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Six Steps to Join the Far Center Galactic Unification

The ascension of your civilization is within your reach!

By Ty D LowmanPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Six Steps to Join the Far Center Galactic Unification
Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Six Steps to Join the Far Center Galactic Unification

Greetings! If you are receiving this message, you are member of a species we have verified as sentient enough to grab the attention of the Far Center Galactic Unification. Whether by accidental interception of one of our messages (way to go, your scientists!), a scheduled first-contact event between your world governments and an ascension team of ours, or your class of elites revealed the evolutionary assistance initiatives we may have utilized on your ancestors, your species has collectively become aware of intelligent life beyond your planetary borders, and we have noticed you back. We want you!

Becoming a member of the FCGU comes with many benefits. Some of the best benefits, as you’ll read in our member testimonials, include:

Shared Knowledge!

Chances are, it was your knowledge and exploration of The Fundamental Laws, (commonly translated into the term Science) that led to your quest to find life beyond your immediate, terrestrial existence. As a member, all Theories of Reality are shared and explained, as well as every member species’ culture, languages and methods of communication (regarding communication, often times it is the discovery of Telepathy , the universal language, that leads to species’ ascension and their induction into our ranks). And of course, all of our technologies are shared—our model of pooled knowledge and communal wisdom has led to an exponential explosion of growth in every field of study fathomable!

Distillation of Religion!

Before you react adversely, think: Religion was responsible for how many of your interspecies wars? Or perhaps there was some attempt at a unification of your species under a shared idea or notion that only led to disarray, division, and dystopia? Chances are, as we’ve seen time and time again, it has been a collective mind’s questioning of a higher purpose or power that has led to division and intra-species fighting which causes a world’s collective consciousness to stagnate rather than ascend, as yours has begun to. We share the Proven Universal Truth, if not discovered already by you. And trust us, once it’s shared, you won’t beg the question “God?” ever again!

Military protection!

Despite our ascension beyond physical reality, which you too can also simultaneously exist in, we still have factions who oppose us—mostly technologically-inclined, predatory hive-minds who still suffer from the Fourth Vice: Hungers of the Flesh. Though our enemies are fewer and fewer as time progresses, threats still exist, including, unfortunately, Celestial Predators. Many developing species are fortunate enough to not cross paths with a Celestial Predator, but if you are unlucky enough to discover a Worldeater or Starblotter invading your system, you can count on the Divine Armada of the Far Center Galactic Unification to protect you and all members of your population. Similarly, if a hostile hive mind declares war on your system and people, our Divine Armada will waste no time working with your own military forces to repel the invaders and ensure safety for all members of your populace

Of course, these benefits are just a few of the infinite perks that joining the FCGU will bring you. As many of our members have intuited shortly before meeting one of our ascension teams, joining a league of extraterrestrial and extradimensional beings is a necessary step in the evolutionary process of any star-faring sentient species, and this is your opportunity. Listed here are six necessary steps your species must take in order to make it to the next level of consideration amongst our High Councils. You may have some, if not all, of these requirements already met—each species and each world is different and has a different path towards the level of consciousness necessary to be considered for membership.

1) Your world must have TWO dominant species.

Whether it be symbiotic relationship, fusion with an artificial yet fully sentient intelligence, or a multi-staged life cycle that alters the physical and mental makeup of your kind in a significant way to warrant the nomenclature of “different species”, the basis of your societies should be rooted in the codependency of two sentient species of your planet. One member species of our Unification is the Yrrgwiv World, and this world, and its collective consciousness, is maintained by the Dryf species—a physical species of beings composed of limbs and sensory organs, and the Surdoo Strain—a fungal species that relies on spores for reproduction.

As a result of evolutionary traits honed over millennia, bodies of the newborn Dryf are imbued with Surdoo spores and both organisms mature together, forming a lifelong symbiotic relationship. The Dryf provide the Surdoo with sustenance, a safe habitat, and a link to the Dryf's brain centers of sensory reception in order to share a secion of their consciousness with the Surdoo. The Surdoo, who normally exists within both physical and ethereal dimensions, shares its connection to the ethereal-mycelium web of conscious existence that exists beyond the physical, temporal-bound planes, thus granting the Dryf constant awareness and knowledge of its collective past and offers glimpses into the future when life-choices and differing paths of experience are presented to the Dryf.

Another member world, Alanksus, rose to the proper level of consciousness through the union of its species Durdrake—an amphibious herbivore species, and Twrenleds, a tall-growing floral species descended from trees. The Durdake cultivate the Twrenleds, which in return create the ecospheres of the world while also providing interplanetary travel by giant Twrenled beings that evolved the necessary modes of cognition to grant the massive, ancient beings faster-than-light travel through the void while maintaining Durdake and countless other species within their trunks as necessary elements of a self-sustaining biosphere. Their alliance of species has led to their creation of glorious space-traversing vessels that purchased our attention! Space travel, the seeking out of other worlds, might even have been the behavior that caused us to notice you!

2) Your world must at least initiated travel beyond its own satellite field.

The Space Age is a landmark period of time for any species, and often times it is the exploration of the stars, and the curiosity that drives said exploration, that begets our attention. In order to be viable for membership, your species must have, at the very least, dismissed any doubt about being able to achieve space travel and have begun designing craft and/or transportation methods to travel beyond the atmosphere of your world. Perhaps it is crude, fuel-based ships that can only travel a short distance, or perhaps it is manipulation of spacetime to create doorways straight to a target destination beyond the stars—though the latter is a more elegant solution not often explored in the early stages of space travel, it is merely mentioned to showcase how any type of space travel is acceptable, as long as your species has begun the process! Once membership is approved, the Unification will be happy and willing to share our assimilated technologies and methods of space travel—if assistance is so desired by your people, of course.

3) You must have discovered free energy.

Additionally, though not necessary, we prefer that your free energy technology is not withheld from any members of your population. The stockpiling/selective distribution of free energy is a symptom of unrest within a population and, as we have seen numerous times, may lead to exacerbated infighting that disqualifies candidates for membership. Unity as a species is a necessary element for consideration of membership.

4) A global network of rapid communication must be established.

This demonstrates an understanding of unity and cultural cohesion necessary for successful, mutually beneficial membership in the FCGU. Many of our members have created their global networks through natural, organic methods. Physical species with rootlike features tend to create these networks early on in their development, naturally and sometimes even unintentionally.

5) A significant amount of time must have passed with no war within your species or world.

We feel like this one, and the reasons behind it, are self-explanatory. Any species that attempts to insight war within the FCGU, by whatever means of political intrigue or cyber-espionage, hate-mongering, etc. will immediately have their membership revoked and possibly experience permanent excommunication.

6) You must see your world as a single, self-sufficient organism.

Whether your world be a planet, timescape, a measure in a waverealm, or the back of a cosmic turtle, you, as beings, play an integral part in a newtork of living-being organs for a grander creature. We all do! Our Universal Truth begins with the foundational understanding of operating in an experience bigger than yourself, existing as part of a macrocosm, mind, body, and spirit, and applying that logic to the rest of the universe. Being one of the easiest Universal Truths to initially comprehend, understanding and acceptance of this principle is necessary for the beginning of the universal transcendence you are sure to experience as a member of the FCGU.

That’s it! Only six simple, easy guidelines to follow in order to be eligible for membership in the FCGU. Chances are, you already have most of these guidelines checked off and only need a few more in order to ascend into our ranks and experience the rest of what our shared universe has to offer! Please contact your local galactic FCGU representative with any further questions, comments, or concerns. We hope to see your world in our fold very soon!


About the Creator

Ty D Lowman

I write fiction and speculative pieces. I’m learning how to compose screenplays and scripts for animation—writing for a cartoon or scifi series is my dream. I’m Denver-based and received a BA in Creative Writing so naturally I'm unemployed.

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