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The Mystery Of Bitcoin

Herald of The New World Order

By Roberto AlagoPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

By Roberto Alago

Everything comes to an end. Every ending is a new beginning. Bitcoin is no different. The arrival of Bitcoin marks the beginning of an era. One where greed, power and war have no place. One where commerce will be unleashed and the world becomes a village.

For centuries, war have been the daily bread for mankind. Brought about by the greed and power hunger of a few. Every country around the globe has been touched by it. Every lineage has been marred by it. Mankind's development has been curtailed by it.

But, this is a new millennium. People are tired of following a few who only lookout for their own interests. A few that pit us against each other. A few that are willing to go to war over resources; rather than cooperate and have free commerce.

The interesting thing is, that the Hebrew prophet Daniel predicted the arrival of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency in the days of the Babylonian Empire. Now we are seeing the fulfillment of that prophecy.

For years I struggled to understand the prophecy of the prophet Daniel which is recorded in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles in the book of Daniel, Chapter 2. Until now.

You see, King Nabuchedenezer had a dream and he was sure it was something important. He had all his magicians, and wise men brought before him to inquire about it and no one was able to tell him what he dreamed and what the meaning of it was; except for Daniel.

The king of Babylon had seen in his dream a statue made up of many metals. The head was made of Gold. The Chest and arms were made of Silver. The Thighs were made of Bronze, the legs of Iron and the feet of Iron and Clay; interlaced but, not mixed. Then he saw a huge stone fall from heaven that destroyed the statue and became a huge mountain.

Daniel explained to the King that the statue in his dream represented his kingdom and every subsequent dynasty afterwards; as follows: Babylon is represented by the head of Gold. It would be replaced by a lesser empire. Just like Silver is not as valued as Gold. That empire would be followed by another, while strong like brass, not as valued as the previous two.

This empire of brass would be followed by an empire that would rule with the strength of iron. Then, in a different twist, when you would expect yet another kingdom or empire, Daniel states that the kingdom of iron would give way to ten kingdoms. They would intermix. But, would not become one, just like the iron and the clay did not mix.

It is in the days of these ten kingdoms that the stone from heaven falls and destroyed the entire statue and all its metals. History is on our side. We can look back and see that what Daniel predicted, happened with uncanny accuracy. All 2,300 years if history!

To make a long story short; historically, we now know that Gold is a good metal to represent ancient Babylon. There has never been another empire as great as the Babylonian Empire. Nor has any government, since, amassed as much Gold as they did.

Just like the statue had two arms made of Silver, Babylon was followed by an empire that was ruled by the Meads and the Persians. Medo-Persia never reached the grandiose glory of Babylon and due to the greed and desire of man to amass Gold, Silver was their currency of choice.

The Medo-Persian Empire came to an end and Greece became the strongest empire up to that time. Its strength came from its army with their brass weapons and shields. Brass became very popular in the days of The Greek Empire. India, Japan and China amassed huge amounts of brass and it became the metal that was used to make almost every thing for mankind's use: Household goods, jewelry, weapons, etc

Greece was defeated by the Spartans and became part of the Roman Republic; which ruled with an iron fist. With far more better weapons, that interestingly enough, were made of iron and steel. Iron became the stuff of which things were made; until the end of the industrial revolution.

But, the statue had two legs. Check this out, The Roman Republic became the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Then, the Roman Empires collapsed and 10 nations took their place. These nations have made many treaties and even tried to develop a commonwealth backed by the Euro. But, as Daniel predicted 2,300 years earlier, they have not become one.

That brings us to our days. We are living in the days when out of heaven falls a stone that was not made by human hands and destroyed the statue and grows until it becomes a mountain. That stone that was not made by human hands and fell is Bitcoin; starting a revolution which will continue to grow until it encompasses the whole world and there is no stopping it.

Here we are, 14 years later. There are, to my knowledge, at least, ten other Cryptocurrency in use Today and there may be more to come. Finally, a global monetary system controlled by the masses and not the few. Country after country are discovering and using cryptocurrency. Currently, billions of dollars are invested in Bitcoins and much of it is in circulation. And the beauty of Cryptocurrency is that it serves no purpose to amass it. In fact, it is worthless unless it is in circulation.

It was not made by man's hands because, it was born as an idea of one heavenly messenger named Satoshi Nakamoto, whom, to this date, no one has been able to locate or identify. Like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, this heavenly messenger came, did what he was to do and left, without a trace.

Once the whole world is using Bitcoin, the evil greed that has been choking the life out of humanity, will loose its grip and then there will be a global economy unlike anything we have seen before. A New Order of things in the world. Or, as some have called it; A New World Order.

Cryptocurrency holds no value when hoarded. Unless you put it in circulation, it is as worthless as a meaningless dream. This could only have been Divinely ordered. If anyone entity or government tries to hoard it, the people will produce another form it and commerce continues without missing a beat.

Finally, a system that will allow the masses to come out of poverty and there is nothing any government, king or man can do to stop it. Those who try it, will be met with frustration, because, like a hydra, when you cut one head, a new one, better and more dynamic, takes its place. Welcome... to The New World Order.

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About the Creator

Roberto Alago

Born in PR. Married, Father of four and Grandfather of eight. Soldier, Computer Expert. Admissions Associate at Interactive College Of Technology. A versatile man with interests too numerous to list; including: Acting and Public Speaking.

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