 LUiS Thompson

science fiction

About the Creator


When he's not designing or laying down brutalities in Mortal Kombat, LUiS Thompson is establishing a foundation the writing communities.

Link: https://6351bedfab123.site123.me/

Email: [email protected]

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