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The Error Train

What is this?!?

By Austin KershawPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a train. And in that train there was a man. This man had no idea where, or when he was. This man was lying down on multiple pieces of straw like in many stories. This man suddenly stuttered to life. There in front of him he saw another man sitting on a bench reading a newspaper. That newspaper read that a man mysteriously disappeared in an experiment to go to alternate dimensions. “Where are we?” The man in the straw asked. “We’re on a train of course!” the mysterious man chuckled. The man lying in the straw then asked, “Who are you?” The man then said “I'm John. Nice to meet you.” he said with a friendly smile. John then stood up and helped the man up. “May I ask what your name is?” John said. “My name is…uh… hmm… I…I…l…I don’t remember my name.” the man said. “What?! How can you just forget your name?!”John said, clearly surprised. “I don’t know.” the man said. “Wait! I remember my name! It’s Henry!” he exclaimed. “Well nice to meet you Henry!” John said, reaching out his hand. Henry gladly took it. “Where are we going anyway?” Henry asked. “I don’t actually know.” John said “All I know is this train is never stopping.” “What do you mean it’s never stopping?!” Henry exclaimed. “How are we going to survive?!” “I don’t know.” John said. “I’m in the same boat as you are.” Then, at that very moment, a blinding light flashed in front of them and in its place a backpack appeared with a note on it. John and Henry just stood there in awe. “Well that was convenient!”John said with a laugh. “Wait! There’s a note!” Henry exclaimed. John then carefully stepped towards the note and read it aloud. “This is an infinite bag. Use with caution.” John then looked inside, felt around and felt something materialize in his hand.”I feel something!” John said, pulling the object out. This object had another note. This note said,”Looks like you found the duplicator! I think you might know what it does because of the name. There is a knob on the duplicator that can change how many times it duplicates. Have fun!” John and Henry stood there in awe. “Is this for real?” Henry asked. “I have no idea.” John said. “Is there anything else in the bag?” Henry asked. “Let me check.” John said. John then found a smorgesboarg, a bottle of water, and an auto toy creator. John then said “well, we have water, food, and entertainment.” “So… what now?” Henry asked. Just then the wall broke down, followed by a woman. That woman looked at the men with a fighting spirit that says, you’re going down. The men looked at her baffled. “Who are you and how did you get here?” the men said together. “My name is Sophia and I got here from nunya.” “What's nunya?” the men said at the same time. “Nunya business.” She said, dabbing. She then ran through the next wall quickly. The men then started running after her. The woman looked back and saw them chasing her and sped up. The men continued to chase after her no matter what. The woman finally stopped suddenly at the front of the train. The woman finally said, “All of this,” she said “all of it is a…gkfhfjfjdfv” the woman started to say an unrecognizable language, if it was a language at all to start with. “What is going on?!” Henry asked. “I have no idea.” John replied. “No idea.”


science fiction

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