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The Man Who Can Draw Your Soulmate.

If you haven’t met them yet

By The Secret of ManifestationPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Man Who Can Draw Your Soulmate.
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

For most of us, the thought of meeting our soulmate, that one person who ticks all the right boxes, is always present, whether we like to admit it to each other or not. The concept of the person we are meant to spend the rest of our lives with, especially in more recent times, is imagined as our perfect partner; the yin to our yang; the apple of our eye; the cherry to our pie (you get the drill).

What most of us often do is try to picture this partner as vividly as possible; sure, we want them to adhere to our expectations of character and manners, but what do they look like?

Would I recognize them if they and I crossed paths because we happened to walk down the same street?

What if it isn’t time for us to meet just yet, so we keep walking in the opposite direction, oblivious of the fact we just stood inches away from our other half?

Thoughts like this are not foreign to society. Meet-cutes, love at first sight, that hinge that convinces you that you just know you’ve met the right one. All these scenarios have been tempered within stories consumed by the masses; plots books and films that trigger your wildest dreams. I mean, romance is a cornerstone of art. The stories stem from real life too. All the testimonials by happy couples preaching the power of fate. It leaves us with no choice. We ought to imagine where our special someone has been hiding for so long. Yet no matter how hard we try, we do not possess the ability to pinpoint an exact image of them, not until we have actually met them.

One man has attempted to help those who are struggling, claiming to be able to draw an accurate portrait of our other halves.

Predicting Fate?

Meet Master Wang, a psychic artist who resides in China. Ever since he was a child, he had been wowing his close friends and family with his talent for intricate drawing. Apart from sketching, he soon realized his skill of reciting people’s paths after obtaining detailed psychic visions. The art of fortunetelling isn’t an outsider to Chinese Culture, stretching as far as being present in fortune cookies following our meals in traditional restaurants. Even if the inner-cookie prophecies have not proven to manifest into most people’s lives, the predictions of some psychics like Master Wang have been testified as successful in a number of his customers’ lives.

Preferring to maintain a low profile, the psychic artist has found purpose in setting his workspace on the streets, servicing ordinary, every-day people who cross paths with him. What may appear as him drawing self-portraits of the individuals sitting before him, he is actually him drawing that person’s soulmate’s face, aided by studying his subject’s own. What is more fascinating is that he does not depend on his customer’s face as it is before him, but on the photographic memory of it which then allows him to draw their soulmate with impressive detail.

Today, he is one of China’s most renowned fortune-tellers thanks to his mysterious matchmaking abilities. Having enabled a number of couples to meet, some of whose other halves have sworn that they met a person who looked identical to the portrait drawn, he has managed to capture the attention of prominent members of society who seek to hire him. Regardless of the acknowledgment, he maintains his position of offering his service to pedestrians on the street.

Interfering with What is Meant to Be?

A number of impressions can be made from hearing of this man’s power to predict our partners. Some questions will arise, such as:

What if I’m already in a relationship and the person drawn on the portrait doesn’t resemble my partner? Does that mean I’m not with my soulmate?

Surely the answer is complex, given the rise of couples who admit they have decided to settle down with people who aren’t necessarily Mr. or Mrs. Perfect. And while the answer may not be a simple when you know, you know, there is a likelihood that people become each other’s soulmates in due time; in effect, coming to know when the time is right.

This cannot help but leave us with the question: When we ask for readings, or in this case drawings, of our fortune, are we implementing a situation to disrupt what we already consider as our fate? What does that tell us about the idea of fate in the first place?

A Push to Create Fate?

Fate has been a subject of debate and idealization for centuries. Since the birth of humanity and following the first known works of mythology, people have tried to understand it and live by its rules. The concept of fate in the classic Aeneid by Virgil, a Roman take on the tale of Homer’s Odyssey, describes fate as the product of three Goddesses; the Fates, whose task is to sew threads of people’s lives, which they are able to cut and manipulate at any time. In other words, fate is seen as something that controls us.

But, what if we were to assume that, behind the intention of every great mystic and psychic, lies the mission of encouraging us to pursue fate, whether it is pre-determined or not? By showing us a glimpse of our future, we will be keen to act upon chasing it. If we are assured of a soulmate whose existence is proven, we will, whether consciously or unconsciously, seek that person. And, as the saying goes.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Master Wang has expanded his service through the internet, catering to people all over the world. Anyone who is interested in gaining a possible peek at their soulmate.

Get Drawing in 24 to 48 Hours - Master Wang Soulmate Drawing!

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The Secret of Manifestation

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