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The Aries sun & Scorpio Moon

The light & The dark

By Bluue DeLunePublished 3 years ago 8 min read

I was born in a blizzard in the middle of April. My mother described this as being a particularly strange day. She said that the weeks prior were sunny, warm, and had an invitation of Spring but when she began going into labor the air chilled, and light flurries began to fall from the sky.

She doubted that the weather would grow worse, but my grandmother smiled at her and said “If it’s a child of yours, I wouldn’t be surprised if the snow gets heavier.” In the midst of me entering the world the snow was indeed falling heavy just as she said, and my cries echoed with its arrival. I was told that my birth was not an easy one, as my mother and I had almost died together multiple times. She said I came out silent, and blue. She could recall faintly staring out the hospital window praying to whatever force brought down the storm for a healthy baby. Not a moment later, my cries sounded. They were loud, and strong as if I was crying out that I was ready for this world. From the moment I was born I had the rams strong will to survive, a will that would serve me well throughout my lifetime.

That is the story of my birth...

I was born an Aries, my moon is Scorpio. Dancing amongst the two is my rising which is Virgo. As you can imagine, it makes quite the interesting mix. A wild spirit, a calculating old man, and a doting mother all wrapped within one soul.

As is with my Aries nature, I was a wild child. There was no fence that could cage me, and no parent to tame me. I ran barefooted, and messy haired through the tall fields and was stubborn as the ram for which I was born under. I never took kindly to authority, always dancing to the beat of my own drum. My hands, feet and body covered in dirt after a long day exploring the forests which felt more at home to me than the home in which I slept. My childhood friend who I have known for 28 years now always followed in tow. I dragged him on some crazy adventures.

The wolf in the forest...

I recall the time I thought I saw a wolf in the little forest behind our apartment building. I was never scared of such things. The courage most definitely came from my Star sun. A true Aries in heart, and soul. I was quick to enter the forest in an attempt to find it, and with any luck pet it. My friend was reluctant. He halted and begged for me not to go while explaining the dangers of chasing a wild animal, but I didn’t listen. I was already pass the thorn bushes which separated our fields from the woods, and there was no turning back now. I was determined to see it through.

Being the wonderful friend he was he followed behind. We were gone from morning to far pass the evening, and believe me when I tell you...Our parents were anything BUT pleased. While he focused on the trouble we’d be in during our adventure, I was far too busy focusing on my goal. It was always like this, and it was always just like him to come along on my crazy adventures no matter the trouble it caused, or the trouble we got into by our parents. I think every Aries child needs a friend like that, for we tend to be Rash, and don’t often think of our own safety. Only the experience that will be had...We never did find the wolf I believed I saw.

Child of fire...

As a child I’d say I related more strongly with my Aries nature. You could hardly tell I had any other sign gracing my spirit, however as I grew older and life got its claws into me I matured into my other signs that slowly became more notable. Though I will always have my Aries stubborn, courageous, loyal, quick witted, and adventurous spirit. I now reveal more traits of my Scorpio moon. For like my moon I am an observer. I am silent until I have assessed a situation in full, or learned whom I can trust with my inner most thoughts. For the most part I enjoy keeping these thoughts to myself, and remaining in my solitude more than in the company of others. I feel as though this was not only due to my moon sign, but the trials and tribulations I’ve lived through that calmed my fire, forcing me to reevaluate, and return to a state of calm.

The rocks they throw...

I recall a time when I was thirteen, a few boys began throwing rocks at me. These were not just tiny stones they threw my way, but heavy rocks which they barely could grasp with one hand alone. They yelled “freak” and laughed as though putting me on the run was a fun game. I never did like them, but that fire spirit within wasn’t going to allow these boys to push me around. I recall becoming tired of running, but I was getting a joy at the fact they could not hit me.

However, when my little sister came out to play and the eldest threw a rock her way my protective instincts of the ram within stopped running. Instead, I stood in front of her and did not move. I stared him down, as the rock which would have pelted her, hit my knee. I dropped. The boys cried screams of victory, and I smiled for I knew I was not done.

The fire within me burned, and my mind told me I would not let them win. I stood once more, and darted for the forest. The boys ran to the their four-wheelers, and followed suit but they did not find me. I hid behind the thick prickley bushes and brush watching as they drove by, and as is it with us Aries in tough circumstances; I smiled.

This was not the first nor last time my will to survive, and warrior spirit saw me through a challenging situation. There are many times it has graced me when I needed it most, but only few that hold firm in my memory. For most my life people had doubted me, and my passions. They bullied, and mocked me. Yet I’d always find reason to push on, intent that I would prove them all wrong for I had faith in myself and that was all I needed.

The will to survive...

This faith in myself, This unrelenting will which I thank my Aries sun for is the sole reason I’m not paralyzed. When I climbed a roof with a few of my friends, and they decided to jump off to practice some par-kor (a sport in which you jump various heights, and land certain ways to avoid impact.) I followed suit. I recall being terrified as heights were never my thing, and despite a loud inner voice screaming for me not to jump I jumped anyway. The sounds of my bones being crushed by the force of impact rang loud in my ears. I fell to the ground, and immediately without a doubt knew I had broken my back.

I did not panic. Though my heart raced with worry. I recall taking a deep breath, a voice in my mind commanding me to stand and I obliged. My friends then allowed me to use them for balance as I walked around slowly awaiting an ambulance to arrive. When I arrived at the hospital my fears were confirmed. I had shattered the L2 of my spine, and my legs were going numb. I feared I’d never be able to walk again, but that will that had helped me survive through so much sparked once more, and I made up my mind that I would walk, no matter the difficulty.

With time I walked again, and was told repeatedly how fortunate I was. Despite the doctors reiteration that it was sheer luck I could walk, I refused to be contained to my household for three months straight and within three weeks I began taking small walks in the woods which I grew up beside. Though it was foolish, I can’t deny that was my Aries stubborn spirit. Thanks to it though, my back healed fine, my strength did not diminish as much as it would have, and today though I struggle with pain from time to time, I’m able to walk and how can I not be thankful everyday for that?

The sun & and The moon...

My Aries sun, and Scorpio moon have always felt like a perfect representation of the two stars. My Aries is fire incarnate, and my Scorpio is a true water sign. They balance, and at times fight against each other leaving me to overthink most of my interactions as my spirit has a battle, as well as a twist and pull over how I should react. My Aries is often wanting to be direct, confrontational, and likes to bring everything out into the open to settle any issue quickly. My Scorpio moon however would rather sit back, observe, and see all sides to it to assess whether there is any need for me to exert my energy into the situation or not. My Scorpio moon is most definitely the old wise man smoking his pipe, and patiently awaiting what is meant for him to arrive while my Aries is the inpatient warrior eager, and ready to go after what she believes belongs to her. The two often bicker, but they are two parts of my whole. It makes the conversations in my head interesting for sure.

As for my Virgo rising, I feel as though it has always been present. I have always been an emotional child, and even into my adulthood I wear my heart on my sleeve with pride. I tend to be a bit over analytical of things, and have a tendency to be slightly dramatic if the situation calls for it. My Virgo is not home to the traits I admire most about myself, but it is home to the traits that assist me in understanding who I am.

In conclusion...

I am a child of fire, and within me burns a light that can warm those who sit by my flame, or burn those who trample too close. I am also a moon child. Patient, calm, and inviting. Ready to offer wisdom to those lost, and hurting. You asked if I related more to my star sign, and I must say that I relate fully to them all for they are all a key part to who I am.

I do feel as though there is this misconception to Aries being angry, and hot headed and though there is indeed truth to this, we are also incredibly loving. Our passion burns just as bright, if not brighter than our anger or rash notions. We are lovers before we are fighters, but yes. We will always fight for what we believe in, and will fight for those we love, and those who need protecting.

I am a child of fire, kissed by the moon and cradled by the sun. 🌞


About the Creator

Bluue DeLune

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