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The Sun and Moon


By JazzLynn FieldsPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
The Sun and Moon
Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash

In the beginning there were only two animals: a fox and a swan. The fox was named Kahli, his fur was not fur, but hot red flame, almost as hot as his temper. The spirits of the wind and earth hated his impatient nature and did all they could to stop him. Then there was Malkia, the swan, tranquil, delicate and a body made out of grey sandstone, it was hard not to love her. In fact, the spirits of earth and wind loved Malkia so much, they gave her anything she asked for.

The story begins with Kahli, roaming and exploring foreign lands where there was nothing but trees. Kahli was often lonely and yearned to make friends, but as far as he traveled he never found anything or anyone. That is, until he happened upon the swan, Malkia. With a flowing body of pure grace and beauty, he couldn’t look away. He has never seen anything as perfect as her and he just had to meet her.

As the wind began to blow and whisper words into the sweet swans ears, he knew whatever chances he may have, would be gone. Not ready to be defeated without a fight, he raised his head high and walked over to the beautiful creature, his flames dancing across the ground, burning it. As the swan turned to face Kahli, he felt his fiery heart leap and skip, her beautiful eyes the color of a polished blue gem. Her smile itself enough stop the world from spinning froze him to his spot.

The wind grew more formidable, yelling their warnings of the fox to Malkia. She did not care, with all the grace of the world, she walked to the fox the winds had called dangerous, not even the slightest hint of fear showing in her eyes. She was as intrigued with him as he was her, for she too had never witnessed anyone like him. His fur so hot and his eyes the color of sapphire, when he walked he burnt the ground. Who was this fox and why was he here? With a very charming smile Kahli introduced himself and Malkia fell so deeply into his cunning and intelligent eyes that she found herself never wanting to look away. When Malkia introduced herself, he fell so deeply in love not even the spirits of the earth and wind themselves could stop it.

In anger, the ground shook, warning them that if they should continue on this path, there would be consequences. The wind howled in agreement, talking of curses and droughts of despair. While both Malkia and Kahli were scared, the thought of never being together scared them far more than any curse ever could. So, they ignored the earth and the wind and continued to speak together. They played almost all the time, when they weren’t playing they were talking. Every word said and every second spent they fell more and more in love. As Kahli and Malkia grew closer and their love became stronger, the rage of spirits of the wind and earth became stronger as well.

Their rage came out in tears as they watched as Kahli stole their little girl from them and wept. They wept and wept until they filled the world with their tears, creating the oceans. Malkia loved the oceans, she spent every free second she could in them. The mischievous fox Kahli watched her with a smile that never left. He loved to see Malkia so happy and full of joy. In fact, he loved it so much that, when she asked where the ocean came from, he said he made it as a gift for her. She was overjoyed, but the spirits, they weren’t as happy.

Kahli stealing their creation was the last straw, they couldn’t stand her being with him any longer. So, while Kahli was out searching for a new gift to give to their precious little girl, they had one last talk with Malkia. They begged her to leave him and to never speak to him again, they offered her anything and everything they could think. Malkia refused, she claimed her love for him was stronger and better than anything the spirits could ever give to her. Heart broken and angry, they began their curse.

The ground began to shake and split, the winds begin to blow and spin until two giant tornadoes had formed. Malkia and Kahli were terrified as they very well should be. Calling out her name, Kahli began to ran, he ran as fast as he could, yelling her name, terror reflecting in his eyes. Malkia also ran, calling out to her dearest love Kahli, but her legs were short and she was not fast. Unlike Kahli who was out running the tornado of wrath, dodging the cracks in the ground, Malkia was getting caught.

The ground split in front her and the tornado began to pull her back. She cried and cried for her love, but not even he could make the jump across the land that separates them. He screamed for her at the top of his lungs, now too getting caught in the strong wind. They reached out for each other but the tornadoes pulled them away. They fly higher and higher, their bodies changing in ways they couldn’t control. By the time they finally stopped, Kahli was no longer a fox and Malkia was no longer a swan.

Instead, Kahli was a giant ball of flames and Malkia was a ball of giant sandstone. The earth and wind had cursed them into these new forms of sun and moon. They were cursed to forever chase each other but never reach. Now, their dearest Malkia would never leave them, she would stay in the sky where the next generations would fondly gaze at her for the rest of time. As for Kahli, whenever he’s around people will look away nobody will ever want to look at him again.


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