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The Scorpio Inside Me

How The Stars Align With My Sign

By Amy PhilbertPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Scorpio Inside Me
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I think there is a grey line that separates the hardcore believers in the universe and all it's workings from those who put their faith in other places. One thing that I feel confident in saying though, is that no matter where your core belief system is, we all know what our zodiac signs are, and we've all been curious at some point in our lives, even at least once, to see what our zodiac signs say about us and how true they really are in each of our personal journeys. If you're one of those curious people right now, I can tell you how to get your answer, and what my personal story has been. Whether my life, personality traits and character are truly based off my sign or not, I suppose none of us will never really know. But, here's where you can begin to understand your zodiac sign and maybe grasp an understanding of not only yourself, but others in your life, and how your personalities may clash, or on the other hand, really mesh. Whatismysign.net is a great resource to begin your online search into what you can expect in people...Especially a Scorpio like myself.

There have been many times in my years where people have straight out asked me if I was a Scorpio, or when they inquire about it, they're response is really no more than, "Oh. Okay. That makes sense!" I suppose I must carry my sign very strongly, and there is no mistaking that you are in the presence of a poison filled Scorpio. If you read on all the aspects of a Scorpio via Whatismysign.net, from traits as a child, to womanhood and even into career aspects, I feel like I am just about 99.999% on point, without even studying my sign on a normal basis. I will say that as a child, and even still, I require a very calm and harmonious atmosphere, and I have always longed for a friendly family. As an adult now, I think I have been blessed enough to find a husband who values the same things I do, and we are able to, for the most part, create a harmonious environment, and although he calls me an old lady for enjoying my low playing music and excessive amounts of quiet time, he lets me be who I am, and in turn, I let him be him.

Now, if you're asking, "what sign pairs well with a Scorpio? They seem so hard to love!" Well, you're not wrong. Being a creature who craves love and attention and who is a hopeless romantic, while having a side that you better pray you never see, two things are true. When we love, we LOVE and hard. And, when you are cross us, you might as well disappear off the face of the Earth, because that would be much easier than experiencing our wrath. Out of twelve zodiac signs, there are only three who are strong enough to be compatible with our intense ways; Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Lucky for me, I'm married to a Pisces, and I just wouldn't have it any other way.

When I first met my husband, Mortimer, I was immediately drawn to him. I didn't exactly know why, but something about him was so mesmerizing, so calm, and just his words were like poetry that rang through the air and kissed my soul ever so slightly. I never realized he was a Pisces until he made his joke of, "I may be Pisces, but I'm not shellfish." After laughing at his terrible "dad joke", I realized that it was no wonder he puts up with me. He is among the very few in this life who ever could. According to Whatismysign.net, it literally reads that any Pisces man is a godsend to any woman, possesses immense patience and sympathy as well as is a faithful husband and romantic lover. I can honestly say that he is my better half because I can be spicy, mean and short tempered and I am very hard at forgiving those who have wronged me, but his strong, yet gentle nature has taught me how to become a better person in those aspects. It is still a struggle, because as I mentioned before, I am no doubt a Scorpio, and those traits are hard to break. But we are a match and a perfect match at that.

As a Scorpio, my career section states that I can have everything I want and I truly believe that to be accurate as well, but it took a little getting used to that idea. After all, I am a loner most of the time, I enjoy my quiet time, and because of my needy nature, sometimes I don't think I am worthy of greatness unless someone is loving me. My Pisces stays true to me though, because as we all now know, he is faithful and patient and he has helped me see my worth. Once it actually clicked for me that I CAN have everything I want, I created a vision board of exactly where I want to be and even set a date of expectancy, and it is all becoming true. My life has always included writing. My dream has always been to own my own business and to be a well-known writer. Guess where I am in my journey? I own my own business, and yep. You guessed it. I am writing for major platforms and networks such as Vocal.Media, am getting a hopeful shot to work with Disney, and even another shot at potentially working on projects for HBO. I pass the vision board, that now hangs in the hallway between my bedroom and office, which is now becoming photographs of my life, and not just visions of hope. I contribute my successes to my dreamer personality, the strength in me that comes from being a Scorpio, and for the blessing of having a Pisces at my side.

I suppose I'll leave it to saying "to each their own" when it comes to whether you believe in zodiac signs and if its faith in the universe or some other higher power, or maybe it's neither of those things for you. Maybe you think that who you are is solely based off the product of your environment and the occurrences that took place in your life that molded you into who you are. I suppose for me, God placed a stamp on me with the traits of this particular zodiac sign because it takes many personalities to make the world go 'round, but no matter what it is, I wouldn't trade being a Scorpio for anything else.


About the Creator

Amy Philbert

I am a plus size Model, Actress, Filmmaker, Writer, Blogger, podcast Co-Host, Casting Director and Interviewer who is just trying to shed some light on a world that can sometimes feel dark.

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