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The Law of Vibration

Everything is energy and energy is everything.

By Flannery McIntyre DziedzicPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Law of Vibration
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Nikola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

Our physical bodies are affected by the vibrations and frequencies that we operate at. When a collective is operating in a lower frequency, lets say fear for example, that energy is felt by many. Literally everything in this realm is a vibration, even that table or the tablet or laptop you are reading this on. On a deeper molecular level, even you yourself are a vibration.

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese author who did his own scientific testing using positive affirmations and negative affirmations on different things, such as jars of rice and most famously, water. His hypothesis was that the human consciousness has a direct effect on our physical reality.

If you look at Dr. Emoto’s experiments, you will see that by speaking positively, the rice stays relatively clean and doesn’t mold as quickly. The water is looked at on a molecular level and after speaking, through visualization or even positive thoughts, the water forms into beautiful crystal like designs. The same goes for negative words, thoughts or emotions, the water takes on an unpleasant disfigured state.

This is why people believe that speaking positive affirmations over yourself and others, is so beneficial to your health. The emotions that you feel literally create your entire being on a molecular level. You are sending out vibrations at all times and it is up to you whether you’re sending out positive or negative vibes.

What frequency are you operating at? This question makes us delve deeper into this conversation by looking into our subconscious mind. We’re looking at your particular paradigm. Over the course of your entire lifetime, you have established your particular paradigm into your subconscious mind. Who you are, what you are worth (monetarily and internally), how you allow people to treat you, how you treat others, and everything else that makes you you.

This all starts in utero, studies have shown that babies in the womb, start to develop their personalities and ways of thinking establish. These patterns that ultimately make you you, start from the time we are conceived, and just about everything about who we are and what we are going to do with our lives are established from that point until our late teens. Once you can consciously start to understand and see your own paradigm, you can manipulate your consciousness and state of mind to alter it toward which direction you wish to take in this lifetime.

Here are some examples of what all this means:

Did you grow up in a very athletic family? Where sports and nutrition took precedence over academics or creative fields?

Maybe you grew up in a very musically inclined atmosphere, where music was everything and all of your family and siblings have lovely voices and can pick up just about any instrument and play. This is your paradigm. It’s all mainly influence from others, however that is the vibrational frequency that is being emitted from those around you.

If you grew up in a poor household, your father was always scrambling for more money and there never seemed to be enough to go around, then that becomes your paradigm. Subconsciously, you are taking all of that energy in on a vibrational level and it is setting up your reality.

Now as an adult that’s still your mentality, it is up to you to become conscious of these emotions and subconscious issues, you have buried deep in your mind, and it is up to you to alter that reality.

Through positive affirmations and changing your belief structure behind these things, you are able to literally alter your reality to what you desire.

If you believe that you are broke and always going to be broke, that is a vibrational frequency that emits from you. So even if you make a little more money this month, or win the lottery, you are emitting that lack mentality and poor and broke vibrational frequency, which in turn, ultimately keeps you poor and broke.

Abraham Hicks talks about the Vortex. I like to visualize this vortex like a wave in the ocean: it rises up and swells, then folds in on itself and crashes, creating a circular funnel like effect, and then repeating.

When you emit subconsciously, and consciously, positive vibrations to alter your paradigm, you are creating a vortex of more positivity to come your way. If that vortex is charged with negative energy and things that will bring you down, that is exactly what is going to come back to you. You are in that wave, being crushed in-between the surface and the water in a whirlwind and you feel as though you are stuck and cannot get out.

Everything is energy and energy is everything.

Water holds memory. Our bodies are about 70% water. Our brains are roughly 70% water, our hearts 70%, lungs 80%, skin 60% and so on.

This is even more reason to be sure to charge ourselves with positive, uplifting messages. If you are unhappy with your body, maybe you’ve put on some weight and you just can’t seem to get rid of it, change your vibration. Love is one of the highest frequencies that there is. Thank your body for all that it has been through and all that it does for you. Tell your body that you love it just the way it is. Thank it and have gratitude towards every inch of it. You will start reestablish your paradigm to a more loving and accepting pattern. It will allow you to realize more reasons to be grateful for what your body does for you. It will create a vortex of more reasons to be grateful and more great things will naturally start to happen for you and your body.

This works towards everything in your life. Your vibrational frequency is key to everything in your life. It helps to shift your mindset, which will set your reticular activating system (R.A.S) to the paradigm that you desire.

Understand that you are a vibration, and that you are constantly emitting a vibrational frequency is the first step. Once you have established that as fact, you’re on the right path to creating the life that you desire.

Even desire is a vibrational frequency. It is lower on the vibrational scale, down their right above lack. Desire states to the universe that you do not currently have whatever it is that you are desiring. Understanding the Law of Vibration helps you better understand the Law of Attraction and how to truly apply it to your life.

The law of vibration is very important to understand, if you want to learn and apply all of the other universal laws to your life. There is so much more to expound upon about the law of vibration, and I hope to explain further in the future. The third universal law is the Law of Action. I will be explaining further in my next post.

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About the Creator

Flannery McIntyre Dziedzic

Flannery is a wife, mother, writer, and an army national guard veteran.

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    Flannery McIntyre DziedzicWritten by Flannery McIntyre Dziedzic

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