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Shadow Academy, chapter 26

The Nyght Tales, book 1

By Amethyst ChampagnePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Stepping outside, the sweet breeze broke some of the tension in my body and mind, allowing me to sigh. I stood in place for a moment, closing my eyes.

Hopefully, my higher ups weren't upset with my sudden departure, but I could not spend one more minute inside.

If I had to wait for the news, I wasn't going to be cooped up inside driving myself insane as they mulled things over.


I jumped, glancing over to a shaded corner. "Sweet divine, you scared me!"

Kade emerged into the light, "Sorry, thought you saw me."

"I just got out here."

He strode up next to me as I walked, "Well, I know you have questions for me."

"How did you about Lyra?"

A small smile curved his lips, "So, our ma didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"Well, do you know what an empath is?"

"Yeah, they can sense the emotions of others as if it was theirs..." I slowed, staring at him. "Wait, are you saying you're an empath?"

"Most of us Nyghts are." Kade swung his arms back and forth. "When I saw her, I knew that female's intentions were conflicted, and somewhat dishonest."

I said nothing.

"It's both a blessing and a curse." He smirked. "But it can be useful at times."

"Then why am I not one?"

"Oh you are, it just hasn't been unlocked yet."

"How would you know?"

"Because I feel it." Kade touched my chest, eyes closed, "It's trying to break free."

I remained still, watching my ba concentrate on whatever was inside me. I sensed the same energy radiating off him earlier.

This explained a bit.

Over the years, I noticed he copied the emotions of others. I'd just assumed he did it mockingly. But now thinking it over, the authenticity he presented didn't match my assumption.

My ba was more complicated than I had imagined. What else did I not know about him? Guess I would find out in time.

"How come the dampeners don't work on it?"

"The dampeners are mainly for offensive abilities." He made an odd expression, pulling his hand from me. "Apparently, empathy is not considered dangerous."

Good to know. "Why didn't Ma tell me?"

"Because it's something she hates about herself."

I shook my head. "And the elders?"

Kade shrugged, "They don't like us 'children.'"

True, they hid themselves from the rest of us, like if they believed to be better than us.

I slipped my hands in my pockets, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You never asked?"

"You're not the most approachable person, especially when it comes to me."

We walked into Academy Square, other students doing their thing. Solara shone down on us as she reigned the sky, my skin starting to burn from the light.

Kade seemed unbothered by it. "I know."

Wow, he actually admitted that. The closest thing to an apology I'd get. He just kept surprising me today. Guess he did care about me. I hid the grin creeping in, accepting his apology.

"Did I amuse you?" Kade tilted his head at me.

"No, it's not that."

He narrowed his eyes.

"You're just surprising me, that's all."

"And that makes you smile?"

"The fact you have dimensions does."

"We all do, Ba." Kade smirked back. "You've surprised me too in your time being here."

"Because I fought you back?"

"That, and you're not the spoiled kid I thought you were."

I blinked. Me, spoiled? I knew I was lucky, but hadn't considered myself spoiled or entitled, one reason I was at the Academy in the first place. Huh, perceptions were funny sometimes.

Although I knew of the favoritism Ma cast out over us, which I didn't like and would try to change when I returned home.

"I guess we're both changing." I kicked a pebble.

"I suppose you're right."

I smiled again. Maybe this could be a new start for us. I could only hope.


About the Creator

Amethyst Champagne

I create fiction, short stories, poetry, and more!

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