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The Girl that Stole the Stars

The consequences of a stolen heart

By Destinee C WilliamsPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

I am known as the girl who stole the stars and saved the slums, a hero if you would. But how could I be a hero if I couldn't even save the last thing I have of my best friend Cayden? Hi my name is Marcella Lace and to the slums im a hero. In captivity however?I'm just a useless kid with dreams too big for most to even fathom, and very sticky fingers. You see, in time the world has gone to shit. Let's be honest, the world has been divided by class, power plants have overloaded and shut down and the world is in chaos. The government took those in power and with wealth and built them a nice wall away from the rest of us. Soon they took the middle class to build them a wall, though not as nice. But us lower classmen? We were left to make our own society and it's honestly not so bad.

I shoot up from my bed in disarray from sleep or lack of therefore. I panic as I pat down my bed to look for my heart locket, it's the last thing I have from my best friend. “Oh lord help me what time is it?” I open the locket to look at the clock inside of it. “Ok its only 12 i can work with that” i get up at a leisurely pace and get dressed in gray jeans and a black hoodie,after securing the locket i walk out my room and into the rundown kitchen i grab a bag of unopened chips and snack on them as i check over what i have from my last job. I finish the bag of chips before I grab my daggers and rucksack and walk out the door. I look out over the hundreds of random sheds and rundown cars and even old mobile houses that are scattered and even stacked over an old junkyard and whisper to myself “welcome to slum city”. I jump down from the old mobile home I claimed years ago and start walking to an old tavern shop in the middle of the chaotic city. I walk over and jump onto a counter to wait for chara to get his ass out to the front of the store. I am zoning out when I hear a voice call out to me with exasperated fondness. “Why is it you love sitting on my counters, mar?” I turn around to face a tall man with brown hair and warm green eyes. I give him a thousand watt smile. “Now where's the fun in that char, chairs are overrated anyway” I said dismissively with a wave of my hand. “So what has brought you here today Marcella?” he says, getting back to the topic at hand. I grab the rucksack off my back and pull out a decent sized ruby. “I got this baby on my last trip into the upper walls, I figured it fetched a pretty penny especially in your shop” I say handing over the ruby so chara can inspect it. After he finished scrutinizing it he nodded his head and disappeared into the back with the ruby in hand. He comes back a few minutes later with a pouch filled with rupees. “Here is the money for that gem kid, you got an eye for the good stuff, you need something else?” he asks, his warm persona coming back now that business was out of the way. “Hmm yeah you got more jobs for me. I need something to do, we both know what happens when I have too much time for myself” we both shudder at the memories of feathers and paint, so much paint. We shake out of our stupor and he grabs a stack of few papers from under the counter. ”I got a few here, what type of job are you looking for? I have some in the middle walls and one or 2 in the upper walls.“ I think for a while before settling on one in the middle walls. “Can I look at the ones for the middle walls?” I leaned over to look at the stack. He hits me head on with a stack of papers before handing me the ones I asked for and leaving in the back to do whatever he does back there. I thumb through the job requests, seeing many but none taking my interest. “Assassination of Lilith,no, robbery of jayus, nope not that one, maybe a heist?” I go through the stack for a while before stopping on one that catches my interest. I look over the details before deciding to take it. “Hey char i found one i want, i'll see you later!” I yell over my shoulder. I hear something that vaguely sounds like a ‘don't die’ before I leave the tavern shop. I walk through the stacks of ‘homes’ before I reach the one where my house is and climb up and into it. I pin the mission onto the wall as I walk around and get the things I need for the job. As I grab my things and leave the house I burn the job paper with the instructions clear in my head ‘Target, Christina doll item in possession needed before Saturday the 18th, time taken place: undetermined.’ As I wait for night to fall I right myself and make my way into the middle walls. “Wait a minute, where are you going lady?” I turn to see two guards and based on their uniforms they are part of the protection corps. “Not that it's any of your business but I’m going to the shopping district” I huff out hoping that they leave me alone. “Oh sorry for wasting your time, we’ve just never seen you around here before.” they apologize before leaving me alone in the streets once again. “These guards are so gullible” I mutter under my breath as I continue down the streets looking for my target. I spot her at a linen market around 10 feet from me and my brain hops into overdrive trying to think of ways to get her alone. I bring my hand up and squeeze the locket for good luck before picking up a decent-sized rock and discreetly throwing it to the crate above my target's head. The basket of cloth and sewing materials come crashing down on her head and I rush over to help her as people stare in shock at what happened. “Are you ok?” I say in a sweet voice as if I didn't cause this to happen. “Oh I’m fine thank you,” she says as I help her up and dust her off. The stall owner comes rushing over spluttering apologies as I put up the cloth and sewing things. I listen in to the conversation as I finally put everything away. “Please for compensation, both of you have some clothes for free.” I heard the vendor speak. “Oh thank you'' I say as I grab some deep red cloth. Maybe the neighbor's daughter would like this I think as I stuff it in my bag. “Well it's nice to meet you even in these circumstances my name is Marcy '' I say and hold out my hand for Christina to shake, using a fake name just in case. “Well, it's nice to meet you too. My name is Christina Doll, um is there anything I can do to make up for helping me?” she asks after introducing herself. “Well I’m on the wrong side of the city I need to be in Emsworth can you help me get to the right side?” I ask hopeful. “Sure! If you're done here can we go now?” she chirps happily. “Sure I need to get back soon anyway,” I say aloud as we fall in step with each other. We soon get to an abandoned part of town and I stop midstep. Christina stops, glancing back at me with wary eyes “Is everything ok Marcy?” she asks cautiously “I'm so sorry for what I have to do” I say before rushing her and knocking her out. I stand staring after going through the things she had on her and grabbing what I needed as well as some cash, but as I walk away I don't notice the loss of the weight around my neck and on my chest. I continue down the streets after stuffing the items in my bag, hurrying to the meeting place. I reach for my locket to check the time, finally noticing its absence around my neck. I have a mini panic attack as I stop walking and frantically search my person and bag. I curse as I run back to the street where I left Christina, only to see she's gone and with her my locket. I frantically ran down the street looking for any clues of where she could have gone, coming up blank. I stop in the middle of the street with tears in my eyes, steeling my nerves. I run over to where the meeting place is intent on questioning my employer who Christina doll is. As I stop at a shady house that doesn't fit the rest. I walk inside seeing a figure sitting on a lone chair in front of a fireplace. “Hello, are you the one that wanted the items on Christina doll?” I inquired in a strong voice. “Yes I am, what is it to you?” the voice asks in a low voice. “Do you know where she lives or if I could find any information on her?” I ask not letting any emotion slip into my voice. “I do but I have to inquire as to why you need this information,” the person says in an icy tone. “She has stolen something that belongs to me that I need to get back,” I say already fed up with this conversation. “Are you talking about this?” the man as I now see him hold up my locket in a careless manner. “Where did you get that, give it back to me” I growl out holding myself back from running at the person, right now they have leverage over me and that's never a good thing. “Hmm, how about no” I ran at him with wide eyes as I watched my locket get thrown into the flame of the fireplace behind him. My judgment is clouded by anger as I attack him with my entire being, he never stood a chance. I stand over the body as my eyes are drained of any life I had before as I watch the last thing I had of my best friend burn right in front of my eyes. As my body crashes and I fall to the floor one thought persists in my head, maybe you can die of a broken heart, and soon I pass out.


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