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The Locket


By M HughesPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Locket
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The alien invasion was not such a blow as one would expect, after all the greed of man had already all but decimated the Earth. Eric had been wandering for months from town to town scavenging what he could. He had withered away to almost skin and bone, eating only when he was afraid he would pass out, it was also out of necessity as he found less and less edible goods. He found patches here and there where vegetation tried to grow but most was foul and gray looking with a bitter taste that would make you vomit whatever precious fluids you had retained.

The sky was always between dusk and dark with a glowing red hue in the darkest of night. It could turn bitter cold without notice and the only shelter to be found was the burnt husks of the houses and buildings that were once neighborhoods. With the cold quickly setting in Eric took out the heart shaped locket he kept on a chain around his neck, he felt safer with it close to his heart. The locket belonged to his wife Beth, she had made it through all the wars, famine and disasters by his side. She had stayed by his side, moving through sewers and swamps to avoid the aliens who captured people for who knew what purpose, the general belief was sustenance. No it wasn’t the insanity of humankind nor the aliens that took Beth, it was a simple infection. While looking for shelter on one of those early frigid nights, she stepped on a nail…a simple nail. Infection set in and Eric searched in vain for any medical supplies, day by day first her foot had swollen horribly, then her calf, puffy and gray, weeping wounds almost popped open. Eric would hold Beth as she cried and he wept, praying for an answer. Then one day Beth simply did not wake up.

Eric always clutched at that locket when he felt he could no longer go on, He swore he could feel Beth telling him he had to survive, that if he could just go on, one day he would find salvation. So this night, Eric laid on the slab of what was once a church, curling up where the alter once stood. He dreamed and prayed of Beth and what salvation may be. He wept himself to sleep. He woke, or thought he woke as surely he was still dreaming. Eric felt a warming on his chest, he reached for the locket and it was the source of the warmth. Looking down he saw a golden glow emanating under his shirt where the locket hung. Eric could not establish with any certainty whether he was still dreaming or awake. Then he knew, he jumped to his feet and before him in the golden glow cast from the locket stood Beth, she was more beautiful than he had ever remembered seeing her. She was radiant, it was then that Eric noticed what looked like a halo over her head.

Eric was elated, confused, unsure still of what was real and what may still be a lingering dream. Eric felt the warmth of the glow, he felt love and peace and something he had not felt in so long, hope. He spoke to Beth but she just smiled and held her arms to the heavens. He cried and wept and felt emotions all but forgotten for so long. Then suddenly He sensed, he was sure it wasn’t spoken but he sensed with in him Beth’s voice, it was like a small bird stirring within him, slowly spreading its wings and then bursting into song. Eric understood the meaning but it was not like words, more like music, angelic music that somehow translated into simply understanding.

Beth hearkened Eric to look to the sky. As he looked up he could see the darkness parting and the red glow fading into a once familiar blue sky. He felt a joy overcome him as Beth continued pointing to the sky and “speaking” to him in the angelic voice. Against the sky that continued to spread into a beautiful blue Eric could make out figures, floating in the sky, they drifted closer and closer until he could see that they were winged figures in spectacular armor, wielding swords and spears. One of these figures landed before Eric and as he did he placed his hand upon Eric’s shoulder. Eric felt a warm vibration pass though his body and suddenly he could hear Beth’s voice calling him. He rushed to her and swept her into his arms, smothering her with kisses. He said, “I do not understand, what is happening, can I still be dreaming?” Eric had sought this answer from Beth but instead the winged figure next to Beth stepped forward. “I am Michael, I am here to heal this earth and to protect it against any further evil.” With that the sky filled with music and a multitude of angels took to the air. In the coming days the skies returned to normal, greenery began to form, the waters of the seas, lakes and rivers began to purify and smell clean again. The angels disposed of the alien scourge within weeks and helped rebuild the Earth. In the newly rebuilt church where Eric had slept near the alter that night that seemed so long ago, there was now a shrine behind the alter, the single item in this shrine was a locket, it was engraved, “To Beth, my eternal love will never die and our souls shall be eternal.”

science fiction

About the Creator

M Hughes

I have a vivid imagination and love to write. I have recently retired and one of my goals is to pursue my writing with more gusto.

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    M HughesWritten by M Hughes

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