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The 6 Laws of The Universe

Follow these laws and you'll manifest your goals and dreams

By Sean PeckPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The 6 Laws of The Universe
Photo by Gaëtan Othenin-Girard on Unsplash

The universe that we're in is certainly a special place. I like to think of the universe as exploring the ocean, you'll never know what's out there. We've only discovered around 5% of the entire ocean of Earth, imagine the number of items/artifacts that haven't been found and possibly never will.

Because of how big the universe is, it seems endless. But what a lot of people don't know, is that there are certain universal laws you could follow to master life and complete your goals.

We are all made on this Earth for a purpose in life and for a purpose for generations to come after us.

So, without further ado let's explore these 7 crucial laws of the universe and discover how we can use them to harness the power of each law.

Law of Vibration

Like attracts like and everything vibrates.

The Law of Vibration explains that every living thing is vibrating at a constant motion and frequency. We're all made up of energy, our thoughts and feelings express it. Your subconscious mind and the power of your thoughts set a certain vibration to your body.

These frequencies influence our thoughts and actions. To use this law, you have to focus on what you really want out of your life and remove the tension for what you don't want out of life. It's very similar to this next law:

Law of Attraction

Perhaps the most common law of the universe, the Law of Attraction is a universal principle that states whatever you focus and put your energy on, it will happen.

Whatever your mind imagines is achievable no matter what you ask for. Everything happens for a reason and this law states it. Some call this law "The Secret" and once you discover it your life is going to change for the better.

The thoughts you create in your mind, positive or negative all play into the Law of Attraction. It's okay to have bad thoughts sometimes, we're human and it's natural but if you really want to learn how to master the Law of attraction, think positive thoughts only and show gratitude for everything.

Manifest your goals and desires to live the dream life you want. It's crucial to set yourself goals. Recently, I've been meditating more often, writing affirmations, and creating a vision board of my goals in order to complete them.

If you truly desire something and you really think you can obtain it, the universe will conspire in helping you achieve it. By taking action and getting out of your comfort zone, you'll begin to notice how much of an improvement you made with your goals and desires.

Law of Polarity

This law states that everything has an opposite. Good and bad, light and dark, yin and yang are good examples of this.

Understanding that will bring you more clarity and stability. People have to experience both sides in order to give them a new sense of appreciation for the things they currently have. The universe will pick up that signal if you focus on where you want to be and not what you don't want to be. Each thought that goes in your head is being sent to the universe.

If you focus on gratitude and come to understand the negative experiences and failures you face, the universe will guide you in the right direction. If Michael Jordan never got cut from the 9th-grade basketball team do you really think he would be the Michael Jordan we all know today?

Law of Cause and Effect

This is pretty self-exclamatory law. One of the most fundamental laws of the universe, which highlights that results could take some time, and not everything you manifest or dream of is going to happen right away.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. To practice, think of what effect you wish to attract in life and what you can do to be in a better position.

Law of Correspondence

Everything that has happened in your reality is from the results of the thoughts that you have through living life.

Human thoughts are the most powerful thing anyone can have and you're lucky that you have these thoughts, but you must be aware of them. Our present reality and situations in life are all a result of the thoughts we create.

Try doing some meditations on finding and discovering your higher self and open your third eye.

Law of Divine Oneness

We live in a world where everything seems to be connected to everything else. Everything that we think or say is believed to affect others because we are all one.

The Law of Divine Oneness is the most important law you should consider practicing. We are all connected in some way, shape, or form through creation.

Each soul on this Earth is because formed because of energy. This is why it's so important to not hold grudges or bad feelings for anyone no matter what because at the end of the day, we're all just some tiny little particles in a gigantic universe that are eventually going to end billions of years from now.

We're all embarking on this journey of life. It's the matrix and you just have to learn how to play the game.


Follow these laws and you'll quickly discover how you can become the creator of your own life.

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These spiritual and natural laws are all connected. Think of each law as a piece of a puzzle but each puzzle piece you solve begins to lead you into a more impactful life. That's what the universe is.

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About the Creator

Sean Peck

Online entrepreneur with a passion on business, social media marketing, music, and media

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