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Should The Clone Commandos Be Training The Stormtroopers?

Let's Think About This

By Culture SlatePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Star Wars: The Bad Batch recently tied up the loose ends on what happened to the Clone Army following Order 66. Recently, the series brought an end to the era of the clones in the galaxy with the destruction of a key Star Wars location in "Return to Kamino" and "Escape from Kamino." The new animated series has been largely focused on the transition of power between the fallen Republic and the newly risen Empire, and a big part of that has been the shift from clone troopers to the first Imperial stormtroopers.

Some troops survived and some were a part of other stories prior to Star Wars” A New Hope. But for the most part, the clones were phased out by the Galactic Empire. Syfy had its own theories regarding the Clones:

"CT"s became "TK"s. As many installments of Star Wars prove, TKs (Stormtroopers) are nowhere near as capable as Clones, but they make up for that in numbers. As one character says in the latest Bad Batch episode, there’s an endless supply. That's good because they suck on their own. We’ve been waiting for the new series to show us this transition, but surprise, it’s been going on for a while now."

RELATED: Questions We Still Have About 'The Bad Batch' Season 1

With the series getting to the point of the use of the stormtroopers, we will see what will be happening. But the main question is, should the clones train their replacements? Hypothetically, it would be a complete yes and a no. There are plenty of reasons why that may or may not work.

The commandos were trained to work well in small squads and do plenty of tasks such as infiltration and assassinations when giving assignments. As for the stormtroopers, they were designed to work in large numbers and be a sort of elite policing force for the galaxy. This is not really what commandos specialized in. However, since the commandos were also known to be very adaptable, they could have worked well.

Also, the ARCs would be a better solution because the ARCs were the actual Marines of the GAR (yes Galactic Marines exist and are also elite, but just bear with the analogy). Commandos are like Navy SEALS, as they infiltrate and assassinate, not acting as front lines special forces. I think the Empire messed up big time.

Take the Academy of Carida, which was one of the more well-known facilities, which focused on training stormtrooper officers. As a part of their training, the recruits went through extreme tactics like wilderness survival; desert warfare simulations; underwater battle tactics; experimental weapons testing; flash-memory instruction in military history; self-discipline through emotional suppression; and education in the principles of the Emperor's New Order.

The stormtrooper training included grueling activities (which were caused in part by the planet Carida having a stronger than average gravity field) as well as extensive indoctrination, which was strong enough to produce unswerving loyalty to the Empire, leaving very few successful attempts to bribe, blackmail, or seduce them. In addition, the training was also credited as a large part of why the Stormtrooper Corps was victorious, in addition to their uniformity and ability to bring to bear overwhelming firepower.

Their training was rigorous enough in its conditioning that stormtroopers tended to favor their right side and adopt identical kneeling positions. It is also implied that, besides wilderness survival, desert warfare simulations, and underwater battle tactics, recruits to the Stormtrooper Corps were extensively trained to survive in any environment, including those that harbored climates hostile to that of humans.

The training regime is similar to the USA Army being taught by the Vietnam War vets, and they saw combat in the gulf training the current NCOs. So I would consider that theory similar to the clone troopers training the stormtroopers. But the SPARTANs are like the clone troopers, but far better. They are physically far stronger than the clones and likely more intelligent and resourceful.

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Written By Andre Porter

Source(s): Reddit, Syfy, Screen Rant

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